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Everything posted by Fairgame

  1. Don't know it was taken end of july. We will see if he sticks around
  2. John this buck is only a mile across the woods from you
  3. How old do you believe this buck is? Does the sway back make him more than 3.5 years old?
  4. This is another pic I have. I don't see anything wrong. . I have this other pic that just shows his front
  5. If its same deer as last year he is probably going on 3.5 years old. Not old enogh for his antlers to be going downhill, just doesnt have the genetics or proper food source to provide him with the nutrients he needs to grow a really big rack. For sure he isnt starving. look at that belly.
  6. The only problem is that I know where he is living. Hopefully he stays where he is and ends up on my butcher block. I have him coming off on two sides of a ridge on different cameras. Multiple night pictures and one pic of him during the day. we shall see. If he goes down by me or my dad, I want to video his weigh in.
  7. I think I'm gonna take him if given the opportunity. I will see whats out there closer to the season. Its still early He is the bigger of the few deer I have on the cam right now but that can change come September October.
  8. This is that seven point I had earlier this month. In this picture you can see how fat he is.
  9. I have 2 more pics of him. He is getting bigger. He is adding at least one more on his right side and maybe another on his left. Not much in tine length.
  10. Doewackers Correct. At the end that deer was a five point but only cause he was all broken up. Look at the pic. 195 pounds live weight. I knew what he was. Shot at 18 yards. What smack talk you talking about. The fact that ARs give some bucks a chance to grow past 1.5 years.
  11. When you start knitting are you going straight for the challenge like a sweater or are you starting with socks first?
  12. His body is creating a bullseye for the hunting season
  13. I guess they do.. The first pic he's checking out if anyones watching. Second pic he thought the ghost was clear.
  14. I'm not a pro at this but my estimate on the deers age was from the size of the deers body and what I believe are the the photos of the same deer the year before. Comparing the the photos if they are the same deer shows us the big difference in body size but not antler size. The doe population is not out of control in this area. I do see about 3 does per buck in the area, this is from my own observations in the past few years Food source Mainly woods in the area with good undergrowth. 20 acre clover plot on the neighbors property 500 yards away from where pics were taken. Not much for farms in this area
  15. If we know for sure this deer is in his 3rd year and we can see he is not malnurished, do you think this deer can make a big jump in antler size in his 4th year? In my opinion no, I could be wrong and I wont know unless he does live. I do hunt for bone, not only the meat. He isnt a deer I'm going to hang on the wall but I also wouldnt want him breeding more than he probably already has if its a genetic issue this deer has. Its a decision that is going to be made based on emotion once in the field and the opportunity comes around and presents itself.
  16. I haven't hung him from a scale yet, but I dont think too far off 200 pounds. I have shot deer there in the past that havent had a big rack but have had a nice body. In 2010 bow season I shot a buck with a live weight of 195 pounds.
  17. I know he isn't a big deer as far as antler size but body size I believe he should be around 200 pounds by season start. I'm almost 100 percent sure it's the same deer. He got a pass last year. Given the opportunity during season I will try taking him this year. Rattling antlers. I need a set
  18. Maybe this helps. These are the only pics I have, besides seeing him one time last year during the archery season.
  19. Actually as eary as August.. Next month..
  20. Dave The reason i think he is the same deer is that in both pics its a seven pointer with a missing browtine on the same side. The other reason is the shape of the antlers, and another reason for believing this is the black tail on this buck. I'm not 100 percent sure but pretty confident that it is the same deer. here is a pic of him on another trail earlier this year
  21. I have these two pics of the same deer. His body looks like it got bigger but his antlers do not look like they have changed. It also doesn't look like he is going to get much bigger in antler size cause the tips of his antlers do not have that bulb on them. What do you guys think? Will his antlers grow anymore or will he stay the same? Nice body size deer with a small rack? One is from July 1 2012 the other is from August 18 2011
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