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Dutchess hunter

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    Dutchess County

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  • Hunting Location
    Dutchess county
  • Hunting Gun
    Rem 1100 / Win .308
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I have seen plenty of deer ...just not where i hunt....only on the many and many horse farms where I have not been able to get permission to hunt.
  2. I have been hunting state property ...101 hunters on 750 acres and 100 of the hunters are from NYC you have a pretty good deal 5 hunters on 250 acres.
  3. I went out sunday morning and hunted stissing WMA...it was cloudy and misting. so at 6:20 am the woods open up with gun fire..I could not see 20 ft ..I press my back harder into the tree I was sitting next too ..and it is not one shot you hear...I am talking 3-4 shots in a row..now i am a true believer in taking one shot ..and if i cannot take a deer down with one shot i do not take a shot period..it is just scary that you can be walking to your stand in the early morning hours knowing thier are hunters shooting at anything just before sunrise.
  4. Has anyone bow hunted this area, spent 4 hours scouting the area did not see much sign of anything ...lot of chicken scratch, probably good turkey hunting in that area.
  5. Are we more discipline due to all the rules and regulation imposed on us by the DEC...My brother who lives and hunts in Virginia talks how they bait thier deer and even use dogs...during thier bow season...Now I will brag stating here in N.Y. we actually have to hunt. The deer are not thrown into our laps...Probably why there are no hunting shows made in NY..those guys would have to work to reap the reward of tagging a deer.
  6. I probably should of not stated there is no place to hunt...grant it their are plenty of places to hunt in NYS...and I have gotten complacent with having a piece of property so close to where I live...I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it.
  7. Yea I hear you ...I have considered buying property in Albany county 125 acres when I retire for the purpose to hunt, fish and have a huge garden in my old age but then I may be denying some individual who probably had been hunting that property it is a vicious circle...When I was in Germany the cost to hunt is crazy....just like in Reforger exercises that I went on every tree you destroyed a tree the U.S. government paid for that tree and how many trees that tree may have produce God knows what would happen if you ran over a chicken lol.
  8. standfordville pine plains area....I wiil probably go check out stissing and lafayetville this weekend I really don't care about hunting state land especially during gun season but it is what it is.
  9. For the past 5 years I have been hunting this one property and I do appreciate that I have been able too even if I have not taken a deer with a bow yet...Every year I asked the property manager for permission and this year when I ran into him I had asked, just to find out he had retired and a new crew came in....well I asked the new property manager who was very nice and down to earth and he explained that the owner a millionaire from the city was talk into creating a hunt club my their New York city Lawyer...needless to say I have no place to hunt....I am surrounded by all these types of properties upscale horse farms and absolutely no hunting...I remembered when I was station in Germany how it cost a small fortune to hunt.(very rich) and it seems that eventually that will be like this here in the good ole USA especially here in NYS as more and more hunters are cramming into what state properties that are available to hunt.....maybe I am wrong but I like to know if other hunters are finding it more and more difficult to find property to hunt on especially in Dutchess County.
  10. Doe, Spike, 8-Pointer...it's meat in the freezer...and when my little boys say "Daddy you are geatest deer hunter in the world".For me that is what it is all about.
  11. Nice pics...in my original posting cheap trail cams pics I had other people respond what about low light and in the dark..well it shows that the cheap cam's get the job done..plus if they are stolen it does'nt hurt the pocket as much.
  12. This is my 3rd year bowhunting and I have still not taken a deer, I have drew back on a few but did not take the shot,,,I have hunted with a gun for over thirty years and have taken many deer...but when I take a shot with my shotgun, rifle and now with a bow...it is only one shot ,,,one bullet, one slug and hopefully this year one arrow...if I have any doubt I will not take the shot..I get angry at fellow bowhunters and gunhunters....someone will always take a shot when they should'nt, I have friends that should not even handle a gun or a bow or even be in the woods fearing they may hurt someone or themselves....Maybe their should be a law stating you can only have one bullet,one slug and or one arrow when hunting...so you have to make that shot count.
  13. Nice, still waiting for one to stroll by stand
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