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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Looks as though another hardcore QDMA supporter is questioning the stance the club refuses to change their stance. Maybe CWD is not that bad after all? popeyoung9 QDMA Member Join Date: Jan 2012 Location: Wisconsin Posts: 3,817 Quote: Originally Posted by kansas-andres So what I'm learning from this is Michigan branches are years ahead of MN branches on the approach that needs too be taken on changing a State's way of managing a deer herd..?? No disrespect or negative $hit meant at all...... How do APR's(Mi.) and no bonus bucks(Wi.) which fly in the face and directly opposed to each state's DNR passive management program for CWD and TB make the Mi. chapters lite years ahead? 2 Wi. chapter reps testified against bonus bucks which is a key part of the DNR's passive CWD management. I don't get the logic. As disease spreads, the QDM principal of mature bucks is and will continue to be in direct conflict with sound biology and state DNR's. Please explain how this is not true? State the biological reasoning to protect mature bucks in a disease area? I assume both Wisconsin chapter reps had prior permission to snub the DNR with documented testimony? QDM has to change the mature buck principal as cwd will do nothing but spread. BTW, Dr. Deer has the same no worrie approach. Follow the money. __________________ “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” ― John Muir
  2. At 6-4 and #300 plus im not sure you would like to see just how tough of an internet he has!!! As far as his post he is spot on. I know just talk this weekend from past just gun hunters have a little drool mixed in with it. Why would'nt they?
  3. Nice! We are another week or so away from the mud stage and with any luck will have some green for Gobble Day on the 1st.
  4. Spraying already? We still have snow on the ground. lol Do you have green up already?
  5. Im saying if they would have kept them looking like guns then the half(as Doc says)that makes a decision on the looks of a gun might not have such a bad opinion about them. Myself, I have no use for one but thats my choice. You will not see all semi auto firearms banned, Just the ones that look like the one above. Some have a hard time seeing what is in their future and the reasons for it. Pretty simple really!
  6. Yeah this kind of reply would be expected from you. The country was made with the look of the top guns and the bottom gun is in action today without a ban. Camo does not just mean military. They keep making those guns that scream killing machines and rip off more bullets than would ever be needed and they will continue to put guns in a bad light and be banned. Keep up the good work. While some sit back and laugh.
  7. The look of the original had people up i arm's making it look all military and such. Probably never would have had this problem if guns were kept to looking somewhat of gun. This thing is fugly and will most likely be put on the radar next.
  8. So you say i didnt say ill in my first post? a little slow? I will do it for you again. Now look and read sloooow.
  9. Sorry i just dont see it. I think there are more voters that would be against more than for, regardless if its against their own rights. Then you will have the gun owners that do not see a problem and know that they will never take away hunting guns. Then you have the ones that..ahh kinda care a little bit but wont vote either way and see what happens. Looked at our local Newz Junky today and see this one shot and that one shot that many. I just see no changes in the seat coming, in today world.
  10. Do some research on CWD in the state of illinois and tell us how many cases have been found in the wild and how many on the farm?
  11. Really you keep calling tests..Studies. If the state of Wis has 445 cases of CWD and 350 are males well there ya go. If Oklahoma has 300 cases and 224 of them are males well there ya go. Research and you will see the light. Males rule when it comes to CWD and the QDMA group wants to keep them alive and spreading.
  12. Im not doing your work for ya. People with clear minds will look at the research and say hmm. seems as though that is the case and maybe, just maybe someone should be looking the clearer glasses and change some things. Untill the you will just get CWD into every state a bit faster and then we will all be on the same page. Oh and we will still be tested with a live test and the test we have now! Cheers!
  13. Well explain it to us all. I want to know how you smart QDMA guys can tell which yearlings to let walk and who to take out. Our deer in CWD positive states are 100% tested... You know like ill where there has been CWD in the wild for upwards of 10 years i believe and NEVER a case found in any deer farm. EVER!!! So we can let ours grow and also sell clean CWD free deer. QDMA will have a hard time passin off that one in a few short years. Oh how will we ever keep up with the demand. Of course we wont have to worry about it here because testing 1/2 of 1/2% of the total deer take sure wont find much but it will walk back in and they will pick one up someday!
  14. You keep talking about that one study. God man do so research on CWD. Look at the cases in different states and the sex. What 4 case i believe in Pa and 3 were males i believe. Dont put your eggs in one basket. They have done a few high fence hunts 3 i believe each year the last 3 years that i know of. Not the point. Point is they are making cash on something they are against. They try and sugar coat it with...Well as long as they were live bred and not man bred or as long as they can run a ways before they hit the fence. Thats a joke. a deer is a deer and a fence is a fence. They cant ever get out! Period!!!
  15. I want to know about the cash and your thoughts on the subject of someone making money off something they bad mouth. YOUR THOUGHTS. Deer are deer and fence is fence. Regardless of who puts the fence up and breeds the deer! There are no holes in the science that shows CWD found in mature male deer more than any others with yearlings second. Its a fact!
  16. Do you think these are the only states with CWD? Please show in print what the QDMA supports as far as buck mgmt after just posting what you did about Wisconsin and West Virgina. Really QDMA stance is we advocate protecting the MAJORITY( Do they know which one have CWD) of yearling bucks We are not advocating protecting ALL bucks to maturity.. (Do they know something special to pick and chose who lives because they know who wont contract CWD) What the he!! does this even mean
  17. Just to prove guys like you and your posts wrong. Thats just it.. I have 700 acres of some of the best hunting in Jefferson Cty that people on the site know and have asked to hunt. I also own land in some of the hottest hunting land in Ny state for whitetail deer next to Letchworth State Park. So this just shows that in reality i have more skin in the game and do more for the wildlife then you few that like to bad mouth. I dont borrow my hunting land. Some day when a few of you grow up and have,/do half of what i do for conservation we will talk. I believe a person should have the choice to hunt where they wish fenced or not and yes the QDMA group is a bunch of two faced people that talk out of both sides of their face. Like bad mouthing an industry they have made thousands of dollars on!
  18. I want to hear about the part where they take money from the very industry they bad mouth. So lets hear your thought on QDMA's stance on letting whitetails grow to mature in CWD positive states even though they have been shown by science that this is the biggest spread of CWD across the countryside?
  19. Have a hard time reading? I believe it said wouldnt it be funny IF. We have over 500 farm alone, not counting those that dont buy and sell and those that have hunting ranches. Add Texas and Alabama along with the rest of the states and i bet it would be close. There are many that have a huge numbers of deer and acres behind fence right here in Ny that will never be talked about.
  20. Again you two support a group so much that you have to hide the fact that your club makes cash off the very industry you bad mouth. Your club must be a proud bunch to hide stuff like that. Kinda like hiding the fact that one of your top leaders had monetary investment in a Pa deer farm. I would want to be part of that bunch. Atl least ours is out in the open for all to see and make their own choices.
  21. Lets not forget the 145 acres i own outside the safety zone of Letchworth state park. So tell us your claim to fame and land ownership?
  22. Why of course. Well let me see if i can just find that info for you. You are just as two faced as the rest of the club. The fit is nice!
  23. This is a good one. First of all you can do nothing to hurt the deer farms. You are to weak in numbers. You say QDMA doe not see deer farms as competition yet the throw false statements over and over against the farms. We improve our lands inside and out. You say you and QDMA are about protecting the whitetail and conservation yet you/they still say to let bucks grow to mature in all CWD positive states. You call spreading disease protecting the wildlife> Ha! You talk heritage. That my friend has been destroyed by your own counterparts. You/they/them all did their part to end hunting as it used to be. The future of hunting for many is gloom at best. We on the other hand continue to grow, Protect our animals and land and offer a much better/safer product. I told you 10 times over what i do with my 1000 acres i own,Not just ask to hunt on like others. My kids hunt,my friends and their kids hunt and they do it on some of the best property in Jefferson Cty. Why? because i treat my land and animals the same on both sides of the fence. So ya see, when you have no places to hunt or animals to hunt, I on the other hand will have both on both sides of the fence. Again as has been shown over and over. You are to weak to even slow our growth. Now lets get back to this high fence thing. Legal and ethical....So who makes the call what is legal and ethical? I take it the ones that donate to your cause are both but the ones that dont, are not? Are you saying that yes, QDMA has used HIGH FENCE HUNTS donated to them for monetary gain for their club???????
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