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Everything posted by LIWaterman

  1. Cousin just called to inform me that his Bushnell trophy cam was stolen off the property we have permission on. Always people nosing around the property. Well what do you know someone walked past all those big yellow signs and cut the lock on his camera. Here are two of the individuals we have on camera trespassing earlier this month. (Its PM when it should be AM obviously) Not saying it is them but they clearly knew the camera was there. http://s1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc446/LIWaterman/Trespassers/?action=view&current=Trespassers.mp4 http://s1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc446/LIWaterman/Trespassers/?action=view&current=Tresspassers2.mp4
  2. You in state land geno? Haven't seen a thing yet.
  3. Figured ill sit on the ground this am and be ready to get to my stand if the wind backs off a little. Bumped a deer that was by itself when coming in...winds blowing 20 prob doable. Goodluck everyone.
  4. Cousin shot an 8pt I have on camera last evening about five. The Broadhead had plenty of white hair but zero blood. We were convinced he gave it a buzzcut. Until we found blood, good blood. We tracked it last night until we started running out of light and didn't want to push him. Picked up the trail this am and tracked it for a quarter mile. Finding intermittent pools of blood and good drops along the way. The trail was zigzagging through the thickest stuff I've ever seen. Then we lost the blood completely. We searched are asses off. I think he cut him on the inside of the leg towards the belly. There was a solid blood trail though. Going to go back in shortly and start looking in an area where I think there may be some water. I'm very frustrated right now. Shit this sucks
  5. Had a half rack come in to me at six yards last night, I moved trying to get him on video with my phone and he jammed out of there don't think he had an idea what I was. Just stood in the field looking around like what the hell was that? Pretty tense few minutes. Would have shot him at seven yards if he had his other side. Can't figure out if he's the nice 8 I have on cam and somehow lost his right side when shedding. I could have sworn he only had 3 points though. Will try to get the one second clip of him. (Hit record twice...idiot) most eventful hunt of the season so far. This am had a big doe w fawn come under me while it was dark.
  6. Despite wind deer seem to.be moving. Got to spot jumped one in field. About 10 minutes ago a doe with a yearling and a doe with two fawns came out. Got to twenty yards alpha doe winded me took off and they followed. I'm on a little knoll in some locusts laying against a blow down. Wind keeps swirling...
  7. Looks like it will be whipping this afternoon...gonna stay on the ground
  8. How was wind? Chose to stay in this am and hunt afternoon and tomorrow
  9. Really hope he finds him. Terrible to hear.
  10. Saw a lot of deer moving around at dusk when I was driving around with the better half last night. In stand now, haven't seen anything yet
  11. Buckstopshere what are you using for the scrape and cotton swab?
  12. I have an Android phone. Use a app called my tracks (mad by google) records my tracks and stand locations then I upload them to Google maps.
  13. Any one get out this am? Nice and cool bet they were moving more than this Weekend
  14. Call me the squirrel master because that's all I'm seeing. Had a yearling buck walk within five yards of me in a brushblind last night didn't even know I was there. Didn't have time to get to my stand. Got it on video with my phone. Pretty neat.
  15. Live from stand. humid as shittttt
  16. Thanks gentlemen, definitely going to pursue him this season. That's my only shot of him on camera unfortunately. Moved my camera down the road a bit in hopes to narrow down his home range. Just praying I see him come October! If he's lived to 3 in this highly hunted area he is no dumby!
  17. Funny you say that cbx there is a bachelor group of a 4, 6, 8, and 10 by my house. Drives me nuts that I cant hunt on my lawn!!
  18. Got this guy on my camera a few weeks ago and have been staring at this picture since. Any ideas how big he is? Definitely a mature buck and a big deer for my area.
  19. Anywhere else on the island to get sawyer spray besides archery forum and smith point archery?
  20. Sorry to hear cb. I have the bushnell trophy cam with the security case, I cable lock it to the tree. Think it adds a little bit of deterrent for would be thieves. Although if someone really wants to steal it they could come in with a pair of bolt cutters and make quick work. It's so hard on this Island to scout for new spots. It seems every time I say to myself, this would be a great spot for a stand I look up and what do you know.... One of my spots is private land that backs up to state land I put my cam out on the dec land got a picture of a real nice buck. unfortunately I realized later there is a stand within fifty yards of my cam site. The stand is on public land and I don't know how often its used, obviously the etiquette is to not use the stand but since its public land what is the protocol here? Additionally since some of my stands are in spots that are clearly visited by other hunters I was entertaining the idea of putting a note on the seat of my stand with my phone number. Something to the effect that I know space is limited on the Island if you feel I am infringing on your spot please give me a call or if you must use this stand please call me to coordinate... Season is soo close I can taste it. hung two really nice sets yesterday. Getting antsy
  21. Anyone have a guess what this is? It looks like a pig but has to be a fox
  22. After two + weeks in the woods on ultra sensitive my trophy took about 6,000 pictures. My advice don't put it on extra sensitive in a hurricane. After going through 6,000 pictures I got a pic of a really nice 10 I think I may have seen last year across the road from this spot. An 8 that I think is the one I missed last year. And the last picture is of an animal I honestly can't figure out what. To me looks like a pig. https://picasaweb.go...feat=directlink https://picasaweb.go...feat=directlink can't figure out how to imbed pics
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