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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Fairgame

  1. A big majority of people that are in these units support it
  2. Steve863, From what you are writing you have never experienced what it was like in these areas before AR's and what its like now. Before AR's I was never able to even see a nice buck and now I do. So Before this I couldnt shoot what I wanted.
  3. A 3 1/2 year old 4 point would probably impress me because of its body size. If it was legal why not take it. It is not a common occurance. The only time I have seen an old 4 point was when I was hunting in North Carolina my cousin shot a 6 1/2 year old 4 point that was 14 inch spikes with browtines heavy bases and was the heaviest deer at camp that week. Doewacker, Read what I wrote, there are two ways to look at things. Why cant I shoot an eight point. Why all of a sudden we seeing more bucks and bigger deer. Is the DEC spreading minerals for their antlers to grow?
  4. All it is, is that my Definition of hunting is different than yours and the same goes for everyone else that hunts. Why should I not have the opportunity to shoot what I want and others should. Its not about needing the meat to survive. For alot of hunters it is the antlers why shouldnt they have the opportunity to shoot a decent buck in these areas. Doesnt it seem selfish also on the hunter that wants to shoot brown its down? Like I said earlier there is two ways to look at things. I would say that the hunter that is older than I am is set in their ways and dont want to change but I dont think that is the case cause my dad at almost 60 years old is really trying hard to get his first rack buck after all these years of not having the opportunity cause they werent around. He now refuses to shoot a 5 or 6 point and they are all over. He sees the bucks that we have on the cams and wants to hold out. Like I have also said earlier the people that dont hunt these areas really dont know what it was like before and cant compare to how it is now. IMO The reason for seeing bigger bucks is not because there are less hunters cause there are still hunters on almost every 20 acre lot. Its because we were all told by the DEC that a certain size buck was now legal. There are alot of hunters in these areas. The buck population was getting shot out. Call me a gorilla for pounding my chest when I shoot a decent buck but that is what excites me. Especially on my own property. Thats why I hunt. My 2 1/2 year old 8 point that measures maybee 100 inches shot at my own place means more to me than shooting a 140 inch deer in another state.
  5. I never put anyone down for shooting anything legal. Me shooting an eight and them shooting a five doesnt make me better than them. As for shooting monsters or mature deer there are some out there but not many. I never said we are shooting monsters but we are shooting 2 1/2 yearolds and 3 1/2 year olds. A huge improvement from before. I'm not dreaming of shooting a 160 inch deer cause I have to be realistic with what my area is holding but I do dream of seeing a rack in the woods when before believe it or not it was non existant. People that dont hunt these areas dont realize how it really was, and what a change is has been till today.
  6. What about the guy who owns property in these areas and wants to shoot a decent buck but doesnt have the opportunity cause it isnt there cause these animals dont have a chance to grow. That hunter could get fustrated too and not want to hunt anymore. There is more than one way to look at it. Like steve863 said that he has friends that left the AR zones, I have friends that left a non AR zone to hunt by us. Everyone probably gets a little fustrated when they dont get anything throughout the season, but thats hunting. Besides a couple of the AR zone that need preference points to get a doe permit there are other areas that dont have AR's that need preference points too. I can only speak from what I see where I hunt and I dont see a problem filling a buck tag during archery or rifle or muzzleloader with a legal buck that is a five or six point. Plenty of legal small bucks around. a lot more than before.
  7. Lawdwaz, Correct, But hunting in an area that has a high hunter numbers, most of the bucks were never getting older than 1 1/2. I wish it could be that way and make it voluntary but that wasnt working in this area for many years. I would hunt the entire season and never see a buck over a four pointer. Thats why I dont like the voluntary thing. For me its not only the meat its the rack to.
  8. There is no proof of hygrading anywhere. This theory that you read somewhere was written by someone that is a non believer like you. To me its all a bunch of crap. Your remark of Elitism is your jeoulosy talking and wasnt needed. Who cares how many mounts I have. Me being fortunate enough to do as I please is my business and noone elses. I love my 2 1/2 year old mounts. If people like you would give me the opportunity to shoot older deer in the area I hunt I would, but you choose to shoot them as they are born. Good luck having your button buck mounted. Hope they have a mount small enough. You can hang twice as many on your walls. Yep I will keep California dreaming
  9. Lawdwaz Your in western NY and from what I here you dont need them. What if you got them in your area? What would you do then? Break the law cause you want to shoot whatever you want? There are laws for everything even the amount of deer we are allowed to shoot. Dont think there are no regulations on hunting. As for how many bucks do I want to hang on my wall? As many as can fit. When I run out of room I buy A bigger house.
  10. Besides this forum no one every asked me how satisfied I was with the program. Where do they get it. from the few hundred surveys they sent out to some hunters in the area. The buck take dropping is what these areas needed for the program even having a chance to work. Not shooting a percentage of deer is the only way you would see any older deer.
  11. I'm glad you have big deer without AR's. But now so does the guy that got the pictures of those big bucks because of AR's. Nice bucks Sam
  12. Nothing wrong with letting him experience it. Even though he cant shoot
  13. big game with a junior license is 14 years old with a mentor that has 3 years hunting experience 21 or older. Small game its 12 years old with a junior license.
  14. The reduction of yearling bucks harvested is by 65% is a good thing.(wasn't that the goal?) It's stating that more bucks are surviving to an older age. And the growth of only 14% on 2 1/2 or older bucks harvested is saying that these animals are harder to hunt cause they are getting older. The opportunity is there to harvest a nice buck if a hunter puts in his time and luck is on their side.
  15. Under Armor 3.0. Best cold weather base layer. I love it and so does my Dad
  16. If there isn't any scientific proof, how can the DEC biologist "assume" this? Being a hunter in 2 of these areas I can only talk from personal experience and experience from other hunters in the area. IMO the only proof I need where I hunt is from my experience in the field and hunters around me in these zones. Hunter satisfaction is important and in the areas that have it satisfaction has only grown in the last few years from talking to alot of hunters in these areas. I know I will fight to keep it in our area and so will others. It would be a shame to have something that has made a change for the better taken away.
  17. When was it stated to be put statewide? When did the dec even try to put it in your area? Your fighting against something thats not fighting you back. Your fighting what other people have and like.
  18. Barley any doe tags given out in my area. Do I care? No! Do I feel I can still fill the tags I have being that im in an antler restricted zone? Yes. Plently of deer around. Look at Burmjohns photos. Enough deer on one acre for 2 hunters.
  19. Who was pushing statewide? You are against something you have no idea of how it is working in the areas that have it. What are you afraid of? If you guys have bigger bucks good for you. Are antler restrictions working in areas that have it? Yes!! Ask the hunters that hunt these AR units if they like the antler restrictions I could guarantee we would get over a 95% approval for them.
  20. I only eat tags I choose to eat, not cause I didnt have the opportunity. Plenty of bucks and does during archery, and come rifle I dont shoot a buck unless its bigger than the one I already shot. I normally dont get to hunt muzzleloader cause I dont have any tags left from archery season
  21. People that are in an antler restricted zone dont think there are bigger bucks, they know it!!
  22. I have buddy heaters in 2 of the enclosed stands. they are great for bad weather.
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