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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. He used a term for Whitetail Deer I have never heard before, but I intend to adopt it. "Venisaurus!"
  2. Well, what you are referring to, does also determine consistency. ;D
  3. I remember a while back seeing a guy in Texas set up a rifle on the internet for people to shoot deer on a private ranch. I think he was charging money to do it. It got a lot of negative publicity and the guy had to take it down. So this set up is not the first to use this idea. It's a very bad idea though and should not be legal if it is.
  4. Each issue demands it's own scrutiny. It is up to the SCOTUS to determine consistency. Naturally, each side will do it's best to argue their case, but only the court gets to decide the issue. Past precedent will often predict the outcome of an issue, but deciding which precedent needs to be applied is where the question arises.
  5. Wildcat, I can understand why you are happy about the health care now, but that won't last very long. Here's a good read for you on the future under this law and why it is unconstitutional. http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2009/12/why-the-personal-mandate-to-buy-health-insurance-is-unprecedented-and-unconstitutional
  6. You forget that we were informed by our elected officials they didn't read it or know what was in it either. Nancy Pelosi stupidly said they would have to pass it for us to know what was in it. One thing we did know is that it was going to cost taxpayers a huge amount and that was not good for the future of the expanding deficit. And we also knew it amounted to government take over of America's health care system. Once again, bigger government. Plus it forces people to buy health insurance, which in my opinion, is unconstitutional.
  7. Lighten up Wildcat. That was inserted for levity. Have you no sense of self deprecating humor? Offense can not be given, only taken. You would do well to remember that. I am truly interested in what young people think and have to say. But to be honest, a lot of what I hear scares me.
  8. On the contrary Wildcat, what you say is of great interest to me. We need to know what manner of corruption is being stuffed into your generation's heads so we know how to save you from yourselves! ;D
  9. The problem with congress today, as well as most elected offices, is lack of integrity. Politicians are no longer concerned with what is good for the country. They are only concerned with what is good for them personally, their party and their agenda. They have become corrupt and the bickering you see is not over what will benefit America. It is over what will benefit them personally. The blame for this lies squarely on the electorate. They are not involved or informed and easily bought with political favors. They keep voting for the same corrupt officials and perpetuate the problem. Many of them also benefit personally by re-electing corrupt officials. A country gets the type of government it deserves. The only way to correct this situation is to educate and motivate the electorate. That means grass roots power and political muscle. And that is why I appreciate the NRA and the Tea Party. Both organizations are representing the people in opposition to a bloated, oppressive and unethical government behemoth.
  10. I don't dislike anybody Wildcat, but I do dislike certain views and opinions with a passion. That's just a part of my Hungarian/Vlad The Impaler ancestry. You and I could sit together at the bar and discuss hunting or fishing in a very cordial manner. But I think you would aggravate me to no end discussing freedom, equality and rights. Mainly because I feel those things leave no room for opinion. They are defined by law. But know this, if I did not like you, I would not talk to you. And since I have just posted this reply, I think you are safe.
  11. Thank You very much Dinsdale. I could not get it to print on this site to save my life!
  12. We are all Americans and we can all live and work together. What we need to do that, is true equality. Be wary of affirmative action, special interests, waivers, misinterpretations of rights, entitlements and other inequities. Any of those things pit one individual against the other and cause divisiveness. Politicians have been doing those things for decades to appease their base and buy votes. I think the majority of America is finally starting to see and understand this. Now that they see it has been happening, they feel betrayed and angry. They feel they've been lied to, and they are correct.
  13. University of Maryland, College Park & Georgetown Univ Law School. Put those comments on a paper when you get to Buffalo and let your professor explain it to you. He may have the time and he gets paid to do it, I don't.
  14. I never said any of that second statement, because that is a misinterpretation of the conservative view of it.
  15. No I think we are a nation bound by the rule of law and so is everybody living in it.
  16. Not homophobic, just stating the facts on the law and equality. Progressives can try to twist it any way they like, but they will be proven wrong in the end.
  17. Nope. I don't want to type this whole thing out.
  18. Not misguided, mis-educated. Were did you study constitutional law?
  19. Darn, it won't cut and paste. I'll figure it out.
  20. Don't bet on it Dave. Not with some of these guys on here you won't.
  21. That has got to be the most mis-educated comment on the US Constitution I have ever heard. You are obviously not a constitutional scholar.
  22. "Why should the government have any say in the private lives of citizens?" In case you didn't know, Marriage is a legal institution in the public domain, not an individuals private life. Sex is private, but marriage is not. "As for due process of law, that has been violated the entire time. Using the level of review known as strict scrutiny the government must demonstrate, when violating a constitutional right, that they have an overriding interest which trumps civil liberty, that the scope of their infraction on your rights is narrow, and that the means they employ is the least invasive means to do so." Here is the misinterpretation of a constitutional right. All folks in America have an equal right to marry, even gays. But the equality comes into play with the stipulation that the spouse must be a member of the opposite sex. Asking to marry a member of the same sex is not equality, it is a special interest and by definition, unequal. On abortion: "That child will most likely never make anything of himself because of the disparity in public education between the rich and poor, and that child will grow up feeding off your tax dollars. " That is quite a presumptuous statement. You also condemn the child for the sins of the parent. The child is the innocent one here. It has a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, just as any other American under the promise of the Declaration of Independence. And this: "Or a teenager gets pregnant. You tell her no abortion. You have now set her up for a life of poverty as getting an education with a child is not an easy feat." When did we outlaw adoption?
  23. This has been an eye opening thread for me. Now I am more convinced then ever that gun owners who are not NRA members are part of the reason we have to fight anti-gun legislation. They are OK with a lot of it. They are willing to accept limits on their 2nd Amendment rights because criminals use guns to commit crimes. Why not enforce the laws that would incarcerate the criminals? Why not use the death penalty? Why limit freedoms of good American citizens in an attempt to control criminals? Why make lawful gun owners pay the price for the acts of criminals? I think it is about time NRA members start to shun these people. Not an NRA member? No hunting with me, or on my land. No guns sold to you in my store, or by me. No entry into a gun show. No membership in a gun or hunting club. No help from a gunsmith. No ammo sales to you. Nothing that a gun owner will not be able to do if we lose this fight in the end. After today, any gun owner I meet who is not a member of the NRA will not even get me to speak to them. They are not worth my attention and are now less than zero, they're also the enemy. I used to think there was hope for them, but you guys have convinced me there isn't.
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