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Posts posted by NonTypical

  1. This in no way is going to encourage hunters to "Do their part"...in fact its going to put less hunters in the field during the early season chasing does and MORE hunters during the antlered period chasing the same bucks....

    What they should have done especially on L.I. is that you would have had to kill 2 does before you recieve a buck tag..that would have equaled more hunter participation and more does taken out of the population.

    Plus on the managed lands we need to be allowed to get into the woods earlier and stay out later during prime times...and of course not allowing crossbows is just rediculous...Its THE most logical deer trimming tool for the Island..

    I agree with this 100%. It still baffles me as to why they eliminated the bonus buck tags if you harvested a doe. I know many hunters who were encouraged to harvest does so that they could potentionaly harvest another buck.
  2. I'm all for shooting does, and I do take my share of them later in the season when the temps drop. For me, the risk outweighs the prize of being in he woods in early Oct to shoot a doe. The first week of the season is a great time to harvest a buck. That is the only reason that I will put up with the heat, ticks, mosquitos, and gnats. I will now start around Halloween for bucks and Dec and Jan to harvest as many does as possible. At least then I won't have to be in a hurry to butcher them, unlike I would with the warm temps that we have in Oct.

    • Like 4
  3. So the new regs state that it is anterless only thru Oct 15 for LI. I personally try to harvest my share of does during the season, but to hunt during with first 2 weeks with the heat and bugs and to have to pass on a nice buck I'll be focusing my attention to other activities this year for the early season. There will be plenty of time to harvest does for me later in the year.

  4. I always thought of going deep, until this year. Due to an injury, I was unable to go too far up the mountain. So I decided to hunt only about 200 yards off of the road, within sight of my vehicle and about 75 yards off of the main trail. I didn't plan on seeing much and was ok with that, however there was some standing corn nearby on the adjacent property. I have hunted this property for several years and I always tried to go farther and deeper than anyone else. Yet I always seemed to have other hunters show up not long after first light. Sometimes they would come from the other side of the property from which I came.


    I was in well before first light. At 6:30 the brigade showed up. They marched up the mountain past me talking and making plenty of noise on the main trail. Shortly after they passed, a beautiful 10 point came down from the higher elevation. He must have heard the commotion and circled around.


    Every property is different. As others have said, use google maps to learn the land. Also try to figure out where the deer will want to go when the pressure is on and where you can sneak in without alerting deer to your presence. Sometimes you can't overlook the obvious.

    • Like 1
  5. I just realized that I posted in Live From the Stand thread instead of this one, so I'll just copy and paste it if that's ok.

    Got it done last night with the bow in 1C. It seems like the second rut is in full swing down here on the Island. I scouted the area yesterday morning and I found plenty of new rubs in the woods as well as a few new scrapes. Even though it is a last light spot, I did get in a little later than I would have liked. I almost thought about bailing out as I was kicking up deer on the way in. I'm glad I didn't. It seemed liked everything was moving a little earlier last night. The weather was perfect. Very light NE winds, cold, and some flurries. Shortly after getting settled in, I had 4 does come in. The biggest one was no dummy. There was another stand about 50 yards from that someone left in the area. She came in with her head up looking for someone in it that wasn't there. Then she appeared to be checking every other tree in the area. I thought to myself, she's a smart one and needs to go. Unfortunately, she never gave me a shot. After they moved off, I also saw a 4 point with his nose to the ground, then he stopped to freshen up a scrape. He got a pass. Had 5 more does come in as it was getting dark as well as seeing a few more moving around in the thickets. Then a solid 8 with some decent mass appeared on the edge of the clearing about 60 yards out. He stood there for a few minutes checking out the area. Then just as I was losing light, he made a beeline towards me and the scrape. At 32 yards he went broadside, and I let one fly. Found my arrow and it looked good, but I decided to back out anyway and come back with a good light after dinner. I was literally on my hands and knees trying to get through blow downs and thorny thickets following his blood trail. He only went about 100 yards with a double lung hit. Not my best buck, but def my biggest this late in the season and a really good one for the area I was in, considering all of the pressure that is there earlier in the season.



    • Like 9
  6. Got it done last night with the bow in 1C. It seems like the second rut is in full swing down here on the Island. I scouted the area yesterday morning and I found plenty of new rubs in the woods as well as a few new scrapes. Even though it is a last light spot, I did get in a little later than I would have liked. I almost thought about bailing out as I was kicking up deer on the way in. I'm glad I didn't. It seemed liked everything was moving a little earlier last night. The weather was perfect. Very light NE winds, cold, and some flurries. Shortly after getting settled in, I had 4 does come in. The biggest one was no dummy. There was another stand about 50 yards from that someone left in the area. She came in with her head up looking for someone in it that wasn't there. Then she appeared to be checking every other tree in the area. I thought to myself, she's a smart one and needs to go. Unfortunately, she never gave me a shot. After they moved off, I also saw a 4 point with his nose to the ground, then he stopped to freshen up a scrape. He got a pass. Had 5 more does come in as it was getting dark as well as seeing a few more moving around in the thickets. Then a solid 8 with some decent mass appeared on the edge of the clearing about 60 yards out. He stood there for a few minutes checking out the area. Then just as I was losing light, he made a beeline towards me and the scrape. At 32 yards he went broadside, and I let one fly. Found my arrow and it looked good, but I decided to back out anyway and come back with a good light after dinner. I was literally on my hands and knees trying to get through blow downs and thorny thickets following his blood trail. He only went about 100 yards with a double lung hit. Not my best buck, but def my biggest this late in the season and a really good one for the area I was in, considering all of the pressure that is there earlier in the season.

  7. The mount in my avatar was done by Fish Unlimited. He does excellent work. I have no doubt that this past week has brought in many P&Y deer to his shop as well as a handful of 150"+ deer. He has been very busy since Oct 1 processing many does. A lot of which are donated to help feed the homeless. If you stop by there on any given night, you will see them working late trying to keep up.

  8. There are still some online retailers who will sell and ship ammo to NY. Much fewer than there used to be, but they do exist.

    IANAL - The current thinking is that it is still permitted to buy/sell ammo online because that provision is not active until the database is up and running. The big retailers caved immediately because they didn't want to deal with the hassle of NY.

    Pm sent jrm.

  9. They have always been a problem here on LI along with chiggers. For my dog, I get a collar for him from my vet. It's made by Bayer and I think it's called Seresto, or something like that. It lasts about 8 months I think. He gets one in the spring and lasts until Xmas. It works great. I never find a single critter on him and I don't have to remember to reapply every month.

    For myself, I buy the large spray bottle of Sawyers Permethrin from Cabelas or Dicks. I use it for work as well. It's scent free and supposed to be effective for up to 6 washes. I reapply almost every morning before work anyway if I know that I will be working somewhere whe it's needed. But if I don't, it still does its job.

  10. Some of the best hunts that I have had were during the last week of the season. Bucks were starting to herd up with other bucks and going into survival mode. Very easy to pattern them much like the early season. I'll be looking forward to it.

  11. Thunderhead 100gr 3 blade.

    ^^^This! I have been shooting them for 20 years. They always do the job. I'm sure there may be better fixed blades on the market, but they are by far the most readily available when it comes to buying replacement blades on a moments notice at just about any sports store.

    • Like 1
  12. I love nontypical racks. They can be very unique and one of a kind. I shot a large nontypical that dressed out at 205 years ago and that is one I'll never forget. Unfortunately, his rack was a little busted up. I have taken my share of typical bucks over the years including a 155" with only 3" of deduction in my avatar. If I had the chance, the freak would get it.


  13. The store in Commack and (I think) Riverhead will still carry hunting gear, ammo but its limited to one aisle.

    They never really had a great selection of stuff to begin with, and now with only 1 aisle to choose from, it doesn't even make it worth it for me to walk in the store to not be able to find what I'm looking for. I'm done with them.

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