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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. I thought so, hard to see b/c that picture is a little blurry. I found another few pics where if I zoomed in I would see some bumps growing. Getting excited now!
  2. Yeah, I think it definitely depends on the location and tree growth. I have one stand @ 25 ft, one at about 12ft.
  3. Thanks for all of the replies. I'm def going to see if I can swing over to someones place to watch / help with a few butcherings before I even think of attempting it.
  4. See if you can re-paste the msg, because it posted all these wacky characters... Sometimes its better to paste it into notepad then copy and past that into here.
  5. I'm going to get to the range Saturday before I start tiling the floor
  6. Awesome! After talking with you I'm so psyched for this year!! Post some of those bucks ya got if you can. Would love to see them.
  7. Shot you an email back! So glad to see another cochectoner (is that a word?) What kind of game are you seeing by your property? Any pics of past hunts? Do you happen to ATV in the area too?
  8. Doc, I installed a media manager on the forums. So you can actually host them here -> http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?action=media Externally I have used http://Flickr.com
  9. 32, which is a descent size for tree. I love it so far.
  10. I took a long look at some of the tree stands online... None of them really look that great, they all seem so small. I wouldnt mind getting one to have in addition to the ones I'll build. Any suggestions?
  11. Are those antlers? Seems on the dark side no?
  12. No It was during bow season when I was about 17, I was not aware I could.
  13. Yes, I had two yotes hanging out and actually took a piss on my tree of the treestand I was in. They were traveling together, but were pretty scrawny looking.
  14. Yes, I am just amazed by your trail cam pics So clear, and so many deer! I need to get that field going.
  15. Sounds cool. How does bear meat taste anyways? Never had it.
  16. Dave, If they are hosted somewhere else you can just use the icon on the top left below the "B". If you want to upload them, click on the "Additional Options" below the box where you enter your post. You will then see Attach: and click the browse button to attach the photo you want to upload. Let me know if it works OK for you.
  17. Had to be a little freaking standing 10 yards from it...
  18. Yeah, I had no idea what / where to put it. Its so hard, because there is no way to preview the pic on this camera. Prob will lower it next time. The first place we had it there was just ears, about 140 pics of ears...
  19. I wonder why they would choose not to involve the members in their decisions for feedback and assistance before going forth on an issue.
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