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Everything posted by Whereareyoubuck

  1. Light rain in 3J. Just got to my stand. Rattled and saw a deer jump up 100 yards away and run away.
  2. My annoying neighbor has been clanging around with an excavator for the past 2 hours.
  3. I’m really surprised I haven’t seen or heard a single deer all morning.
  4. Bought a set of antlers this morning, tried them out, and immediately had a baby buck come running straight to me! Nothing else since then though...
  5. Yeah why not? You can use whatever you want. Just don’t do what I did and guess...with a laser rangefinder hanging around my neck.
  6. Well, buck fever got the best of me. Had the biggest buck I’ve ever seen (at least 4 years old) come to 44 yards of me and start scraping. I didn’t take the time to distance him properly, thought he was 30 yards or less, so of course shot too low. Will he be coming back at all? The whole area smells of his hormones now.
  7. This the 3rd big buck I’ve seen on my camera, but still haven’t seen any of them during the day!
  8. Haven’t seen this guy yet. Saw a few younger bucks and several doe. Not sure if I will have the patience to keep waiting for him or just end up shooting the next buck I see...
  9. Found these 2 super cheap compound bow packages. I want to get into bow hunting, and don't know where to start. How do they look? https://www.amazon.com/AW-Compound-Right-Carbon-Adjustable/dp/B010Q3E5BA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 https://www.amazon.com/RAPTOR-Compound-Bow-Arrow-Kit/dp/B01NAXOIDV/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1
  10. Does anybody hunt coyote locally? I have never done it but am interested. Don't think I've heard any in my area, but then again I'm not outside that much at night. I have seen 1 or 2 on my trail camera several months ago but doesn't seem to be too many around?
  11. Took me 2 weeks to clean out all the flesh and cartilage off my skull, looks awesome. I don't want to bleach it and love the way it looks right now, do I need to coat it with polyurethane or anything? If I just mount it on the wall like this, will it be okay?
  12. Ok good. Now I will be really using up the entire deer!
  13. I trimmed the front leg bone and boiled it a little bit just to cook what's left of it and gave it to my dog and he loves it. I'm just worried about the sharp bone fragments as he bites it off...should he be eating this?
  14. Big buck down! 6:50, 108 yds, perfect lung shot. Straight through and collapsed both lungs.
  15. Saw the same 4-pointer that I saw twice on Saturday. Not sure if I should shoot him. He also lost half of his antler since Saturday.
  16. Saw 5 deer on Saturday, some were so close I could have had headshots with my handgun. The biggest one was a 4-pointer so I let them all go. Yesterday did not see a single one! Now I'm starting to regret not shooting...
  17. Saw 3 deer this morning. A young buck and doe chased each other to within 5 yards of me. Didn't shoot any of them cuz I'm waiting for an 8-pointer.
  18. Wait it's illegal?? Obviously I am new to this. Then why do they sell that stuff at gander mountain?
  19. I own some property in Region 3, have been trying to feed deer some apples, not sure if it works. Considering buying some stuff from Gander Mountain. What do deer like to eat the most in our region?
  20. What time is the best time for deer in southern NY? (Ulster County)
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