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Everything posted by BigTomsCalls

  1. 1st- I never said "ALL" the instructor I said I was told by a relative. Go back and read it!! 2nd- You said it never happened because you were there. Then it was a rouge instructor,then it was 2 or 3, then after further investagation the # jump to 4 Truth is bubba you don't know how many there is and neither does the state because they were never givin a list of name's just the # that are willing to take a stand. Thats why your trying to get me to tell you so you can go get your brownie points!! 3rd- You never told us why the state will not now or in the future have the cross bow tought in the archery class even if the state includes the in archey season. I gave a possible reason. 4th- Why in the world would I post the names of archery instructor that have taken a stand in an open public forum. Do you not think that there are some pretty sick wacko's out there that are pro crossbow, and would harass them or worst!! KNOW BUBBA YOU HAVE ADMITTED IT HAPPENED SO HOW IN THE WORLD COULD IT BE BS!!!I droped it weeks ago your the one who brought it back up trying to get brownie points by going to the state with a list of names!! By the way it's common knowledge that the state monitors this site why have they not chimmed in? Why because they don't want the people of the state to know that there own archery instrutors don't think the crossbow is archery!!
  2. Why in the world would I give you the names so some whinny ass little bicth instructor like you can go back to the state and say these are the guy that held you at bay!! you did your research go do some more!! Then you can go back to the state you brown noser and get your brownie points!!I don't want to log off and delete my book mark I WANT TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT SO I AM NO LONGER A PART OF THE FORUM!! If iI don't delete my account the forum counts me as a member there for I'm still a member!! You thick head or something!!!
  3. This is what I mean!!! You are an (_O_) plan and simple!!! NOW WILL SOMEONE PLEASE DELETE MY ACCOUNT OR TELL ME HOW TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!
  4. You can call it CRAP all you want I just passed info on to other members as it was told to me. You jerkoff choose to keep it going trying to make me the fool!! I don't wish to just not log on, I wish to delete my account. I don't want this site or any other sit that I belong to saying we have X amount of members when you don't because the site won't let members delete there accounts that no longer want to be a member!! Geno not all forums have (_O_)"S on them I've belonged to a fair share of them and now choose to belong to only those that act like grown adults!!
  5. You and bubba cak kiss my -----------!!!
  6. Could someone please tell me how to delete my account, with guy's like wynbuckhunter and bubba on here I choose to no longer be a member. Life is to short to have (_O_)"S like them get in my head!!
  7. I've made calls from many tpyes of woods but poplar, butternut, red cedar and maple for the box with cherry, maple and padauk for the lids are my first choice. I've made many calls from wood that I got out of my wood pile. I've bought alot of wood off ebay but over the years I've got many suppliers that I buy from now. There are a few forums that you can join that are about turkey call making and hunting. You can gain alot of knowledge from them and make contacts. I see your from Long Island and 3K. I take it you hunt 3K or have a place up here. I live in 3K and if your interested you can stop buy and I'll give you some pointers.
  8. Those are made mostly from scrap pieces of wood using mainly a table saw. That design has been around for years. i just modified it to make it my own. The main diference in them that makes them unique is the copper playing surface After i started making them it seemed like everybody and there brother started using copper. Traditionaly they were made with a slate or aluminum playing surface.
  9. I've been making calls for 12 years. Here's a few that I've made.
  10. I had one of my cats last spring try and catch a poult. Ol' momma hen beat the hell out of him all the way back to the house!!! Let me tell you that hen really put a hurting on him!! LOL I wiil agree that the tom's don't seem to be as vocal as they used to be. Most only gobble on the roost and then shut up after pitching down. They can be called in though you just have to be super aware of whats going on because many come in silent. I called in a bird last spring that only made one cluck after fly down!! There is no doubt that coyotes are the problem because I've had my fair share of set up ruined be coyotes going to a gobbling bird or to my calling!!
  11. You can add walley, muskie, channel cats, stripe bass, large mouth bass, and huge browns!!
  12. Took my buddy and his nephew out this morning. At 7:10 called in a jake using one of my sratch box calls to 15 yards and the kid missed!! The boy was really upset with his self but we were able to put him on another bird 2 1/2 hours later. Called in a nice long bird at 9.30 using the same call and the kid gave him a dirt nap at 35 yards. 10 1/4 inch beard 3/4 inch spurs 15 lbs. There was very little gobbling going on, but we were able to locate a few bird for the opener!!
  13. On nice summer days you will see hundreds of bikers it's a favorite ride and meeting place for them!!
  14. I'm about 5 miles from there. They are rebuilding the rock retaining wall right now so it's hard to find a pull of on the weekends plus the traffic is bad on the week ends. They have alot of camp grounds and they do alot of canoe and rafting on the river. The fishing is good with the shad run just starting up!!
  15. Ahh yes I see that ol' bubba now says that yes there was a few instructors that said they wouldn't teach the xbow in there class where before it never happened!! I never said it was all the instructors and I never said it was a rally!! If you think that the issue was not dicussed after the meeting and more instructors came onboard and the state notified your saddly mistaken. I don't know why your trying to fide or avoid the facts could it be that your worried it may harm your image as a TOP NOTCH INSTRUCTOR? After all we can see in your diclaimer your a LEGEND IN YOUR OWN MIND!!! YES IT DOES MATTER WHERE THE COUSRE IS TAUGHT!!! If the xbow is going to be allowed in the archery season than it should be taught in the archery classes for reasons already discussed by other members of this forum!!!
  16. It is true anybody can read through this thread and see it, and I'm glad you know me well enough to read my mind!! LOLGuy's truth be told I was a member of NYB for many years but droped my membership 8 years ago because of there stand on the cross bow.
  17. Here we go again when you don't agree with some one attack them!! By the way your wrong on all accounts!!
  18. I agree also 100% but I doubt that will happen.
  19. No your right on both accounts, but as I stated before alot of the instructors don't concider the cross bow to be archery and said that they would give up the certifacate if made to teach it. As bubba just stated there are not enough archery instructors now so the state can hardly afford to lose any.
  20. It won't be taught in the archery course because the archery instructor won't teach it.
  21. I'l just listen for them to fly up or gobble on there own. If nothing then I'll use one of my gobble box's. I'll owl hoot first and if I hear nothing I'l do a fly up cackle. My thought on using a yelp or cackle to locate a gobbler at night is it's the last thing he heard when he went to sleep and will be the first thing he hears in the morning when he wakes up!! Been huntin them for over fourty years and have found no ill affects to sounding like a hen at dusk!!
  22. Here are a few styles that I make. Box Calls Scratch Box Trought Calls Catskill Casket Slate Call Gobble Box Call and Long Box Calls
  23. Oh my another internet hero who throws insults from the safty of his home!! Here's what I comprehend as in your disclaimer. Your an opinunated guy who is a legend in his own mind by thinking he is an excellent instructor. What you are is a (__O__) !!! In 2005 or 2006 at a meating in Albany with the archery instructors and the state the instructors were told that if the xbow is allowed in NYS they would have to teach it in the classes. I that time the majority in attendence said they would drop the certifacate if made to do so. This was not one loud mouth rouge but the majority. Weather this had any bearing on the states decision to have the xbow taught in the hunter ed or not is up for debate. I just fine it subject!!
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