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Water Rat

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Water Rat

  1. Should be some good games this weekend. Go Cowboys !
  2. The results look positive Doc...................have a great birthday.
  3. I might be going to Hell for this one.
  4. Forgot to R.I.P. John Glenn.............an true American Hero !
  5. Here's my Dunn trapping knives I've used in the past.
  6. Top one is my Buck 105 Pathfinder and the bottom one is my Buck 422 Bucklite. Doesn't look as if I'll be getting it bloody this year (again).
  7. King Crimson / ELP founder dies of cancer.
  8. I remember thinking if we have a bad winter , this one might be in trouble. Strange how the head is missing. I don't remember finding a headless carcass before.
  9. I found the remains of this little fawn the other day in my backyard. I guessing it fell prey to the neighborhood coyotes because I never hear any gunshots where I live. I remember seeing this deer last month and thinking to myself how small it was. The carcass was gone the following day.
  10. Looks like the Indians won. The pipeline is shut down , for now anyway.
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