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Hunter9396 last won the day on October 8 2018

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  • Hunting Gun
    Mossberg 30-06
  • Bow
    2015 Hoyt Charger

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  1. So I just got my first muzzleloader ever. It’s a traditions buckstalker xt combo with scope. I have no experience with muzzys ever and this is all new to me. I usually only rifle hunt. My question for you guys is how do I go about sighting it in? The scope is 3-9x40 scope.. how far do I start sighting it in from? The manual tells me the gun is accurate up to 200 yards.. but I don’t know how far I should fight sight it in for. Thanks in advance
  2. How many of you guys run hounds? Anybody have any dogs with flat creek or willow run in them?
  3. Hey I seen you had beagles for sale recently. Who are your dogs out of?

  4. Hope so, If not this year, next year i will definitely be putting all my time into this spot for one of these guys haha
  5. So I picked up a new hunting spot in the beginning of the season and first thing I did was set cams up. I set camera up in this one spot and was getting pictures of nice bucks during the day and night until around middle of November.. now since middle of November I haven’t gotten any pics of them except a couple doe and spikes. I know they are still alive because I’ve just recently seen them in the area. Is it that they just use that spot where the camera is in the early season and late season they are somewhere else ?
  6. Not much blood. I backed out. Only blood drops like that every couple yards
  7. They were full length hairs
  8. Buddy shot a buck broadside at about 50yards with crossbow. Shot was low. When arrow hit buck jumped up and Mule kicked. Ran off about 60 yards and stopped and started walking. Checked where he was shot and can’t find arrow but found a bunch of white hair. We are waiting an hour or 2 before looking. What do you guys think
  9. Thank you guys all for the help! He weighed out to about 170. So it was hard finding blood on him where I shot him because he was in a swampy area and with all the water from the rain it was even harder. So we looked and looked couldn’t find blood or arrow. Then we started looking where I last seen him run in at and it was dry ground. After a couple mins my buddy found blood. Nice bright blood with bubbles in it and a lot of it! So the track was on. There was so much blood after finding first blood even my colorblind ass could track him haha. He was laid up about 70 yards. The shot was a high lung and came out on shoulder blade that’s why I believe the arrow was sticking out of him when I shot him.
  10. Looking right now. I’m in a swampy area so it’s hard to look. Hoping arrow didn’t fall into water. Plus I’m color blind so that doesn’t make it any better. Waiting on a buddy to get here and help
  11. I know the arrow was sticking out somewhere in this area
  12. Shot a nice 8pt this morning and when I shot him I misjudged yardage and hit him a little high. When he took off, he took off hard and fast, my arrow was sticking out of him and then fell out after he started running. He ran into some thick stuff and sounded like he was falling when he was running. Not sure tho because I couldn’t see him. Haven’t gotten down yet to look for arrow. What do you guys think? Low chance of recovering him?
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