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Water Rat

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Everything posted by Water Rat

  1. I'd have to go with my single shot H & R 10 gauge with a 36 inch barrel. The friggin thing weighs a ton. My second choice would be my S & W model 29........always good for a flinch or two.
  2. I was sad to hear of his passing. Saw them perform a few times years ago. I always liked Whipping Post and the instrumental Jessica. R.I.P. Greg
  3. I was watching television when I heard someone tapping on my glass door. So I get up and go to answer it and see this guy standing there. I guess he doesn't know I still have tags left.
  4. I finally got around to retrieving my trail camera's this morning after another fruitless turkey hunt. I like the photo with the cardinal in flight.
  5. I saw this on another site and it stated it was taken in Sharon Springs , NY. The article said it was killing livestock. There was no mention of when or how it was taken.
  6. I had the pleasure of meeting him at a turkey hunting seminar he gave last month. He's employed by the Knight & Hale Game Call Company. He told me he has killed 318 turkey's in his career. As I sat outside hunting this morning , I realized how mind boggling that number is.
  7. Nice going........Love the single shot !
  8. I'm from Dutchess county , which is probably too far away also. But I do appreciate the thought.
  9. Money's not the problem........finding places to trap is. I'd of thought I died and went to Heaven if I had 800 acres to trap. Good luck this year. Did you order your coni brackets yet ? Lol
  10. With 2 short handed goals no less. Gotta win tonight.
  11. I think the DEC list's places that give the course. Don't give up.
  12. Nice gun Rebel Darling.....you won't be disappointed.
  13. Thank you turkeyfeathers.....hope to shoot one tomorrow morning.
  14. I'm hoping to get back into trapping this year. Like an idiot , I sold all my traps and supplies years ago. I just received 2 dozen MB-550's and they are impressive and built like a tank.
  15. I bought these in the 90's and haven't seen them since. I wouldn't leave the house without it. It sounds very authentic when used correctly.
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