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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Does anyone own a super black eagle 3 ? Anything you like or dislike?
  2. Thank you! State land bird down
  3. Im a senior at Paul Smiths College and normally spend turkey season at school hunting property up there. Since we got sent home due to the virus, I was curious if anyone had any private land near the albany area they would be willing to allow turkey hunting on? Willing to lend a hand with any work/chores that need to be done in exchange for hunting permission, thanks!
  4. Looking for permission in 4j or anywhere near there, i go to school at Paul Smiths and hunt up there but looking for somewhere to hunt while i am home. Ive lost all permission because of builders and new developments. Willing to work or pay for permission to hunt
  5. I looked on the dec website but cant find the answer, if im 16 can i gun hunt alone since junior hunters are 14-15?
  6. Well after tracking from 5-11 last night and 7-1030 today i still cant find her, it sucks but ill be back at it trying to stick another this weekend
  7. I mean i am going to go track again in the morning, im asking if she will still be safe to eat
  8. Im 16 and this is my 2nd year bow hunting i missed twice last year and finally got it done tonight, i shot a doe at about 20 yards clean pass through. I waited an hour and started tracking this was at 5 pm we tracked heavy blood for 100 yards or so into some real thick stuff also had parts of what looked like a lung in the blood. Still out here looking but no luck, do you think she will still be good in the morning?
  9. This is my first yr turkey hunting and i will be using my bow, would decoys help to get the birds closer so they dont hang up at 40 yrds
  10. Izayah12


    11 different bucks on this 80 acres in the middle of the suburbs, and i still cant connect
  11. Im in my bow only spot just had a doe with two fawns come in 15yds. Isnt it late for them to be together??
  12. Bucks moving mid day in 4j along with a little bit of chasing
  13. I hunt 4j (latham) and have 7 bucks on my cameras also a ton of coyotes so that could be a problem
  14. Chasing in 4j had a 10 and a 6 chase some does this evening
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