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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Peer reviewed research discussed on the air regarding voter fraud. Dr. John Lott joined John Reid on WRVA’s radio show to discuss his findings about how President Biden received additional votes in the 2020 election. The new research is forthcoming in the peer-reviewed economics journal Public Choice. https://crimeresearch.org/2022/04/on-richmonds-morning-news-with-john-reid-new-peer-reviewed-research-on-2020-voter-fraud/?fbclid=IwAR02gA75JqHoTds7MctV999shetT3SsDu8JHgvMjAG298R_p60fAZNSKqng
  2. People who hate Trump are not going to be open minded about anything that threatens their desire to see him removed from office and kept out of it forever. You can present them with a hundred facts proving the election was stolen and they will just come back with anti-Trump talking points they think are facts. For example, those 60 lawsuits they claim prove the election was legit. None of the lawsuits were actually tried in a court of law. All of them were dismissed on technicalities and there is a lot of evidence to prove they were dismissed so as not to cause riots in this country. There is a ton of factual evidence now proving there was a ton of vote manipulation in swing states in 2020, but it will never be used to overturn the installation of Joe Biden, because the leftists control every govt mechanism that would be needed to do it, and the RINO's fear proving to the public election integrity has been so badly compromised, a political coup took place and continues unchallenged. Nobody in our corrupt government wants any of this investigated, because it is liable to expose ALL of the corruption that has become status quo for our government today. This is why Trump was attacked from the moment he announced he was running for President, continued for his entire term and will continue until he is prevented from ever running again. But there are many people in this land who still believe, "This is America and that can't happen here."
  3. I don't believe the child that leaves is an outcast, nor shunned by family for life. But I know a few gun rights supporters that have been shunned by their families.
  4. I believe this is why some people don't believe the 2020 election was full of fraud.
  5. So what is the scientifically accepted data source for adverse vaccine reactions, or isn't there one?
  6. Amish children are free to choose the Amish life when they become adults. It is a voluntary lifestyle, not forced upon it's members. No religion is mandatory. Islam is forced upon the masses because it is a political ideology masquerading as a religion. But how did we get side tracked from a gun control discussion?
  7. If we can believe anything we are being told about what's going on over there.
  8. If one GOP voter voted illegally in two states, how did the left have the gall to adamantly swear, "No voter fraud existed in the 2020 election"? Of course there was voter fraud. Every election has fraud. But there was a massive amount of it in 2020 and it was mostly directed against Trump. That is becoming more and more evident every day and the claim from the left there wasn't any fraud, is becoming less and less credible.
  9. Yes, you can keep them and eat them.
  10. Most of the things needed for EV's have to come from foreign countries. Lot's of the things we need for national security has to come from other countries too. That doesn't bode well if we wind up in WW3.
  11. They don't last in the water. They are easy for raptors of all types to see, so they get eaten quick.
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