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Posts posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. I need to get the pic off my phone, but, I had to drop someone off at a certain college in the Amherst region this afternoon. As I was heading back to the car park I spotted a Buck with about 5 or 6 doe in a front yard. Just hanging out. I walked over and took a pic. He was still in velvet!  Anyone seen this before? Do tame Bucks hold onto their velvet longer? 

  2. As someone who lives in ski-country I cannot recommend anything less than ALL or 4 wheel drive in deep snow. I have tried driving front wheel with snow tires in the past. The issue is night and day. Snow tires however are necessary, even with all-wheel drive I find, BUT, snow tires + front wheel did not cut it. The driving was still precarious and prone to the back kicking out. Front wheel drive is almost worthless when you get stuck. 

    Anyone who comes to our house with snows and front wheel drive in snowy conditions always get stuck...always . I keep a shovel in my car to assist in digging out front wheel drivers. 

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  3. 23 minutes ago, DIYhunter said:

    Hunting behind the house this morning (9h). 2 spikes walked past me around 9:00 then at 9:45 this guy walked out. Personal best with the bow! Quartering away shot, got liver and one lung. Wasn’t a pass through so blood trail turned into a grid search. He ran about 300 yards but I was able to see him for most of it because it was a crp field. Very thankful the neighbor didn’t mind me looking around on his property. IMG_1912.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Ha!  looks just like the deer that walked in front of my car at 8:10am this morning in 9H

  4. Rain died off to a large extent and I got a couple of hours in stand. In for pizza and coffee now, but heading back for the evening soon. My first attempt to get down for coffee was cut short. I was hunting the heavy bedding that lies on the neighbors side, waiting for something to dart out. The wind was in my favor, coming out of the bedding area. The breeze died down as I began to pack-up and I got a very strong whiff of Buck, so strong in fact I figured one was on the way out. I waited 20 minutes and did a little rattle, but no horns presented themselves. I will be hitting this stand again for the evening. Might even sit till dark just to see whats around. I do need to wear extra socks tho. 

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  5. 14 minutes ago, nodeerhere said:

    So I learned 2 things this morning! 1st I love my tree umbrella!!!

    2nd I should have put it a little lower! I'm still getting wet a little on my legs. 

    Theres a learning curve here. To low can't stand up occasionally. And it could be hard to draw a bow. To high! Still get a bit wet! But hell i'm in the stand either way 

    I attached one of my umbrellas to a bow hanger so I can move it a little to account for rain angle . I may hit up this stand a little later if the rains keep up...which looks to be the case

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