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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. For every 1 politically motivated FBI raid, the FBI let’s 5 mass shooters slip through the cracks.
  2. Three men--- one from Florida, one from Texas, and one from New York all die and go to hell. When they get there they see a big red phone and they asked Satan what it's for, he says it's for calling earth but it's super expensive. The man from Texas says "Great I would love to call my buddies in Dallas." He talks for 2 hours and Satan charges him 2 million dollars. The man from Florida says he would love to call his friends in Miami Beach, so he calls and speaks for 3 hours and satan charges him 3 million. The man from NY says he would love to call his old neighborhood pals in New York City, so he calls and speaks for 4 hours and satan charges him just 4 bucks. Enraged, the 2 men from Texas and Florida ask Satan why is it so cheap for a call to New York . Well, says Satan, we had all those years of Cuomo. Then, he was forced out of office, and a goofball incompetent named Kathy Hochul became Governor. Now, between the two of these lefty Democrats, the entire State of New York has gone to hell and it's a local call.
  3. People putting pressure on industry has always worked, because it affects profits. There is no greater way for industry to maximize profits than taking taxpayer money from a government that wants to control your industry and receive kick backs from the money given. The government has created most of the problems we have today. And that goes for the problems industry has too. And if you think the problems it created are bad, you have not seen the problems it's 'solutions" create. I have pointed them out and you "big government is the solution" zombies cannot see them. Greed is a problem, but much of it is confined to elected officials and their love of taxing people as if they were an unlimited source of income for government's reckless spending. You don't think these chip makers would've had to start investing money and material to make their own chips in the US when Taiwan gets taken over? The idea was to get them to do it sooner. Nobody is saying there should be "no regulation", but the regs should be approved by the people because they work, not because the government wants to push an agenda or penalize an industry it wants to control as part of it's political agenda. The firearm industry is a perfect example of oppressive government control through over regulation. Guess where the silica used to make chips comes from right now. CHINA! Can you see a problem with that? Biden sure doesn't.
  4. If you think America 'wants" the government to throw BILLIONS of tax dollars at every single problem we have, without concern for what that expense will do to the national debt, inflation and the economy, as well as how it will be stolen and wasted, you haven't got the capacity to understand the issue. Americans want industry to step up and fix industrial problems without getting the government involved. All bail outs are bad, because they never come without catches or corruption. Why was tax money needed to fix the problem? It wasn't. This proves how clueless you really area. "I am however, clever enough to see the difference between a decent, if a little addled, old guy trying to do his best for the country". Decent? He's a criminal serving himself for 50 years. A little addled? He's certifiably senile. How in God's name can anyone see what he's done since he entered the White House and think he's trying to do his best for this country? He has put the country into a tailspin and it isn't even close to being corrected. The only explanation is "willful ignorance". The only one here denying the truth about the reality of Biden, is you.
  5. If you ever feel like you haven’t accomplished anything, try to remember that it took 20 years, trillions of dollars and four Presidents to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan with………. the Taliban.
  6. "When Republicans hold committee hearings, Democrats get to name their members. When Democrats hold committee hearings, they get to name all the members. When Obama Attorney General Eric Holder is held in contempt of Congress over his role in sending guns to drug lords, he can laugh it off. When former Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro is held in contempt, he is shackled by the FBI. When Democrats support underlying causes that end in riots, they are absolved of responsibility. When Republicans do, they are insurrectionists." —David Harsanyi
  7. Lefty, for a guy that hates Trump, loves Biden and votes for Democrats, you sure seem to think you have a handle on things. Reality says you don't.
  8. So these chip makers bribed the govt to allow them to send this production overseas and profited greatly from it, and are now going to get taxpayer dollars from leftists to bring it back, profiting greatly from it, except now they become beholden to leftists for the money. Plus they can waste, embezzle and kick back millions of it without anyone asking any questions. I'm sure this will help bring inflation rates down too. How to admit Crony Capitalism is alive and well, without saying Crony Capitalism is alive and well. What could possibly go wrong. Damn Americans are dumb.
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