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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. this is a cgi creation. i saw an interview with creators couple of years back. very well done tho.
  2. It absolutely could. The attack on common sense and traditional activities is a symptom of the collapse of western civilization across the board. We see daily in the US such attacks in other spheres of life far more important
  3. presumably renters and welfare recipient with no skin in the game.
  4. There is roof footage showing someone sparking or igniting something over 1 hour before the fires took hold. Apparently it took firefighters 35 minutes to arrive at the nation's chief tourist attraction in the heart of Paris. I believe this was orchestrated by a beleaguered Macron and his globalist fellow travelers
  5. Chief architect: Fire in Notre Dame was no accident https://defenseissues.net/2019/04/20/chief-architect-fire-in-notre-dame-was-no-accident/
  6. All of Europe is headed for civil war. The US will follow, but Europe will lead on this score.
  7. I am of the opinion that Notre Dame should remain a smoking husk, just like French society, until such time as they realize what Notre Dame was built for and stands for.
  8. https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/273524/notre-dame-fire-our-fault-our-most-grievous-fault-milo-yiannopoulos From the comments:
  9. No way the truth of this will be known if a certain demographic was involved. France would burn
  10. Last Friday a female jIhadist was jailed for 8 years following a failed car bomb attack at Notre Dame in 2016. Interesting timing https://www.france24.com/en/20190412-france-jails-jihadist-woman-accused-over-foiled-terror-attack
  11. I read that only the scaffolding was set up and no work had yet begun
  12. There is a report that an employee claimed it was set on purpose. One thing is for sure. There have been a spate of Church attacks leading up to Holy Week in France. This act is certainly symbolic of the collapse of that nation
  13. They welcome them alright, just not into their own neighborhoods. See Cher as an example
  14. Notice how these climate alarmists cannot commit to telling us what the perfect temperature for planet Earth should be? Says it all right there.
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