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About MESlaughter

  • Birthday 04/05/1957

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Albany County
  • Interests
    Big and Small game hunting,I love Deep Sea fishing for Cod,Haddock,and Pollack and there's a few other flaky white meats that's also very tasty. Fresh water fishing some Walleye but mainly Smallmouth Bass and Crappie.

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Albany County
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 870 12 Gauge Shotgun//Mossberg 500 Slugster
  • HuntingNY.com
    Searching PineBush Hunting

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  1. Yes it is plenty of nice farmland I'm talking Selkirk area unfortunately most of it is posted, I have went up to some owners but they just won't let me one field I pass almost daily and there has to be at least 70 Turkeys in trees and on the ground but the whole area is pretty rich in hunting...I have a couple of spots I do hunt but most the time I come up empty. I do love Grouse hunting myself and do have a couple nice spots to go there are only 2 weeks left and the weather hasn't been much help either.
  2. I been trying to find some nice rabbit hunting spots for a couple years now. I don't have no rabbit dogs so it's just hard in my area especially although it seem like they trying to come back unfortunately with all the developments being built in the rural areas they're increasing in the city...I'm looking for direction on some bunny.
  3. It had been totally quiet out here for weeks up till now. EK000306.AVI
  4. I live in Albany County is there any good bunny hunting out there?
  5. I've seen a couple of yearling's in 4b and a doe...rubs and scrapes all over but I think it's been so I thinks it's gonna pick up. I do have DMP's to fill.
  6. Unfortunately I have Drill with the Military this weekend and after all the scouting these pass couple of weeks with my hunting Partner. My plan is to see if I can get a half a day off and do an afternoon hunt then hopefully maybe all won't be lost.
  7. Yes dogs do help unfortunately I'm doing all the work.I remember when they use to be so plentiful but with the Coyotes coming back with a vengenge doesn't make it any easier. I only have till the 28th now but if I get a chance I'll post it.
  8. Nice!!! Do you belong to a hunting club or you just got them running all over like that?
  9. Now that's what I'm talking about. It's been kind of tough without dogs or with all the structual buildings over what use to be excellent rabbit hunting.
  10. Hello everyone my first time on board from Albany County, where's the bunny's at?
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