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Everything posted by AaronBlaine

  1. wow! yea that place gets hunted so hard i could not imagine that a bear would survive in that place very long.
  2. hahahaaa yea you know what you guys are absolutely right! There were beavers all over the place and i almost soiled my cammies when a tree came down 100 yards away from where i was sitting in the swamp area. lol its amazing what they are able to cut down it was a full size huuuuge tree shook the ground and my manhood!
  3. hey man you know what your right! You prob seen my silver s-10 pickup truck with the black cap lol i was at the same lot i think with the porta potty lol. I was waaaaaaaayyy up in the mountains and i here this extremely loud crackling and then the ground shook as a tree came down maybe 100 yards in front of me by the swamps! BEAVERS ARE NO JOKE! i went through the swamps and all the mud and pricker bushes to get to the other side and you should see how that little bugger was nibbling through full size trees! I must have flicked off about 15 deer ticks one of em even had a red spot in the center of it! Sterling is a beautiful park though i had a great time! Funny thing is i was planning on parking on the southern end by the residential area and when i pulled in there was a beautiful 8 point full bodied fat buck sitting in the road eye balling my head lights. I watched two does sprint by me at the top of one of the mountains into the thicket and i did not have a chance in hell at taking a shot. Stuart was interesting i hunted there last year with a crossbow. Pretty park i like how they designate parking spots however it sure sounded like there were guys doing pushes they were popping off shotgun shells like it was the 4th of july. It was late in the season when i went it was my first trip.
  4. not for nothing but i went to sterling forest state park and i parked at 430 and there was a huge pond next to the parking spot. I got out to use the jiffy john and while i was dropping some steam i hear this loud curplunk which wasnt my loaf! I clean up and go outside in the pitch black heavy fog too. All the sudden splooosh another huuuge splash in the pond to my left. So lound it startled the hell outta me! So naturally i loaded up the rifle after thinking about this post lol. Weird part was if it was an animal running in the water i would have heard it run out they were just realllly loud splashes and that was it like the sound it makes when you toss a boulder in the water it was crazy! Could have been other hunters messing around but who would do that not to mention there was noooooooone else in that park i got in with no traffic way to early...after being lost in the woods for 10 hours blowing out my back and knees for trailblazing into the middle of god knows where. I can surely say i would have sent every round i had into that bad boy! And i would have strapped em on the hood harry and the henderson style!
  5. holly sweet hell! I got lost at sterling for 10 hours. Didnt see a single deer! Blew my knees out and my back climbing for hoouurrrss! Crazy thing was when i pulled up something kept throwing rocks in the pond by the parking lot. I mean big ass rocks scared the bajeesus out of me! Bigfoots out there playing pranks again!
  6. damn i tracked em for a while but could not find em! I hope to god i didnt injure him i could have sworn my shot was on point but you never know
  7. Heading to sterling for a nice sunday hunt! Wish me luck!
  8. finally got a shot off on a nice sized buck and i blew it! Though i had em dead to wrights but after checking there was not a drop of blood! I dont know how i missed but i did! Anyone have any stories of missing a shot this rifle season lets hear em!
  9. wow thats crazy! Guess his luck finally ran out! what a pain in the neck that must have been...muhahahaa!
  10. how do we know obama isnt really big foot?
  11. think how elusive most big game are, If they existed and were in top condition with great diet they could evade and clumsy hunter bumbling through the woods. They would be fast as hell, great sense of smell, hearing etc not to mention in femonimanal shape. It is def possible.
  12. good post very interesting! I def noticed some fat deer in 7s this past weekend. Friggin huge does and even bigger bucks!
  13. i was just up in spencer 7s over the weekend and on the last day i finally got a shot at a nice size buck at about 75 yards from a tree stand. I had a clear shot on his hind quarters as he was kinda hidden behind a tree so i waited for a clearer shot. Sure enough he walked out looked right at me through the scope and just as i was ready to pull the trigger the friggin wind blew shook the tree the stand and me with it and i shot high! Lucky friggin deer!
  14. lol i just picked up some 220 grain 30 06 rounds just in case i run into em at sterling this weekend! Figure that carcass would be worth about a couple mill.
  15. i remember a story of the detectives back in the day of the unibomber. They reported while on stake out watching a mountain lion kill a dear right in front of them and drag it up a tree. Must have been an amazing show!
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