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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Cool thanks for the feedback. There are actually 2 agways near by, one in Monticello and one in PA. Ahhh Broccoli Rabe.... With sausage, its so good! One of my specialties. Get about a pound of sausage, cook it in a little bit of olive oil till about 75% done. Drain fat. Then take some red pepper, about a cup of white wine, cup of chicken broth... Cook for another 10 min. Then toss in the rabe and mix it up for about 5 min. While cooking the sausage and rabe boil up some bow tie noodles till done. Mix in the noodles w/ about a 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese Done. (might have forgot some minor stuff)
  2. Yeah screw registering if you ride on your own prop, no point. And nice ride! the 750 is a beast eh?! I think there is legal riding state land for ATV's if I am not mistaken.
  3. Thanks guys... Will be posting pics like crazy over the next few weeks / months
  4. Grappa, my boss is off the boat, thats like rubbing alcohol.
  5. Kind of surprised this section has not seen more activity. Figured there would be more hunters with ATV's out there. Whether they use them exclusively for hunting for for both hunting and recreation. So I ask, what kind of ATV to you have? Do you trail ride?
  6. A6A6 very true.. It all comes down to more food plots To bad there wasn't an easy way to restrict by age, I guess that could solve the problem.
  7. SteveB good points. I'd love to see some more data / info on that. Unfortunately like you said the DEC or any management agency for any state would have a tough time of trying to gauge if the restrictions are working. I happened to be one guy, one example.. but as we know majority rules, and my case might not be the majority. The problem lies where people dont report or dont accurately report what they harvest, and that will never, ever change.
  8. Well neighbor, I cant tell you how excited I am. Looking forward to hitting a few up with you during the season too now that I met someone basically around the block!
  9. I'd second that. I'd like to soak up whatever you food plotters can deliver. My plan next year is to have a few, and would appreciate any input.
  10. I always love a good hunting story. Who's got one they would like to share?!
  11. I respect that, but the problem is if its voluntary, you'd never know if it was working. What are you feelings on the subject? Could a spike be a 6 pointer the next year?
  12. Also, since I've hunting in Pine Bush almost my whole life, the deer there tend to be smaller. I've had a few bucks in my sights over the past few years that have been spikes, 3's and 4's.... The following year there was a nice big 6 walking the grounds, and I am pretty sure it was one of the deers that was passed on because of the restrictions. Why? Because it had the same marks as the deer we saw in the previous seasons, a white blotch on his back. But this is a controversial topic, as many say that the spikes are always spikes... But I saw otherwise.
  13. A6A6 i couldn't agree with you more... I've hunted with those "Its Brown Its Down" and mostly with those who hunt for meat and respect a maturing buck. More food plots, that the best idea since sliced bread. Healthier deer, bigger, stronger deer! As I said in other threads, my plan once the cabin is built is to have a few plots on the land... Some for deer, some for bedding and some for turkey and other birds.
  14. I love bow season, but opening week of rifle brings everyone out. I was curious what do you do during "opening week" for bow or rifle. Like I said for my family / friends opening rifle is the big week (end). We have people come in from all over, different states even. Usually we try to get everyone to bring a different dish or food. Last year I was on cold cut duty... Brought up about 8 loaves of Italian bread, and about 8 pounds of cold cuts The other guys brought various trays of Chicken cutlets, ziti, soup, and the traditional steak, burgers, and dogs. We have a grill on the property, so heating stuff up, making eggs, and toasting the bread is quick and simple. We also have a huge fire pit, so that usually burns into the morning hours giving us little sleep.... The fire pit is usually surrounded by great old stories and plenty of booze... The most memorable thing I remember is ones of the guys bringing up a crap load of venison cutlet sandwiches and saying if you eat this it will bring you good luck and get you a big buck.... Well, I was 15 or 16 at the time, my first time hunting... Needless to say I ate the whole thing, and it tasted amazing.
  15. Hahah I was laughing the whole way to work.. It would be great if he joined the board... I tried to whip out the cell phone for a pic but it was to late, he was turning.
  16. Seems like they are all over now
  17. Today, on the way to work, I saw a guy with a van and noticed a ton of hunting stickers on the rear window. Then I looked down at the license plate, and it was BACSTRPS
  18. I fixed the permissions for the media area, you should all be able to access this now. http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?action=media You can then click on "My Albums" then click Add an Album and upload pics. I created some generic ones to post pics in as well, for example: 2010 Trial Camera Pictures and Videos
  19. NYBow - Did you use a specific brand / mix?
  20. I will take ya up on that offer for sure!
  21. Here is the road work / site clearing as of today. Full album here: http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?action=media;sa=album;in=5 [smg id=16] [smg id=17] [smg id=13] [smg id=11] [smg id=10] [smg id=8] [smg id=5] [smg id=3]
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