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About HopkintonHunter

  • Birthday 08/22/1976

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brasher Falls, NY
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Camping, ATVing, Restoring old garden tractors

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    6A, 6C, 6F
  • Hunting Gun
    Marlin 30-30, Rem 30-06
  • Bow
    Bear Strike & Bear Charge

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  1. Same as last year, over under 12g Tri Star 2 different chokes carlsons .640 & LB .665 LB 3" #6 Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  2. I decided to go to camp this afternoon, I headed out around 12 and got to camp around 1pm. I did not see any activity till about 4:25 I seen him coming straight towards me at about 60 yards out from the hemlocks, He got to about 40 yrds and turned broadside, and I let the 30-30 bark.
  3. I got my 4pt today In 6f Hopkinton, NY
  4. Couple pics I took, They look pretty good, other than tearing up my trees
  5. Been sitting in my ground blind since 2 havent seen anything yet. Rain come sand goes. One thing for sure it was alot quieter walking in. Hopefully by 5:45 i' ll see something:D Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
  6. Yeah I know exactly what your talking about, I hear alot of horror stories about them in my area also with the latest one being that they were bragging at a local feed store that they have harvested 20+ already this season.
  7. Welcome, where abouts in St Lawrence County. I live in Brasher Falls, but mostly hunt in Hopkinton
  8. Gonna give this stuff a try in a few different locations Whitetail Institute Imperial "Bow Stand"
  9. LOL, they got different colors, just picked first one as an example.
  10. bowjax makes a split model, thats what i use. http://www.ebay.com/itm/BowJax-Ultra-BowJax-String-Silencer-4-Pk-Pink-/230726131700?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35b8595ff4#ht_1224wt_741
  11. These have been working good for me got about a year and a half on mine now. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ultra-Bow-Jax-2-String-Silencer-1036-JM-/180811079337?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a192e1ea9#ht_1137wt_741
  12. I have one on Remington 870 sps 12g ultra-mag, I really like how you can adjust the brightness of the dot. So far it has held up well to the recoil of the 3.5" turkey loads.
  13. There is still a few good companies out there but not many, hope they have it for you.
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