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Everything posted by dirt_a_KISS

  1. what exactly is a pinch point? By the rub, across the creep there is a big scrape maybe 3ft by 3ft(huge) with a licking branch. This weekend I'm going do some last minute scouting, and really make sure I've covered a lot of area because where they were travel is by a marsh area so maybe i-ll check that area out too.
  2. wow these are incredible. Can i ask what type of camera you use?
  3. Alright well i figure that he might be crossing a road,, where corn is place in a field about 200 yards away from where i seen him. And the rub was found on the opposite side where i seen the buck. Should follow the rub line to see where it goes? Or should i start looking for some other food sources other that corn like apples or white oaks? Because it seems the natural funnel is 4ft tall grass next to pine trees where they will book it, when in danger or walk through it. That might be a possible setup for me is in the edge of the pines. Any opinons?
  4. so basically don't get my hopes unless i seen him more frequently(pattering). Alright well thanks i rather be told the truth from experience people, then be disappointed in the season. But what about the rub, can i still hunt there. If so how far away should i hunt from it?
  5. Early today while out squirrel hunting seen three buck. The last one was a heart attack buck for. They immediately recognized us and book into the thick fields. Here is where a little advice is needed(first part). I was wondering if there is a way too out smart the buck. Such as should i set up where he had booked it, or where i think he came out of? The other part is i seen my first rub and wonder is that also a good place to set up for(maybe that was made by the buck) considering i heard their good set ups for the pre-rut.
  6. i hugely agree with that statement. I was watching one of them a couple of weeks ago and i just had to laugh. The hunters(three of them) were hunting over c'mere deer and just going on and on about the deer they been seeing on the trail cams. . The funny part to me came when the one seen a buck and basically said" i don't feel comfortable taking a deer of that age or class(antler size i think he was talking about). I'm really you will say that, but yet your hunting by bait piles, REALLY REALLY!
  7. very nice, especially the part with the camera on the dash in the begin going thru traffic. And some very nice pics of bucks on the video too.
  8. wow OK thanks for that info, probably will be looking into some ammo listed above then!!!!!!!!
  9. i just bought a 30-06 and seem some of the posts on here. How is the recoil with some of these rounds especially the 180grs? i have only shot hornady lite with the SST seemed to do a pretty good job with shooting accurately.
  10. Very nice video! answered all my questions i had on it, especially the comparison to the tree saddle. Now are you going to use the climbing paws for the web this year too?
  11. thanks for the corn facts. What about a typical saddle though? is that still a "hotspot" to consider for hunting?
  12. Recently i have been reading articles about deer hunting. A lot of them tend to drift to hunting pressure and bucks, trophy bucks especially. They state that pressured deer(mostly bucks, i assume) move into dense areas such as thickets. And that they will mostly stay in that area either to travel or to bed. My question is what exactly is a thicket from what i read its dense cover. I would like a little more elaboration on what a thicket really is? Also is there other hotspots in the woods for pressured deer such as pine trees, marshes, swamps, creek beds, saddle to travel through and overgrown fields plus standing cornfields. Though standing cornfields would be consider baiting if I'm correct and i despise the fact of baiting, for me it ruins the enjoyment of being in the woods and hunting!!!!!!!
  13. wow a 338 lapua, why not a tank instead. You don't play GI joe in the woods do you?
  14. Nice can't wait to see the video.
  15. Found this video while on the WGRZ.COM web site. Thought it was very interesting. http://www.wgrz.com/...d=1780618963001
  16. I agree with you on that, but i would like to try something different. Expand my way of hunting.
  17. OK Well actually this would be my first time using any type of tree stand ever. Because I've always sat, never been in a tree. So hopefully i will like and use a lot in all different situations.
  18. what i mean by the wind, is heavy breeses. Maybe 20mph if that is heavy. Would they make you more prone to swaying in the wind?
  19. "Sampotter" when you test out the WEB can you message me on how it work. Maybe i can finally have an advantge on hunting. Whatr happens if the wind comes through though?
  20. Thank you! i've been researching it a lot, but you help put it all together.. The only thing is it cost so mutch money $310-$325, Do you think its worth the money?
  21. alright thanks, would you say its better then a typical tree stand? Also what do you use to climb the tree with. Lastly is their a safety harness involved?
  22. I have been looking into many tree stands over the course of three or four months. Recently though, i found out about the Trophy-Line tree saddle, which caught my attention. The tree saddle allowed you to move 360 degrees. While researching i found out the company had "supposed" went out of businesses i am not to sure on that but i don't know. So i found the Guido web, same concept as the tree saddle. Well i was wondering if anyone had used them and if are they reliable and comfortable being the fact that your just suspended in mid air with no real seat.
  23. Let me ask you guys this What is the food sources deer will be eating in the Fall and Winter months. Because i don't beleive that the corn stays up for that long in october if im correct. And about the pheasant thing i don't think i will be doing both, hunting deer and pheasant at the same time.
  24. For "NYbuck50" i will more than likely coming there in september to do some small game and possibly pheasant but i think pheasant is in october actually. For the foor source, there is corn fields that are in the locatin a good 100yards. But possibly it might connect to an cornfield. the reason being i used possibly is because last year their was a cornfields but this year there isnt. and it cuts throw an overgrown field and 20 yards on both sides their are pine trees if that helps at all.
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