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Everything posted by phade

  1. I use a small flashlight when going into timber in the dark of the morning. Like most I will cover it with my hand and only use what light is absolutely necessary. I've used a headlamp maybe 3x in the past five seasons for walks in or out. I don't like them due to the preference of how much light they throw even on low. I can say that I do walk in, in the dark, without a light on, for about 75% of my hunts. I'm typically in the seat 1 hour to 1.5 hours ahead of legal sunrise. I don't agree with the you aren't going in or out in the dark without a light at all. It's not always needed. Above all else key for me is low and slow. Low or NO light, and slow/steady entry. I struggle with that in the AM for the first few walks in each season. I tend to rush in, in the morning, due to excitement, but I am getting better at that over the years and as the season progresses. My partner is like a bull in a China shop walking in or out in any condition, lol. He also walks warp speed naturally...ADD/ADHD has made it near impossible for him to slow down. Crushes his seat time, too when needing to do all dayers. One time we had the same trail in and his stand was first. He got up and I literally ripped the steps down, lol. Stuck his butt up there all day.
  2. The barometric pressure also looks pretty lousy after today and tomorrow - which are both high. Wed through Wed of next week the pressure does not go above 30 in except for a few hours Saturday morning, and just barely. I'll be curious if people bring up "lull" alot then.
  3. We're getting the bigger bucks on cam, but not in light, at least not in NY. Hard for us to do because where we think they are, are on another property. Tough spot to be this time of year. Pressure is kicking in, too, as we're noticing.
  4. Winds look squirrely this afternoon. Would like to get out but light and variable with the last 90-120 minutes of light being all over the place. Blah. Won't be out tomorrow. I may sit one of two stands that we can observe in. Did that both mornings this weekend and saw good action, but curious if the PM is any different.
  5. Wunderground and WeatherBug. Between the two I use them 99% of the time. When they align I tend to see it stick. Was sitting a corner of a field edge with a hedgerow running into it yesterday evening. My wind should have been blowing w to e. It was but the corner was making it swirl. A mature doe walked N to S, hit my scent and was looking dead away. You could see how she was reacting. The scent was coming e to w due to the swirl. Kind of funny in that instance but not so much when it’s a buck and he’s got it right.
  6. Really open spot and a bit of a gamble. We’re probably flirting with wind going to likely bedding. That said we’re on the right side of the wind for a pinch with a narrow trail inside 5 yards from corn field edge. Only one shooting lane into the field. Hoping he walks by there.
  7. Breaking it down. He scoped himself but doing ok.
  8. Looks like we have a kid who got a deer. Finally.
  9. This kid, small buck is just standing behind this bush eating. Literally the only thing in plot. Kids shaking like a leaf I guess just waiting and waiting.
  10. Small buck front of kid. Behind a bush in plot. Once he clears I expect to hear a boom. Moments away I think.
  11. Cool as heck is the only thing that comes to mind sir.
  12. Arrow? Id probably wait til morning or get a dog in AM. Could be clotted but dang that is a tough one. Good news is he was bedded in first bed. Meaning he was hurting pretty bad.
  13. Ouch. Sorry to hear. Honestly if it’s not going to rain I’d probably wait until morning. Unless he was visibly struggling bad.
  14. Tonight’s view. That strip is 40 yards. About 30 yards to the right is another like it but from the wood line to overlapping this one. Forces deer to not be able to see all the corner which is a low lying area. They have to navigate the opening to work around it and walk by two stands. The doe has been doing that a few times now.
  15. Dang. I chased off a small doe walking up. Wide open. She came back and has been here with me for the duration. Kid and partner encountered a doe walking in, set up, and his shaking kept him from touching a round off. Lol. I remember those days! Wish the kid was here, this would be a gimme.
  16. So we got permission on a 12 acre piece inside a village that allows bow hunting for the first time this season. We have exclusive permission. Was pumped because it’s likely the best or arguably second best parcel in the village. Borders are clear and it’s isolated due to a hard break in the terrain. Found SIX tree stands. Some there well more than a year. Two doubles, a hang on, a single ladder, a LW climber, and a BOX blind. Multiple people based on stand styles and set ups. Had to LOL at that one. Set two cams to see what the scoop is. Just reaffirms the saying that a property is hunted whether you think it is or not. Owner confirmed again nobody else is to be out there. I know how they’re getting out there without him seeing and it’s a freaking operation going on back there. They’re crossing a major water feature. Major. Lost the coin flip to hunt with the kid. Partner has him set up using my Bog Pod on our plot. I expect a dead deer. I’m on the other side of the farm. Corn cleared out this morning.
  17. I second the drop in draw weight. 40lbs will most certainly do it. I think we all know that day comes for each of us. I hope you find a solution.
  18. I’d consider waiting quite some time. 6 hours for liver minimum but stomach and intestine, it’s going to put you out to close to dark IMO. At minimum.
  19. That’s like finding an empty wrapper next to the bed post.
  20. Definitely give it time. No need to rush at this point. Surely fatal and just now about not bumping him and finding him dead. Bile appearing is going to be fatal.
  21. Watery from the dew/rain? Looks darkish too. Give him time. What’s the arrow say? Any hunching? Sounds like what you saw is lining up with the blood there. Slow walks away like that IME are back. Not sure about low and back that would give dark blood unless there was stomach and intensive content but you’d see that. Think maybe you got low liver?
  22. I’m done for AM. Add a few Turkey and it was a good sit. Should have shot a doe but don’t want to bugger it if we can find a set up for the kid.
  23. Interesting observation. This berm was put in December 2020 when neighbor clear cut woods bordering us. Really destroyed the hunting here. Starting to figure it out though. This berm is a funnel now. Deer work to this opening. But what’s interesting is that they ALL stop right here to scan the open area they couldn’t see behind it. Saw a big buck last year run over the berm in rut. That was cool.
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