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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. It's right here Blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.)
  2. I've yet to see a report that argued with how it benefits the economy and creates jobs though.
  3. So, what you're saying is you are supporting a handgun ban since they are the problem?
  4. You missed the point. You don't let the government decide what you "need". Besides, I never saw a 30 round mag kill anyone. I also believe the last study I saw from the FBI listed firearms about 3rd down the list as well. You may be wrong about that. I'll check. Actually it was more people are killed with hammers and clubs than the rifles Cuomo banned. According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/03/FBI-More-People-Killed-With-Hammers-and-Clubs-Each-Year-Than-With-Rifles
  5. Cuomo's great at preventing and destroying jobs. The only one's he seems to be able to create are new state employee positions. He makes himself look pretty stupid making this announcement today too. Since the price of oil is so low now, the fracking industry has already decided it's no longer profitable to do it in NY anyway.
  6. Don't apologize. They actually did get involved with a lot of 1st Amendment issues that would've prevented them from speaking out about 2nd Amendment attacks and the politicians behind them. Like it or not, they can claim to be America's oldest civil rights organization, and they do.
  7. Seems some of us are really "Pro Politically Correct Guns, Anti Everything NRA. Any wonder it's so easy for gun laws to pass in NY?
  8. Even after seeing what has happened in NY, a lot of gun owners still don't get it.
  9. Suit yourself Doc. On some threads we have guys complaining we are not concerned about the image hunters present to the general public. On others, we expose the worst images and make it sound as if it is not only common, but the norm. Besides, the OP has no idea if this guy was a hunter, a poacher, or just somebody out shooting deer for the heck of it. Most bad publicity hunters get comes directly from hunters themselves. If I run into something like this, which I can't say I do often since I mostly hunt private land, I handle it with the authorities. That's the only way you will possibly see results. Seriously, if you found a dead human in the woods, would you just shake your head and leave? We need to help police ourselves if a wildlife law is broken. I think observers of this thread could also make a good case that we don't. "If you see something, say something." I feel if we don't take action on these issues, it shows we don't really care. If it pisses you off, why not report it?
  10. Sorry Buck, but to the anti's, we are all scumbags. As far as they are concerned, every thing that happens out there is crap. They just need proof to bolster their claims. I think it's best we not give it to them on a silver platter. I agree it pisses other hunters off, but I think it's better we handle it personally than complain about it on the internet to make ourselves fell better.
  11. I'll do my best as half monk, half hit man. I know I scare children, but that's only if I take my shirt off.
  12. C'mon antler, can't a guy have a little fun every now and then?
  13. Not so. You've never seen me go ballistic..... yet.
  14. I give everyone an equal chance to prove themselves. I dislike no one at the beginning, they earn my disapproval when they show a good reason for it. I have brought more than 2 dozen people into the world of hunting over the years, men and women both. I taught them how to hunt. Later I taught them about threats to hunting. They were taught how to think, not what to think. I'm proud to say most of them would not like your politics either.
  15. First off, I think I'm older than you are, even though I don't look it. Second, I wouldn't let you touch my feet unless you were female and much younger. Third, you need to go back and read the original post I was referring to regarding the one you just quoted in order to understand that one. Fourth, when people do take up the sport of hunting for the first time, they do better if they watch and listen, than if they try to pontificate on ethics, equipment and methods they have heard is the best way to approach it. Especially if they go about insulting the past practices of more experienced hunters they hope will accept them. The same can be said of new members of this particular forum. Come in here and preach to me about how your way is better and more acceptable or respectable and I will debate you with the same disregard. Lastly, it's not about seniority or service, it's about etiquette. Decorum suggests dignity and a sense of what is becoming or appropriate for a person of good breeding.
  16. The problem with guys like you is, you believe you know a lot. Trouble is, everything you think you know is wrong. Far be it from me to prevent your God given right to pursue happiness, even if it is in fantasy land. I'm done with this guy too! LOL!
  17. I was referring to certain hunters who are new to this forum with that post.
  18. Wildcat, you're right about that. You and your friends have the market on crazy cornered.
  19. No, your hospital bills were inflated to cover those who did not pay. Health Insurance costs rose due to those increased hospital bills, Lawyers, Lawsuits and Government Regulation. You seem to have very little idea how "imperfect" ObamaCare is. Not surprising though. People who want "hope & change" will grasp at any straw offered to them.
  20. So you support fixing that by making everyone who has coverage pay for those who do not. There may have been problems before, but with the changes made, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
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