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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. We were at war for all of obamas 8 years. That's ridiculous. All of you who love this bombing other countries should be praising obama. And once again we bombed a country for what? Syria didnt attack the United States. Why are we putting our noses in their issues again?
  2. Did you hear ron paul on this whole mess?. The bomb bomb bomb crowd is gonna need to let the smoke clear to see this straight. https://www.infowars.com/ron-paul-chemical-weapons-attack-in-syria-likely-a-false-flag/
  3. Am i understanding you right? The base we bombed was there defending a christian area that was under routine isis attacks?
  4. "I am very surprised by this. I think a lot of Trump voters will be waking up this morning and scratching their heads and saying, ‘where will it all end?’” he said. https://www.infowars.com/farage-on-syria-strike-where-will-intervention-end/
  5. No we didnt. Thank you for supporting my sentiment. We need to follow the constitution.
  6. I didnt know they had quail up there. Preserve? when you said 4- 5 hour drive from New York City I assumed you were there and hunted New Jersey. Anyway quail are awesome imo. This was my first time hunting them and to see a covey break is awesome
  7. Im a new resident to nj. Went for quail for the first time this season. Wow!!! Im assuming you hunt quail in jersey?
  8. Isnt bombing another country considered an act of war? Im not a constitutional lawyer so correct me if im worng. But doesnt military action need the approval of congress? Also. He is spot on. The United States was not attacked. As disgusting and horrifying as this was, the united states was not attacked.
  9. “While we all condemn the atrocities in Syria, the United States was not attacked. The President needs congressional authorization for military action as required by the Constitution, and I call on him to come to Congress for a proper debate,” said Paul, who ran for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination against Trump. https://www.infowars.com/sen-rand-paul-opposes-trump-airstrikes-in-syria-the-united-states-was-not-attacked/
  10. President Trump is considering a broad shakeup of his White House that could include the replacement of White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and the departure of chief strategist Steve Bannon, aides and advisers tell us. https://www.infowars.com/report-trump-considering-replacing-reince-priebus/
  11. This is interesting...... should i keep up on my homework? https://www.infowars.com/report-trump-considering-replacing-reince-priebus/ President Trump is considering a broad shakeup of his White House that could include the replacement of White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and the departure of chief strategist Steve Bannon, aides and advisers tell us.
  12. I never said he was mad because he was relieved of his post. That was a temporary spot for him. Now that the pieces to the puzzle are coming together it makes total sense on why he wanted to quit/ was livid. I highly doubt he was on board bombing Syria. Good job doing your homework
  13. Is this fake news too? Paul Joseph Watson amongst others are turning on him. https://www.google.com/amp/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2017/4/6/15215376/alt-right-trump-syria
  14. PJW has some strong words for trump. This isnt looking good.
  15. Infowars, which had been some of President Donald Trump’s biggest supporters during the election, is officially off the Trump train. The Editor in Chief of Infowars, Paul Joseph Watson, unleashed on Trump in a series of tweets. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thelibertarianrepublic.com/infowars-eic-off-the-trump-train-condemns-him-as-neo-con-puppet/amp/
  16. What do you read now? Im always looking for new outdoors website/magazines. Any of you guys on instagram? I heard there are some pretty awesome outdoors pages
  17. I wouldnt be so quick to label news that doesn't fit your agenda as fake. I understand you are very pro trump but you cant deny the stuff that is happening. Its ok to support somebody but still acknowledge their flaws. I say the same thing about obama supporters. Anyway...... bannon has been livid apparently with people within the circle and was threatening to quit. Apparently he hd to hve a very prominent conservative donor talk him out of it Papist reported that kushner is leaking info. And he has yet to be fired. Doubt he will as well. Ivanka is wayyyy to important to donald from what it seems to make such a decision. And when someone seeks immunity it's because they are ready to squeel.
  18. The link i posted was not from the nyt. But the New York Times was cited in the article. the content is what's important. Seems like president trumps camp and is not in order. Bannon threatening to quit. Papist reporting that kushner is leaking info. Mike flynn seeking immunity if he testifies.
  19. http://www.fieldandstream.com/trump-to-chesapeake-bay-cleanup-best-luck-to-you The President’s proposed budget will sink the restoration of one of our nation’s most important—and fragile—waterways
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