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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Oh sorry....A new one i see. How far did you have to dig for that one? I will be watching for all the other warnings on here. Typical...We see that used on another site also.
  2. There you have it. So with your way of thinking why would a group like QDMA support the spread of the so called dreaded disease across the countryside. As proof has shown that every other way a deer can die is 99.9% more deadly to the herd, A deer could only be so lucky to live long enough to really be taken out by CWD. So why would a group that uses it as their main crutch ask their members to stop supporting the spread of it?
  3. This is a great idea and i have been pushing the word on bringing wolves into Ny myself. I think that would be an awesome sight to see in the wild. Yes this would also take care of any left over deer problems for the year. Maybe even get enough to get a season on them in 5 years or so.
  4. Good luck with that one. Same thing in Alabama..There they say, We want you to carry a gun because we might no always be there to protect you! Thats a fact!
  5. This is not just from one study. Look across the country and look at the cases found. Male vs female. The point is that the QDMA is not changing their stance on the buck harvest to their members, even in CWD positive animals. That points to the fact that they are not to worried about the spread of CWD, which is what they base their fights on. Can you say hypocrite? Remember that in order to find something, you have to look for something. Ny is not testing .05 of a percent of total deer. Not even a half of one percent. Yup, they are really looking for it. How many CWD tests are being done along the NY/Pa border? Pa has it on the farm and in the wild. More cases are in the air
  6. Most of their stance against high fence makes no LOGICAL sense. But logical is not whats at question here! What this does do is make 100% BIOLOGICAL sense and goes against all facts and science that proves to be a big mover of CWD! Hence the point of it being found in every state. I guess CWD is not a big deal to the QDMA so when we have it in every state we will all be on the same page and all can have the same objective. They just wont have a tool to use against farms or high fence. They like to start out every fight with disease spreading but quickly move to great big bucks( just what people want) as their real fight. Cant blame them i guess. it cant feel to good getting ran over by the fastest growing industry in the country!
  7. Choice??? You mean like hunting where ever a person wants to as long as its legal? Choice's are now being made for people and some are OK with that as long as it fits in with their way of thinking!
  8. Without a doubt. Throw a fawn or two in the mix and it would be...Call the newspaper's! Oh and i meant some hunters in the..Bambi Lovers statement.
  9. Without a doubt. The freakin Bambi lovers would be all over it. In the real world its not how as much as it is which, animal is killed or how it was killed. Sad Really.
  10. Not me! He's retired remember and talk of hard time walking up a hill behind the house.
  11. So you in turn think its fine for a group that bad mouths and tries to shut down a business yet they sell the services of that same business that they tell everyone they should stay away from, for money for their club? But the question is..Just like you read at the top of this post from a long time paying QDMA member...How long is the QDMA going to continue to support the movement of CWD across the countryside by supporting the practice of letting male whitetail deer to grow untill mature before harvested? When if they truly represent what they preach, they would say to harvest every male whitetail deer regardless of age or size!
  12. There ya go. Take advantage of that and enjoy your fall season!
  13. Funny that nobody has an answer to the question huh? Even when their own members keep calling them out on the subject...Just keep side stepping time after time. I believe what you speak of was somebody coming on this site and saying that the QDMA has never made money off of the high fence industry. I dont just think it..I KNOW it. Yeah they were served. Just the start!
  14. I have family with 1200 in WV and the hunting is awesome. VA is just a jump away so they hunt both states. For me it would be Ohio. Deer farming friendly,Sportsmen friendly with great hunting because of laws, Easy winters, Nice summers!
  15. Maybe in that case yes but for some sportsmen and for all anti's there is no need for a weapon used for hunting to look like something out of a mass murder video game. Kinda designed their own problem!
  16. You may want to stay out of the internet tough guy talk. You may be able to meet him sooner than you think. I believe there is a banquet coming up in August. Maybe a few beers can be passed around after the party?
  17. Ya coming from a guy that is clueless to any facts on Cwd..Well guess what? You had better not look in any QDMA posts because thats all your going to see. Funny how the dedicated qdma guys that used and posted crap about CWD and farms now duck and hide now that the heat is on them. Wait untill the live tests come out. When cwd is finally found again in Ny, the banning of a few guns will be the least or your worries.
  18. I have no worries of that. Im good in my skin and i will cram this down their throats. Not to long ago the QDMA group used CWD as their only ammo to try and stop the growth that is going to end their very being in a few short years. Now the tables have turned and as you read even their PAYING members are calling them out on it. They are now asking the QDMA group where all these dead deer are and how in the world are deer living to be mature and how are these states killing record numbers of deer year after year with a disease that was told was going to wipe out all deer. After 50 years you would think we would not have any hunting in any CWD positive states. I cant wait untill they get called out in public to Kip himself and put that answer in print. Priceless!!
  19. This coming from you? Just think,if QDMA says what they should say you will no longer have to duck and hide from all those baby bucks you kill every year. You will be in your glory.
  20. Nonsense you say? Please do explain with your thoughts Mr Great Hunter? You speak as though you are all about Earth,Animals and feathers. How can a group that speaks of saving the animal and habitat still give their graces of spreading such a bad disease? I also remember a post the other day where you got your A$$ handed to you over your stupid statement that the QDMA never made monetary gain from the high fence industry. Care to go Round #2
  21. He made the statement. The future will show and the numbers of total bucks killed will show. You tell people that there are tags to be had and more bucks to be killed, the price of a new toy will mean nothing. Now you throw in the time of year..You know, when the big boys are out playing...That alone will get the blood flowing in the used to be 1 season hunter. Those that own land are going to be thankful for that fact.
  22. The politicians and law makers know that hunting to a point has to be in our world. The anti's yes, they would rather have animals walking down the street i guess. Normal hunting guns will not be on the radar of those that really could ban them i believe. To many, Sportsmen included..The design of some of these guns are not looked at in the best light. The writing for the future of our sport is on the wall i believe and just as some hunting groups and clubs will go as far as bad mouthing and knocking other sportsmen way of doing things just because its different than theirs. Well those ones they bad mouth may have a huge part in the future of those that do the bad mouthing. The future needs all sportsmen on the same page but no we have sportsmen fighting with each other and that will be the demise of not just some guns but hunting as a whole.
  23. Pygmy, What part are you having problems with? The part where Bubba call a guy an internet tough guy and i say at 6-4 and 300 pounds he may not want to see how tough AF's internet really is. Or the part about me talking to a few different guys that were nothing but gun hunters untill XBow's became legal and they are now drooling to be able to get in the woods with an XBow and a tag to take yet another yearling. I guess you a person would have had to read the whole thread to get the point i was trying to get across in the first post.
  24. So you agree that a weapon like that has no need to look that way? The problem i see is that there will be nothing that can be done to change that way of thinking so why do gun makers do it? When they make movies of a crowd of people getting..Cut Down.. with a gun that looks and works like that and then some assclown does it in real life, well yes there is no need on this earth for the assclown but in most eyes there is really no need for that kind of weapon. They will not take away the..Hunting Guns..because the DEC would not get the money they say they need. Then again..If they keep ruining the herds across most of the state there may not be a need for guns to hunt the few that are left.
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