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Posts posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. 11 minutes ago, biggamefish said:

    If you wanted to create a bedding area on a ridge. Say the ridge is lower than the surrounding area but still a pretty good ridge. Would you want the bedding area to be on the prevailing wind side (still out if the main wind) or the calm side. 

    Calm side

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Renegade Hunter said:

    Hunt the corners/runs coming off the golden rod in the morning. Does bed like crazy in there. Bucks should be bird dogging through it or working the downwind edge. I have one go to spot off some golden rod that I sit in the rut. No joke, 85% of the time I sit that spot (at the right time) I see a buck. Good luck! 

    Yeah, the 4 does that came down to me about 4:30 came from the direction of this Golden Rod Patch. I know it  gets used for bedding, so I generally keep clear of it, but this is the first year I have seen a really big Buck hanging around in there. I jumped  a couple from the same patch in  late Summer.

    I might try and make a quick ground blind tomorrow morning near the bottom edge. 

    • Like 1
  3. I had a pretty eventful afternoon and early evening sit. At 2:30, while I was enjoying some extreme tree surfing, this guy cruised by at 10 yards. So, its official, my impending tag soup for this season will be voluntary as a result of this guy getting a pass:

     At a little after 4 I was covered up in Doe, but not on the menu. As I was heading home after last light I was stopped in my tracks by a powerful whiff of mature Buck. I stood their sniffing the air and trying to gauge wind direction. Suddenly, about 30 yards upwind, bedded in some Golden Rod, the big 8 point I caught on camera a few days ago jumped up and ran into the deep woods, right where I had come from. So, at 5:15 he was still bedded. Now I need to formulate a strategy to hunt this Golden Rod patch. 



    • Like 5
  4. This from WBEN this morning:



    Democrat Andrew Cuomo was elected to a third term as the leader of the nation's fourth-largest state, winning over Republican Marc Molinaro.

    Black voters and Hispanic voters were more likely to favor Cuomo. White voters overall were divided in their support over Cuomo and Molinaro.

    Whites without a college degree were split over Cuomo and Molinaro. Conversely, white college graduates supported Cuomo.



    Demography IS destiny. Get used to your slice of America getting smaller and smaller and smaller.  Our problems are not political. They are much more fundamental. 

    Take a look a these pro Sharia, CAIR endorsed victories in NJ. You think more of this bodes well for America?


    Assad Akhtar, Passaic County Freeholder

    Mohamed T. Khairullah, Mayor Prospect Park

    Alaa Abdelaziz, Councilman,

    Paterson Hazim Yassin, Councilman, Red Bank

    Ilhan Omar, the Muslim woman who MARRIED HER BROTHER, won Minnesota’s 5th congressional district. Let that sink in for a bit.

  5. Even Bill Kristol now admits that racial demography is dividing the nation:


    I've always disliked the phrase "demography is destiny," as it seems to minimize the capacity for deliberation and self-government, for reflection and choice. But looking at tonight's results in detail, one has to say that today, in America, demography sure seems to be destiny.

    America is a heavily divided nation. It only gets worse from here out with low birth rates and no apparent end in sight to the disastrous migration policy we have. Earlier this year an acquaintance was inducted as a US Citizen. She told me that 95 percent of these new Americans with her were Muslim and non-white.

    The future of this country is simply too much for some people to accept. But get used to the idea of conflict of many kinds that ultimately lead to 1 nation becoming 3 or 4 within the lifespan of a human being. 

  6. 48 minutes ago, landtracdeerhunter said:

    No surprise here. Republicans never have a strong enough candidate to run against Mr. Cuomo. He's hard to beat in a Democratic state. I still say term limits.

    Tells us everything we need to know about the state of morals and outlook for the majority of New Yorkers, that such a maniac can even get a look in. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Rob... said:

    I don't know if it was 1965 that did it, that opened a door. I feel more like the 90's through present have been damning to this country and what it is supposed to stand for. I guess I just look at things differently.

    Pre 1965 immigration was almost an entirely Northern European affair, the same stock of people with essentially the same religious and cultural world outlook. That all changed in 65 and it has been an ever more slippery slope with each passing year, to the point now where we have a mainstream political party opposing the very idea of a national border. Game over without an actual shooting war to sort things out. Diversity + proximity historically always ends in war. I expect to see the beginning of the end within my lifetime. 

  8. the point is that foreign migration is changing the political and cultural landscape. The post 1965  insane push for diversity has ruined America. I believe the nation will break up within 3 generations as the divisions become untenable within the context of a single national identity . We no longer have a shared identity and each year that becomes ever more obvious and evident

    • Like 4
  9. 4 hours ago, helmut in the bush said:

    Your chances of getting a decent neighbor are very low no matter where you go. It amazes me how people can damage your property, steal from you and the cops won't do shit about it, who's the bigger POS?

    There was a test case a few years ago that exposed the fact cops have no legal obligation to respond to calls or complaints


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