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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Yeah, I figured that. We shall see, thats down the road anyways. We will be consumed with just getting tree stands up this year and working on the cabin once its up. Down the road once we have a garage, my dad would really like to invest in a nice tracker with the small back hoe, then we could dig them out ourselves. We have about 120 acres, so doing 2 to 3, 1 or 2 acres plots would be ideal. Nothing to big now that I been researching the work involved. Perhaps one bigger plot for just hay / bedding area that doenst need maint?
  2. My dad is heading up there Friday, so hopefully will have some more pics. I hope the driveway will be near done by then and they start clearing the land for the cabin. What do you mean by what type of construction? Its pre-cut / designed @ the factory, then put together log by log on site. It will have all the amenities. My dad spend a lot of time on researching and driving all over creation to pick out a cabin company he really liked. He went with a Kuhns Brothers package. Delivery is scheduled for end of next month, so the foundation has to be down by then. He registered an account on here as well so hopefully he'll post some info.
  3. Your trail cam pics are amazing. Ever get any yotes or bear on them?
  4. Also, regarding the glands. From what I remember, someone told me they cut the legs off first? Or are there other glands to be concerned about? Here is a quick search I did, lots of good vid's : http://www.google.com/search?q=butchering+deer+video&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=NLp&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=vb&source=univ&tbs=vid:1&tbo=u&ei=Ga0NTLqdOsP6lwes4-WJDw&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CDEQqwQwAw
  5. Hahah, nice. That's like my uncle, he is a work horse. Retired but always has 10 side projects going on at once. That's great that your soaking it all up to pass on! I'd like to learn as much as possible so I can pass it on to my kids (once I have one )
  6. Neat story. That's a nice sized buck! Hopefully he knocked up a few of those does before your uncle got him I am so excited to check out the trail cam pics in late sept / early oct! I hope we have a few nice sized bucks on the property. This will be my brothers first year hunting deer, and I'd love for him to get something. All this hunting talk has me thinking about hunting makes me feel like the season starts next week.
  7. Thats awesome that you have that kind of experience around to do that. I'm going to be watching a few video's and seeing if any of the guys know how, I am pretty sure my uncle used to do it back in the day when they had the farm. I might have to take you up on that offer one day though! My brother would like to learn as well, so it would be great as we are planning on doing a bunch of hunting. I'd like to invest in a nice freezer as well for the garage.
  8. Maybe the big guy will be here this year? Did you see him ever again on the trail cams?
  9. Anyone ever clear their own fields? Did you remove all the stumps or just cut them down as low as possible?
  10. good point... I think a lot of them are Velcro...
  11. I know there is a butcher right up the road. I do not know what he charges, however I think I'll wait on butchering a deer till I have someone we hunt with that knows how to do it.
  12. Its just super intimidating for something who has never done it.
  13. Cablevision has outdoor chan, its part of the sports package. I think its an extra 5.99 a month, I had it before i switched over to FiOS.
  14. Since we are planning on having a cabin done on the property, we are considering Butchering our own deer. I saw there are a bunch of articles, you tube videos, and other resources for learning. I wish I knew someone that did their own to learn in person. Does anyone here do their own? If so any tips? Is it hard?
  15. Hi Birdhunter, Welcome to the site.
  16. The sportsman channel has a bunch of great shows too. Last night I was watching Mathews TV which was pretty good.
  17. With the price increases over the next 10 to 15 years your prob be even.
  18. Wow, those are some crazy stats.
  19. Thats a great question. I don't know the property where I am enough to comment, as I havn't even had a hunting season there yet. But the neighbor said there are a lot of yotes in the area. He hears them howling all night long... He is not a hunter, but he says there are tons of deer around. We shall see...
  20. Never was a fan of the ladder stands due to the lack of room, but that molded stand, that looks sick. I was gonna ask you about that when I saw those trail cam pics. My old man has plans for a stand like that but treated wood. I found some pics of my stand on my uncles property... I love it, its huge, pretty safe. I have two sets of railings, so its save to sit and lean back on the tree where you see my gun. Two people could be up there comfortably. We re-built it one time, as you can see the old platform below the existing one. Its about 25 feet high. I am going to find a nice set of three tree's on my property to do something similar, but not as high. And since its my own place, it will be done a lot nicer and cleaner. I also bought a burlap type blind material to attach to the sides from cabelas last week with those steps I bought.
  21. My wife makes sure of that.
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