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    Shokan NY
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, camping,

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  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 742 Woodmaster
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    Bear Compound
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  1. https://youtu.be/KYTbaLTBu8U?si=ioHFVifWpJ2kRicq We were very thankful this Thanksgiving for a good buck and good footage- I was lucky and just turned on my camera in time to get the shot! Good luck to all of you the rest of the season! Thanks for watching!
  2. That’s High praise!! Thank you so much!
  3. https://youtu.be/Hx7yHYQzTHE?si=JTubRo9FrKSROvrD We want to wish everyone a good hunting season! Don’t forget to bring your cameras along to capture the memories made with friends and family! Thanks for watching-
  4. Oh ok, now I understand. I will not be quitting my day job that’s for sure! It was never about making money. But that would be nice! Good luck on your next book-
  5. Thank you so much for this amazing review!! I’m so glad you liked it!
  6. Thank you so much I appreciate that!
  7. https://youtu.be/Hf9ExkWitNQ Perhaps you have seen some of our YouTube videos of our family hunting and fishing in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains of NY. We decided to try our hand at adding more details to some of those stories and adding some from our past that we haven’t told before. If you are looking for something to read between seasons please consider our book. Just like our videos, it was a family effort to put together and we hope you enjoy it.
  8. Very sorry about that! I had an issue with it- here it is. https://youtu.be/1NFTLdIFzcU
  9. https://youtu.be/P4QqA5JIe30 I had the honor to join McKenzie Turner and Jim Brown of Wildlife Encounters Taxidermy for the morning! McKenzie shared information about taxidermy school, future plans for the business and what she loves about it. The best part was that I got to watch my 2022 buck being mounted! Please check them out for your taxidermy needs. Thanks for watching!
  10. I have never been to 4O but yes we know the feeling lol. Good exercise for sure!!
  11. You are very observant! So funny story- We were canoeing in the back pond and I found a submerged goose egg about 2’ under that water. I reached in and was able to get it. I never found the nest so we decided to leave it in-front of the camera. Not knowing what would get there first and be interested.
  12. Yeah I’m not sure how it hurt its leg but it was definitely not putting weight down. I use the lithium batteries but definitely don’t get a whole year at a clip. I change them a couple times. Thanks for watching and commenting!
  13. Yes I agree that video vs pictures makes all the difference. I use IMovie for all my editing. Thanks for watching and commenting!
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