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Everything posted by d-bone20917

  1. I agree and I'm kind of surprised by the people on here questioning this. If there is something in season legal to hunt in the dark you have every right to have a loaded gun with you after dark while hunting. I have killed quite a few coyotes while deer hunting. And you need to unstring your recurve or long bow??? That is ridiculous.
  2. Same here. Way more fun to shoot then the compound. I think that would be considered negative let off. The farther you pull the harder it gets.
  3. Wow. I'm really surprised nobody jumped on that one.
  4. What really amazes me after reading this thread is that Bing still exists.
  5. I agree with that. I think being able to shoot long range is good tool to have in your toolbox when you need it. It's the people that set personal goals to see how far away they can shoot an animal from rather then seeing how close they can get before the shot that piss me off.
  6. They don't "have" to be taken. People take them because it's easier than actually learning how to hunt. There are lots of deer and antelope taken out west with archery gear every year.
  7. And ammo. When you start getting out to 500 yards you have to make sure you have ammunition properly matched to your gun. Or else the best gun, optics, and shooter still won't do well.
  8. The UN Small Arms treaty has been a difficult issue to get an honest read on, because most of the articles written on it are from the fear mongers wanting you to believe they are coming for your guns. But a UN treaty doesn't trump the US Constitution. http://www.politifact.com/georgia/statements/2012/aug/10/paul-broun/broun-un-treaty-likely-lead-international-gun-regi/
  9. I apologize for the confusion, I don't know where I got the idea you were talking about the misery index. The current inflation rate is actually less than 3%. http://inflationdata.com/inflation/Inflation_Rate/CurrentInflation.asp But it is tough to have an intelligent conversation when one side can't agree on the facts. However, I get you point and I agree completely. Although the inflation rate is low (FACT) the increased cost of items such as gas and food are hurting the pocketbooks of American families. But I don't automatically blame the President for every problem the country has. I'm no fan or supporter of the current President but I have a hard time blaming him for the worst drought since the 50's, which is a big part of increased food prices. Clearly the drought is Bush's fault.
  10. The current administration isn't leading me to believe anything, and neither is the Romney campaign. That chart came from the link you posted and was the basis for your original rant. If you didn't believe it you shouldn't have posted the link. And using the NY Post as your source??? Really???
  11. Just drink some PBR before you go out. That kills everything. Actually, if a deer is down wind it is going to smell you, regardless of what you are gargling with.
  12. I prefer to do my own, but if I'm in a pinch and don't have time I'll take it to a friend of mine who cuts deer. He charges me $50 to cut and wrap it (plastic wrap and freezer paper). He also makes cube steaks. He says he's giving me a deal, but I have no idea what he charges everone else. This guy is meticulous though. I have no doubt I'm getting my own meat back.
  13. Copy. I just wasn't sure if you were referring to the single position of the President or if you were referring to all of the boobs in charge... congress included.
  14. What do you mean by "who ever is in charge"? If you mean the President then it is so unlikely I would say it's virtually impossible (although in theory it would be possible). That tax policy would have to be approved by the House and Senate before it even made it to the President for approval. The current Congress has no interest in dealing with this issue. Personally I think gun companies and the NRA are secretly hoping Obama gets elected. You will see another big spike in gun sales after election day, just like in 2008. That is why they keep up the fear campaign. Just my 2 cents.
  15. I load my own too which is definitely the way to go. However, I bought a Ruger 357 revolver this past spring and didn't have the reloading components yet. I went into Gander Mountain on two separate occasions, bought a box of 38 special one time and 357s the next. I was never asked for any ID or DOB.
  16. My point on cheap labor wasn't directed at illegal immigrants in this country, it was directed at the much lower labor costs over seas. If the government told Apple they could operate in the US tax free, they still wouldn't move their iphone manufacturing to the US.
  17. I try to shoot everyday during the season, but sometimes other obligations get in the way. I usually shoot a few before I head out to hunt also. I shoot all winter in my garage as well. Back when I was using a compound I could get away with taking the winter off, but with the recurve I shoot all year.
  18. I'm not sure it's that Americans are stupid enough to let it keep happening, it's that all politicians care about is getting re-elected and taking on Medicare will have a political backlash. Look at this election, both candidates keep talking about how the other one wants to cut or change medicare because they know it is unpopular. So we end up with two unsavory candidates to choose from, neither of which will actually do anything about it once they get into office. At some point these issues need to be taken on and it will result in tough decisions, but as long as money buys elections I don't see it happening.
  19. Seems like a pretty good decline going on right now according to the chart, but I haven't left my bubble in a while. But apparently the chart is wrong because it shows inflation low right now. Good discussion though... I feel dumber for having participated in it. What is your infatuation with Big Bird?
  20. Actually no. I'm still not following how you are coming up with your misery index or inflation data. But that is ok... you seem to want to keep talking about Big Bird instead.
  21. I guess we'll find out soon enough. It will come down to just a few key states to decide. And it's quite possible that Romney will win the popular vote but still lose the election.
  22. Fair enough. I just think the Republicans need to be more inclusive if they want to be viable going forward. There is no reason they should lose this election with the current state of things, but I believe they are going too.
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