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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Ya Buddy, I would say about 1000 acres that borders Letchworth would fit the bill just perfect. If we could just find that other 850 acres to add onto what we have. Oh how nice it is to have dreams.
  2. Wow you just cant get over yourself. You may want to go back to your worry about the birds and let those that deal with cervid's on a daily bases worry about them. As was shown, some know a little more than others. Sorry, just a fact of life! Time to move on. AGAIN!
  3. So True. 1 Mississippi,2 Mississippi,3 Mississippi....For the one that has a hard time with it.
  4. Like i said.. When you have the nad's you come a callin.
  5. Yeah this shows everybody your true colors...Again. Didn't take ya long to run out of ammo on this one.
  6. Well if you can run your equipment like you run other things you should be able to school me for some cash. Maybe buy yourself a new Xbow for this archery season. You can talk it but cant walk it i see!
  7. Oh and look who it is. Just cant get enough can ya? I would be more than willing to line your ass up at lets say 75 yards with your bow and put a very nice chunk of change on the table that you could not put an arrow in the circle at the range. Then i could also show ya how fast i can talk. Doc, although did not answer for me, pretty much schooled ya in that facts of arrow speed and deer movement, not that it matters because im sure even at your so called 1 second mark 9 out of 10 would miss a kill shot and truth is known more than half would miss the deer altogether but i bet you would not be one of the 9 huh..You would be that 1 i'm sure.!
  8. Yeah and i like the sounds...You hear..Thwack as he hits the release and then. 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi then thump, the arrow hits the target. Alot can go wrong in all that air time.
  9. Ever watch those Buckmaster archery indoor shoots. Moving deer at what 60 yards. Standing at 60 plus. It sure can be done, but in hunting situations?
  10. Nothing new there. You only know what they want you to know. Best way to accomplish an agenda.
  11. Found this on the local craigslist today. Same area??? ringneck's are 2.5 to3.5 lbs. excellent fliers.for hunting or for releaseing or just for eating very fine ment. they are year old bird's. $10.00 each or $9.00 each for 50+. I also have breeding pair's for sale $30.00 pair .1-315-754-six four three four.Location: red creek
  12. You kinda mean like the guy that plays Lebanon Levy on the Amish Mafia cashes his 15 grand a week paycheck at a bank one of our deer farmers friends wife's works at down in Pa? lol Its hard to tell whats real anymore on tv thats for sure. Well, not real hard for a few of them.
  13. LOL, Or dragging a calf across a river by horse and rope. I think its kind of a cool show if its really a way of life. Can you imagine being stuck up there for what 8 months of winter each year? Or is it another Amish Mafia show. You are right on the shot making or not of making. lol
  14. I agree he could come off to people a little better at times but its a fact that we are much better off with him on our side and not theirs because he will be heard one way or the other.
  15. Gee you want to pull any of the other 459 Ny deer farmers names out of the hat? You keep watching the facts and proof and you will be fine.
  16. Wow, Your a freakin winner. If you were bright enough to read the post you would see spelled out for you to see as to the owner of that article. Its right there in black and white! Gary Nelson, President NADeFA [email protected] Its really none of your business what i do for a living! You are really making yourself look like a fool. You have been schooled, you have read the science and the facts just like the rest of us and when there is more i will be sure to let ya know.
  17. I thought that was already a done deal? I have to admit that i have reservations about people around the outside of Letchworth blowing rifles down into the park woods but i like the idea of bringing the 300wby down to the farm a time or two.
  18. Wow...You just cant get over yourself huh.. Read the freaking science and the ongoing testing thats going on... Trust me when i say i will know all about any new cwd info that comes off the press three times faster than you read a news report somewhere. That has nothing to do with being smart or stupid. Its called taking care of business and my business it is. Are you trying to say that because they can inject a mouse with the prion and it comes up positive thats the same as injecting a deer? Do you really think those tests are not done on a daily basis. Do you not think that we( Deer Industry) do not have some of the best in the business working on cwd testing every day. If so you really need to rethink things. It will be the industry that shows the proof and the facts when they are found.
  19. Sorry buddy..I live this crap every day. When you can show one proven case of cwd being contracted from one deer to another by any type of body fluids or the cwd prion found in any body fluids you feel free to post away. For somebody that tries to make it sound like he knows alot about cwd you sure are missing a few pages. You may want to start by learning the facts of cwd in your own state first. Google it my friend. Heck i will even give you the vets contact info if you want to know about the necrop's of said deer. There is a big difference from living inside cwd where i am and from the outside where you sit! Untill you can come back with fact's you may want to let it rest.
  20. There has not been 1 positive deer infected as of yet and the tests are still ongoing. Do you think that maybe injecting a 3 ounce mouse compared to injecting a 200 pound deer may have something to do with it? The deer testing is into its second year so we shall soon here more results. When we start hunting mice then we can worry about them then. Untill then i dont care what they infect with what. Fact is, They have been saying for years that CWD can be spread through urine,feces or saliva and after 30 plus years of testing this crap the CWD prion has never been found in an already brain tested CWD positive tested deer's fluids. When you have a positive deer laying at your feet and its brain and nodes are prion positive and you reach down and drain its fluids and test it for the same prion and find nothing. There's a problem with their theory. I would have to ask about your on going tests. Are you talking about the one where they fed the common crow the cwd prion and then found the prion in that crows sh!t? So the next time a crow flies over your woodlot or my pen's and takes a crap,which then infects the soil in that area which then infects our deer. Where do you think they will say it came from?
  21. This post kinda goes back to post #13 showing what book smarts and living the life. There are at least 3 strains of EHD. Types 1&2 can be treated, Strain#6=Dig a hole! A deer dies in and around water because they have a fever. They are cooking from the inside, hence going to water.They wont live long enough to waste away to skin and bone like cwd. A few other signs have been. 1. swollen mouth/tongue and drooling 2. tenderness of feet, walking gingerly 3. pained look in eyes 4. death with no warning, fed at 8pm, dead at 7am. Blood around mouth. 5. redness around eyes, mouth 6. swelling around eyes, usually accompanied with one or more of the above. A good strong dose of Dex,Draxin and baytril will help big time but the only way to save a deer is to get its body temp down asap and around the farm that is a garden hose right up the a$$. Cold water will save them. Now of course the wild deer will never have this pleasure and they will also not have the gift of the farmer spraying his pens the kill the midge that gives us EHD to begin with. If you have mud or standing water around your pens or land in EHD country,you will have the midge. A 3 day treatment and the animal will live but now we have vaccine that we can give our deer to just about stop the problem. So you see there is a huge difference from being copy and paste smart and living the dream.
  22. Gee Sam, if that really is you do you breed those pup's also? Nice!
  23. Looks like a nice place..Nice tight udder's udder them girl's. lol
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