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Everything posted by sampotter

  1. I feel disrespected too- as a taxpayer.
  2. Well ok, but we should clarify and agree to use the DEC's definition of a buck as being a deer with at least one antler >3". Heck, I could shoot 5 button bucks if I wanted too. Technically because of their pair of testicles, they are bucks, but not as the DEC defines them.
  3. Yep, and that's why everyone needs to read the regs!
  4. Doesn't antlerless mean not a buck?
  5. I would recommend that nobody takes anyone else's word for it- read the regs yourself. I know for most of the state you can take one buck in the early Archery and then one during the regular (gun) season, which can also be used in the late archery/ML season. Some WMUs are slightly different, so read the regs!
  6. Last year in full sunlight the Moultrie ones seemed to do fine, but I'm going to have to do some more research. It may be that a non-trail camera brand of solar panel would be best.
  7. Ahem- I hate QDMA too.. You know, if you're buying dinner and all...
  8. Come on- I like being #1! It should make everyone feel like they accomplished something when they actually get a deer. Top 3 are NY, PA, and PA in no particular order.
  9. I'm pretty sure the reason he used data from QDMA is because it is one of the few places to get all state's harvest data from one source without going to every DEC, DEEP, DNR, etc. site. Any way you slice it, NY still should be in the top 10 worst deer hunting states. Extremely high pressure and liberal bag limits are reflected in the harvest data. Trust me, if a hunter can get it done in NY, they can get it done anywhere....
  10. The panel on this set is one of the Moultrie ones that is something like 5"x4" with a internal battery and hard plastic case. I bought a couple of Covert's panels this year which are a lot bigger, but the battery that came with it is a lot smaller and the panel seems to made more for charging your cell phone while you are hunting. It has a soft nylon "shell". I ended up making steel brackets so I can mount them from trees at a 45 degree angle instead of just hanging loosely and vertically. The jury is still out on them- I am a little concerned about moisture getting into the external battery and shorting everything out.
  11. I have a solar panel on it. It was really foggy/cloudy yesterday, so it seemed to struggle a little.
  12. Yes, the cheapest package is $5.99 for 200 texts, next up is $9.99 for 1000 texts. (AT&T)
  13. I'm at work and these pics were just sent to me. Nice 3 year old strutting his stuff on opening day of bow. He's safe from me.
  14. It sure appears that way. I believe the buck was downed with 00 buckshot at very close range as he came looking for a fight. I grew up only ever having seen the 1st pic. I never imagined that rack had those unbelievable main beams, so when the 2nd picture was sent to me with the suggestion that it was another big buck from the same area I didn't give it a 2nd thought.
  15. Ok, now that I have your attention.... Hello all- I am slowly trying to track down the current whereabouts of the huge buck that Paulina Brandreth and Reuben Cary teamed up on back in 1910 or so on my family property. This is the buck seen in the iconic photo below with Reuben Cary holding it. The 2nd picture is of a family friend, taken by the caretaker in the 1960's or so. The setting was on the family land as well. That 2nd picture was sent to me several months ago by the grandson of the family friend after he received some old photos from the caretaker's descendant. At the time neither of us connected the dots that the mount was actually THE buck, and he speculated at 1st that it was a different deer. Because the camera angles are different, it took me up until a few days ago, while looking at those vintage photos and daydreaming, that the deer were one and the same. After pointing out some key characteristics, my Dad and the grandson both agreed, but that now leaves the burning question, where is it now? I had always believed the rack had gone to the American Museum of Natural History because of a passage in a book written by Robert Wegner called Deer and Deer Hunting III. In a chapter devoted to Paulina Brandreth, Wegner mentioned a comment made by Roy Chapman Andrews (naturalist, adventurer, explorer, Director of the American Museum of Natural History, possible inspiration for "Indiana Jones" character, and friend of Paulina's) while examining the rack for possible inclusion into the American Museum of Natural History that the rack was the thickest or heaviest he had ever seen on a whitetailed deer. I always interpreted this to mean that the deer did indeed go to the museum, but because Andrews died in 1960 and the rack was photographed on our land during the same time period, this was evidently not the case. It would be really neat to find this deer again as it is by far the biggest to come out of our property and an absolute monster for the Adirondacks. For all I know it could be hanging in a dingy bar in Anytown, NY. Come to think of it, there is a big deer in Dinosaur BBQ in Syracuse, but I don't really remember what it looked like. The huge brow tines and distinctive main beams should make this deer very recognizable. So, if you think you may have seen it, please let me know!
  16. Soils and the amount of agriculture get a lot more credit for big bucks than is deserved. Animals have basic requirements for nutrients, and for sure a little extra can boost growth, but a lot extra is just excreted in the feces and urine. Most of NY does not have nutritional factors that are limiting the antler growth of bucks. Heck, my heaviest antlered buck is a 145+ 8 out of the heart of the Adirondacks, arguably the worst soil in the whole state.
  17. Agreed on the age and pressure, but there's nothing wrong with the soil here in NY. There is more than enough agriculture too. I would add genetics. The Midwest has an entirely different genetic population. In fact, a mature 8 point where I go shed hunting in Iowa is pretty rare, most are 10s or better. However, I would say the average mature NY buck is going to score in the 135-140 range. No matter how you slice it, a 140" 8 is a heck of a deer, and I have a soft spot for big old 8s!
  18. I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to post in my very own challenge thread, but here's a cool picture from yesterday evening...
  19. 134 4 year old. He's a nine point for those that didn't notice.
  20. Look how deep the body is! That's a big bear!
  21. When I was in CT hunting last week I stopped by my buddy's house. He didn't have a trophy room, but he did have this pile in his barn. He sent them home with me to clean up so he can actually hang them. He goes to South Dakota most years to hunt pheasants and then takes a day or 2 to get his deer. He does pretty well for minimal effort. He had one other one that was on a plaque, all killed from 2003-2012. He didn't go a couple of years. I don't think he has ever come back empty handed either. Of the 6 big bucks he's brought back (one not pictured) 3 are in the 130's and 2 in the 140s (the big 9 on the left end was 147 and the big 8 2nd from right is 143)
  22. Dang Wooly- I'm going to choke on my beer!
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