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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Fairgame

  1. Pipecrew, You have the best with verizon. How it works in your area I'm not sure, but I have had them all at at the end I have only been satisfied with verizon. Yes they are more expensive, but if I'm going to pay for anything I want it to work. It seems to me that verizon works wherever I go.
  2. Its a great thought for next year. A little heads up for people in the area. Make it more like a hunter dinner gathering with a contest and everyone bring in info for that years harvest. We could get some good info like that. Deer chili contest, big buck contest big bear contest big doe contest
  3. Your right super sportsman!. I got that cause as a non resident when you would add all the seasons for deer Muzzle, bow, and rifle or shotgun it came to about the same money as the supersportsman. With the supersportsman I just bought the extra bear tag for another 50 dollars and it also gave me small game turkey and fishing
  4. The reason I'm posting is to show you I'm not an stupid. After everything that happened this is what you write as if I dont understand it, I like the peole who fire three or four times at a deer to get it. I say the are true sportsmen and fire a couple warning shots, or they practice shoot and release. You are the one by admission in your posts took a gun with minimum experience with a site system with minimum at best experience and said you shot 4 times at a deer. Then when questioned you went into attack mode Blow all your Psycology crap another way, trying to tell me how it all went down. I'm not going to cut and paste anymore to show you, cause you should be able to go back and read it yourself.. On one of your post you question me and answer it with the response you want to hear in one sentence. If you dont intentionally do this then change your name to FOREST GUMP.!! Otherwise take what you said and shove it.
  5. Sharpshooter!!! Maybee one day I will never miss. I have a bad Dad I guess he must have not of taught me one shot one kill. I'm gonna have a talk with him and ask him why he never taught me that. You are a real idiot. I know your older than me and I should respect my elders but enough is enough with you. You have to be a real idiot to try to keep offending people or me!! Reguardless what crap I will hear from others, I will stand by the FACT that you are an idiot!! I'm sure I'm not standing by this alone. I respect those that will respect me back otherwise ohh well.
  6. What type of non resident license you buy? I'm a non resident hunter but I got the sportsman with bear tag also. Lets me hunt whatever I'm in town for. Since I hunt all the deer seasons in NY it wasnt worth breaking it up.
  7. When I got down I checked for blood, there was snow on the ground but found nothing. That was the only time I have ever witnessed a deer not being affected by the bang of the gun. I have no problems admitting that I miss sometimes. I can also say that once you miss the first shot, the nerves get the best of most of us and it actually becomes harder to hit your target cause your trying not to miss again.
  8. What steve863 said about the one buck one doe tag would be a great thing, and then have extra dmp only where needed to controll population. That actually sounds really good. The lottery DMPs are given out in certain zones
  9. Listen to what your Dad taught you! Its good advise.
  10. I'm so happy for you. Con grat u la tions on being such a sharp shooter! I write this so you can read all the words and un der stand them.
  11. Why would I look fooloish. You are accusing me of something you have no idea off. With all your experience muzzleloader hunting, you forgot to learn some social skills with people. You were assuming knowing nothing about me same as I dont know anything about you. If you want me to answer you questions dont answer them with the response you want to hear. Assuming again. I'm so glad you can shoot a muzzleloader after 70 years of experience of hunting with it. OOOps I'm assuming now! Foolish is you for giving such an idiotic response. I see you get answers like this from more than just me and I'm not the only one, so live on and if you dont have anything good to say keep it to yourself cause YOU look FOOLISH!
  12. The only way all of us would know if it is working is if all of us knew how it was before. Including the DEC. You are right in the sense that I can only talk from what I see in my neck of the woods but also what I hear from others I know and have met from my area. I know alot of people in the area after 17 years of hunting there. It is a big hunting community and most of the landowners in the area are from other parts closer to the city and come up on the weekends and during the hunting season. If Antler Restrictions werent called Antler Restrictions but they were Buck Age Restriction, where you could only shoot a buck of a certain age I believe we would have more support from the non AR perople cause it is not limiting it on antlers but the age of a deer. It actually sounds better in the sense that it keeps the mind off of antlers and more on the age structure of the buck herd. As we all know they cant do that cause most of us would have a hard time aging the buck in front of us, so they gave us an easier way of judging the animal which is its rack. Does it save all the small bucks? No, but it has save most of the yearlings for many of us in this area to see an older buck. I have no problem admitting that I want to shoot a big rack,no problem admitting it and that is the goal of alot of hunters. I dont have to shoot an eight point. I actually have my mind set on a big 5 point that we have pictures of at my place. I know that he is an older deer probably 3 1/2, but a really cool looking buck.
  13. I forgot he also said that it take twice as many to fill his freezer, BUTT the meat is tender! Sorry I had to.
  14. And Steve863 has a fondness for young bucks. LOL You could get locked up for that.
  15. Just because it was my first time hunting with a muzzleloader doesnt mean it was the first time shooting it. I had shot that gun before. Reason me me using it was to see if I would enjoy hunting with a muzzleloader since back then it was open sights. I hate when people just assume and give you an answer like that. Then tell you that you look stupid on top of it. Did anyone ever tell you what happens when you ASS u me? What if it was my excitement that made me miss? You never took that into consideration. Right away you jump on your own assumption to what happened. Let me ask you this. Why did you shoot the deer in the neck? Did you shoot the gun before you took it out? Or was the deer staring at you and you took an unethical shot at its neck hoping you would hit it?
  16. I should of, but I couldnt believe what was happening!
  17. This is from my observations where I hunt and fellow hunters. Yes, We are seeing alot more bucks walking around. The opportunity to harvest a legal buck has increased compared to years prior ARs. Just an example last year I had a group of 5 1 1/2 year old bucks within shooting distance with the bow a couple of times. one 5 one 6 and some sublegal bucks. I chose not to shoot. I did get a nice 2-3 year old eight point 3rd day of bow season and let go of another basket eight and a bigger eight than the one I got but I was already tagged out for my buck. This is how the hunting has been the last 2-3 years for me. The opportunities have been there, its all a matter of making it happen. The trail camera photos we are getting are amazing compared to years prior all of this. For me there is no comparison.
  18. You being the mathematician . How does letting more bucks survive to an older age give you less of an opportunity? Does that make sense. Letting some some of these bucks survive to an older age gives more of a opportunity. If the hunter wants to hold out for a larger buck they can, and that could be the reason for a lower buck take , cause people are waiting for the larger buck they have been seeing. As for having an opportunity at a legal buck it is greater from what I see, but I dont want to shoot the smaller buck because I have seen the larger ones around. At this point the hunter has a bigger choice to make, Do I shoot this 5 or 6 point that I have in front of me or should I hold out for a bigger buck cause I have seen them around? That is up to the hunter. I choose not to shoot, but that is my choice. Everyone has a better opportunity at a legal buck today in our area than before ARs from what I have been experiencing and others I have talked to in my area.
  19. My first time ever using a muzzle loader or black powder rifle my cousin let me borrow his. It was one of the older style, open sights with the cap and hammer to the side. Not sure what they are called. I went out there was snow on the ground, and took 4 rounds with me with measured powder and caps. I had a doe at 80 yards took a shot and the deer didnt even move. Loaded again took a second shot, same thing deer never moved. to make a long story short, I shot all four shots at the doe never hitting it once. I got down off the stand and the doe took off. Went back to the house and got more ammunition. I got back on the stand and shot a doe in the first shot. I dont know what was happening on the first doe. Whats crazy is that it seemed like she wasnt scared of the sound of the gun.
  20. In order to reach an older age class you cant shoot most of the yearlings. ARs is protecting alot of the year and a half old bucks to reach an older age which helps the age structure of the herd.
  21. very nice! I would love to get a buck we have been watching on the trail camera. Just to have the mount with photos.
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