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Posts posted by chrisw

  1. Just snagged a killer deal (in my opinion) at Herb Phillipsons. A 4 pack of aluminum climbing sticks (1 3/4lb each) with straps and folding serrated/angled foot steps for $31.99! Normally $89.99! On clearance for $40 and 20% off on top of that. I've been eyeballing these for stands I hang way back, this way I can hang multiple sets and use the same sticks and I doubt anyone will walk off with my stands with no way to get to them.

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  2. I let a lot of deer go, for no reason sometimes, a few times I've gotten so wrapped up in just watching them that I lost sight of trying to kill one. If you had an enjoyable experience, a kill is irrelevant. Sometimes I've let deer walk that looking back I shouldn't have but I don't necessarily regret it. A few times I have also let emotion guide my choice to draw back. Last year I had a huge doe and fawn come in to the apple tree, the fawn was bouncing around thoroughly enjoying life and if I'm being honest I hated the thought of taking away her mother. It didn't seem like the right thing to do, to me. They fed and walked off none the wiser as to how close I was, that was the victory to me. I walked out feeling great about my decision and I still do. The kill is only a small part of the satisfaction I get from hunting.

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  3. Well, I shot a limit of squirrels this morning, I decided to skin and quarter them as I shot them to see how bad it was. It wasn't bad at all, what would've taken me an hour trying to get the skin off all of them once rigor set in and they cooled off, took probably 2-3 minutes per squirrel. I made an cut through the base of the tail and down each hind quarter, then lay them on their back and put your heel on the ball of the tail and pull up with the hind legs and the skin comes off all the way to their head. Then pull the skin off the hind quarter and quarter them. Simple. All that I used for tools was a fillet knife. This will definitely the only way I do it going forward.

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  4. I'm with the other guys, usually the hunting is best the first hour or two of light so I hate to shoot one and clean it right then. I usually wait until I shoot a limit or finish for the morning to clean them. If I'm feeling frisky I'll skin them real quick when I shoot them. Skinning a cold squirrel is awful. You can have the skin off in about a minute while warm still. I love squirrel hunting, I hate cleaning squirrels...

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  5. Give me a climber over a hang on anyday. I'd rather hunt from the ground than spend all the time and energy setting up sticks and stands for every hunt. My climber weighs like 17-19 lbs and I can be up the tree in less than 3 minutes. Also, if your prone to moving around a lot like I am you'll want a climber. Rarely can I not find a tree in close proximity of the spot I want to hunt to climb. I only hang stands in spots I frequent often and I know they're proven spots, or they're a mile or more from the truck. Plus climbers allow me to go above the limit of 20' or so with sticks. I can't think of a scenario where hauling in sticks and a hang on will be easier or more efficient than a climber. Most people that don't like climbers haven't taken the time to use them efficiently/properly. I wouldn't trade my climber for anything.

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  6. Hunt the latest sign, don't become emotionally attached to an area due to past success or one particular deer. Don't be afraid to go outside of my comfort zone, if I'm not feeling it in a spot I'll drive the extra hour to different state land I've scouted. One perk of only hunting state land is I'm always moving, I don't get glued to the easy stands placed on private land "behind the house." I've seen greater successes since I've employed this in my hunting style.

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  7. The gun/scope doesn't change unless its jarred. So consistency relies on the shooter.

    The compound I have shot 113 times in my career now, which has to be more than any gun in my whole life. But I must say I thought it would Be tougher. All 113 shots were easily inside an 8" plate (as they say).

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    Watch out Levi Morgan! This guy can hit 8" plates! To judge how "tough" archery is, is a judgement that can't be made this early into your endeavors. Don't get your panties bunched, this was mostly a joke. Although it's a bit Conor McGregor'ish to come to a different sport and say how easy it is before you've really done it.

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  8. Mayweather built his whole career out of back peddling. I said they were soft compared to MMA fighters which is 100 percent accurate.

    He built his career out of wins. Show me an MMA fighter who's been on top for 21 years. You can't.

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  9. He proved his point about boxing being below MMA . 1st profesional fight against the best boxer ever and took him into round 10. Mayweather wouldn't last 30 seconds the other way around.

    You're not accepting the fact that was the plan from the Mayweathers the whole time, he's a smart fighter. How long after Floyd started punching did it take? That's right, 4 rds tops. And let's not pretend Conor is some schmuck off the street. He's a world class athlete as well. It's clear your a UFC fanboy who can't stand your loudmouth lost. They fought, he lost, it would behoove you to give Floyd some credit.

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  10. There has also been a few brave and very good boxers to enter a mma bout. One was former champion--James (Lights Out) Toney. He fought Greco- Roman wrestler and former MMA Champion--Randy (The Natural) Culture. Toney got tackled and was choked out very fast by Culture.
        So- this type of bout has happened before. An early MMA Champ- Jennum is his last name tackled a pro- boxer and finished him down there with punches and the best arm-bar I have yet seen in action.    I believe I am right on both here going by memory as a hard core boxing fan since I could watch tv and UFC fan since its beginning in 1993. Members can google what I just wrote to see if I am right.
      I would really like to see a current Boxing champ-(any weight)- challenge a MMA fighter -but have the courage to go in as a MMA fighter-chokes and all. It would be best if the mma fighter was a champ himself.  I understand McGregor gave a good account of himself. Now


    I would agree that McGregor won the first few rounds but that was part of the Mayweather plan, he knew if he bought some time early he could capitalize later on, the rounds won are irrelevant when it ends in KO. I understand Conor is all about show but his constant denouncing of boxing as a real combat sport is as ridiculous as his mouth. I'm glad Floyd put him in his place. I'd like to see him come out of this a bit more humble but I think douchebag is part of his DNA unfortunately.

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  11. Exactly let Conner get em in one of those choke holds

    For the 8th time, Mayweather wasn't the one challenging another man to his sport. You run your mouth, you need to back it up. To walk into the ring with Floyd and say you're better than the 21 year champ at his sport is just being a douchebag. Fanboys are obnoxious, talk big then when he loses it's all excuses. How about the 6 illegal hammerfists to the back of Floyd's head? Conor can fight, in MMA, he should stay there.

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  12. So you honestly think Floyd beats any other top level boxer last night? He's not what he used to be probably because he's 40 years. I think he would have been knocked out if he was fighting an experience top level boxer last night

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    I think so yes, Floyd is the best at defense, so well that at times people complain about a boring fight, but he always wins. Last night was all about strategy, the same as any fight. Floyd knew if he let McGregor throw bombs early he'd tire out and Floyd could pick him apart. I think you're missing the point here, Floyd didn't come back to fight a champion boxer, he came back to shut a loud mouth MMA champion up. Floyd wasn't running around challenging everyone else in their sport, the idiot was. Floyd admits he's not what he used to be, you show me an MMA fighter that holds the belt for 21 years and then you can talk trash.

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  13. I was upset with the early stoppage . I didn't realize boxers were that much softer then MMA guys . Connor even said"let him put me down" he was more then aware of what was going on,he was still making an attempt to back peddle even though he was taking shots and clearly rattled . I look forward to more Connor press conferences, dude is hilarious. 

    It's not about being soft, it's about not getting your brain rattled more than is necessary. And for all it's worth, Conor was down, the ropes held him up. He was being punched from one end of the ring to the other, back peddling is not an ability to defend yourself, which he was unable to do at the end. You should learn more about boxing and the rules before saying they're soft...

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  14. Pathetic performance again by Mayweather. 10 rounds to beat an amateur? Let's see Mayweather last 10 rounds in an MMA fight with Mcgregor

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    Did you even watch the fight? Mayweather barely threw a punch the first 4 rds, McGregor gassed himself out quick and then was a punching bag for Mayweather. He fights smart, unlike McGregor. I laugh when people say pathetic performance, he's 50-0. A W is a W. To say Mayweather is pathetic is ignorance.

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  15. I have one and it's awesome. Battery life is like 3,000 hrs, I'm still going on my original battery, I keep a spare in my pack and it can be changed with a quarter or pocket knife. Sometimes I shoot without the LED lit, you can still see crosshairs. Don't let the battery life keep you from an awesome sight. 4 guys at work have ordered it since I showed them mine.

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  16. I also bought 12 Chinadermics, 12 heads for $10. Might toss a Spitfire, Ulmer edge, Rage hypodermic, Carbon Express Torrid in the quiver... Gotta keep the deer guessing.

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  17. Euronly Choice does good work I've heard, reasonable prices too. I've never used them personally but know a few that have. I believe they're in Homer, NY? Phone is 607-591-2813. If you're on Instagram you can see some of their work.

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