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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. I dont believe that will hold water here in Ny..Ohio is a trophy state. They know what they have and i believe hunt smart. We are a brown and down state and if this gives the guy that always gun hunted a chance in the woods early and with the green light to kill any other deer, they will be lined up to join the masses.
  2. Nah..Post 207 would not be called name calling in your Mod book im sure.... But thats fine. Look where its coming from? So now how about that question about thwe QDMA selling HIGH FENCE HUNTS at their fundraiser the last few years. Care to help him out with that one also?
  3. Do some research! .81 animals sell for a record 1.6 million. in the auction i sat in on last week and 190 sold for 2.7million a couple weeks before that and then our Top 30 brought in over a cool million.a couple months back. Farm raised venison is Fallow or Red deer. Whitetails and Elk... Yes its for the meat, Just not served on a plate.
  4. Yeah good try. Young org you say. Ha, Good one. Have you looked at the Iowa case as of late and see how much the DNR in Iowa cost their taxpayers. As you can see... The powers are just to strong and your fellow sportsmen make that power. Enjoy!
  5. Oh shocker here. Good for one but not the other, You my friend are a joke. Now you want to stick up for your buddy. How about you you help pull his foot out of his mouth and tell the class how many years the QDMA has auctioned of HIGH FENCE hunts for their personal gain and how much they sold for!!!!!!!!!!
  6. My god man!!!! are you talking 100,000 members across the country? I sure hope not. I even thought there would be more than that. Wouldnt you be shocked to see more deer farms and high fence operations across the country then your members?
  7. Point being that members pay their pay checks. If you read the site you will see members dropping left and right. The big one will be if the QDMA sticks to their stance on the letting bucks grow to maturity in all CWD states, which means they are going against all science with the spread of the biggest thing they try to fight high fence with. Can you say double standards. Trust me you will see this brought to the fore front for Kip and the boys. If you would also like to add in the B&c club you will see that 4 of the top 5 states in their books are CWD positive states( with QDMA influence). Will be tough to warrant much of a book when there should be very few mature bucks. Thats if the hold by the same standards they hold others to?
  8. Well Smuck. You want to throw names around..How about you look at the last 2or3 years fund raisers they have where they offer hunts to the highest bidder and QDMA gets the cash. Now you tell me how many high fence hunts were sold for good money. I will expect you to be man enough to get on this site and give your apology!
  9. Do you really think deer farmers make their profit on venison? Or even sell venison from whitetails? There is no argument...I (and anyone that owns any kind of business)runs that business to make a profit. Comparing drug use and high fence hunting shows you bring little to the battle.
  10. Well lets see.... In order to have a business you have to have demand. In order to open a business you have to spend X amount of dollars to start that venture. Most people open a business to be a profitable one. In deer farming there is no distorting the truth. the truth is in the product has a huge demand. QDMA and B&C need hunters to stay in operation. They use high fence hunting to put money in their coffers every year and then turn around and say its not fair chase. Some even say its ok as long as the buck bred the does behind that fence and not man. So you see the ones in that make money off high fence hunts in the QDMA. make money off of our business. Thats Clear enough. You say vast majority? Well truth is that the vast majority of states( including Ny) cant raise enough deer to supply the demand and run out of animals every year. You may think its a small minority but if you did some research to try and back your statement....You would feel kinda foolish.
  11. I guess it does. They were shut down because of a so called disease and then to hear their ow state white coats try and save rheir a$$ by saying tey now feel that CWD is not a threat to Iowa,s herd or the citizens of Iowa. They lost the whole battle to the tune of almost 4 million because of the false content of the article. Why do you think the USDA no loner eradicates a positive herd anywhere any longer? Now its management of CWD and whitetails can still be moved to hunting ranches. Even for CWD positive herds!!! Start losing millions and it dont take long for states to start thinking...Well maybe this CWD stuff is not as bad as we first thought it may be. Funny what the loss of money does for some!!
  12. Problem is that to a point he is correct and he is talking to the thousands that feel the same way. He is talking to/about almost all of the city folk. Thats where the votes will come from to keep most in the seats for another term.
  13. If the members are paying their paychecks then they are making a profit..By reading the site's hot zones over there...Someones paychecks may be getting smaller soon.
  14. Do you realize how foolish you look by posting crap that is over a year plus old. What makes you even more foolish is that you post something from a state that was fighting for its life in the middle of a multi million dollar lawsuit filled by the Brakke farm against them for killing their livestock and shutting them down. Maybe you should now put up the link to the court hearing i that shows the state of Iowa LOST the court case and are now costing the Iowa taxpayers 2.5 million dollars for the replacement of the animals and another 1.2 million for the lost income from their high fence operation sales. Thats the real news and what happens when you play with a persons 2nd.... You may really want stick to the wings and feather posts on this site. At least some of your posts have some kind of meaning with them.
  15. Just a statement. But do love watching it happen somewhere else for a change. Carry On!
  16. Funny, Where in that post is there anything in there about profit i have made? All i see is a post about a great business and the amount i could help a person make. Remember i have been in this for 15 years. Little different numbers numbers for me. Lying? I asked how a non profit org. Got their paychecks every week? Any Answer To That?
  17. There is a right for private land owners. When your rights are being stepped on because of something that in reality nobody really has the answers for then there is a problem. Im not going to turn this thread upside down but when my rights as a farmer are stepped on over the same disease that is in the public owned deer in other state and not on farms in those states, then there is a problem. Just the gun issue involves those that like to preach to others. Its their turn to deal with it now!!! As far as your farm comment, If high fence hunting was not so popular and growing so fast then there would be no need for deer farms.We supply the demand.
  18. Oh how many holes can be found in this post. First off, you must be young and very clueless of the life of a person who did deer rehab. Years ago we had no choice but to take fawns. Back then it was common practice for the DEC to drop off any found fawn. Could be found in hay fields or on the side of the road with dead moms. If you were a farmer they told you to keep them. If you did rehab they said YOU HAD TO RELEASE THEM. So your little rant there holds no water. The 3000 deer killed to find 1 deer with CWD was the bright moves of your DEC. There has been more deer killed looking for something that may kill deer than the disease would ever kill. Wisconsin thought they would do the same. What did that get them? A stronger herd with twice the numbers than before they shot thousands. CWD is doing no damadge to any herds in any states. Period!!! Your thoughts about deer fecal,CWD and eating grass? Shows you dont pay much attention to the very disease you complain about!
  19. QDMA..Non profit? Who pays their paychecks every week. I have forgot more about CWD than you will ever know. When smucks like you try to use it against you a person learns real quick. If i can help someone put a extra 40 grand a year in their pocket and maybe enjoy life a bit, you can bet ya i will. Not to many years from now that number will be 140 because sales will be unlimited. Oh how nice!
  20. I just like how for some its ok if peoples rights are being stepped on if it does not concern them but when it does become their turn they are all up in arm's.
  21. No but i like to live in the real world. If the real world is not in Ny then there are many,many deer friendly states that wants you to keep a pistol on the front seat of your truck. Been to Alabama as of late?
  22. Well Duh...Last time i knew there were no new CWD cases in my state or my 1000 acres of land. Show me CWD where i live/hunt and i will show you piles of dead yearlings. Thats what the white coats would do right? I would just help them out. Now lets wait and see how long it takes the QDMA to give their thoughts on proven science. I wont hold my breath for either the QDMA or B&C club to agree and do whats right for the herd/land. The day they do is the day they fold. Sure wont need a record book for dead yearlings will ya? Just another money thing in this world. The QDMA will be pressed in print in the future im sure. We will see if that squeeky wheel gets any greese.
  23. He is right..Preaching to the choir.. Remember, We have 2 Ny's and the support of cement city will double the power of the hillside. Sad but so true. Numbers wont lie.
  24. I agree 100% on the bolded statement but what WE DO know,after 12 years of research is that CWD is found higher in males then females and more in adult males. With this being known, any group that supports the practice of letting bucks live to maturity is a big part of the problem. All males should be shot on sight in any CWD positive state!!!!
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