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  • Gender
  • Location
    Long Island

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Hancock, NY
  • Hunting Gun
    Savage Axis II .308
  • Bow
    PSE Thunderbolt

Slugger09's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Swivellimb - Great if you prefer sitting down shots
  2. The deer was hung for about 36 hours.
  3. A friend of mine shot a yearling doe on Long Island. When butchering he noticed these black spots on the fat of the deer. Does anyone have a clue what this is? He is going to bring it to Ridge in the next couple of days so they can determine what it is, but I thought maybe someone here had a clue what it is.
  4. Yea, DEC actually e-mailed me back and said it's for all doe taken in Suffolk no matter the property
  5. Is anyone familiar with the tag exchange for Long Island after taking a deer? Is the exchange only for public land or is it for all deer taken on LI?
  6. I've gotten a bear rug, deer head, and hoof gun rack. They did a great job on all 3.
  7. I also enjoy buck commander but I enjoy chipper's new show 'Major League Bowhunter'. It shows how and why they are hunting certain spots. There are also episodes where they don't kill anything. It can be a little slow paced but very informative.
  8. Monday August 13, 2012 http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/365.html
  9. I'm in 4W and I have more bears than deer on my cameras. I have 2 that look like they're pushing 350+ pounds
  10. If you have an iPhone or android cabelas has a great map tool app and it's free http://cabelas.trimbleoutdoors.com/
  11. I received the same e-mail and it showed up in my junk folder. If you were to join don't use the link that they sent you. Go to the actual NAHC website.
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