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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Hell yes! What an awesome looking deer! I LOVE non-typicals. If you dont want him, send me the coordinates of the cam location, Ill take him off your hands lol.
  2. Eddie, did you try the Rkill/Malwarebytes solution? If so, try it again after you have disabled system restore, then when you are done, re-enable system restore. Vipre Antivirus isnt going to get it done alone. Just trying to save you some time. Heres the link to Rkill, just scroll about half way down the page and click on the link that says "rkill.com download link" http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/virus-removal/remove-security-tool Here is Malwarebytes http://malwarebytes.org/
  3. One of my buddies and I go at night with spotlights and ecallers. Its a great time and there's nothing else like it.
  4. Culver once I'm in for a year and see if they mind an ocasional guest I'd be glad to have ya down. Maybe you'd like to join me for some yote hunts after deer is over.
  5. Yeah they tend to pad that data. Leaves and stems aren't profitable lol.
  6. You should be good then karp. eddie, I have mixed emotions with spyware/malware. While it is a pain its also a bit of job security for us techies. Lol
  7. HAHAHA Doe. There are a total of 7 guys on the whole farm from what I have been told. We shouldnt even see each other lol.
  8. Yeah Ive met the guys, just havent had a chance to talk to them since I gained permission. Im going to set up a stand at one location that Ive checked to make sure there are no other stands nearby. Its a hedgerow overlooking a draw with a ditch running between fields in the bottom. The hedgerow is loaded with white oaks that have laid down a carpet of acorns. I figure once the corn gets cut, the area will be a magnet.
  9. Do any of you remember where on the site you were when it happened?
  10. Ok, I see what it is. Delt with it before. You can do a restore if you have it enabled through windows or you can download "rkill.exe" and "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware" to your PC. Place the Rkill on your desktop and reboot into "safe mode with networking". Run Rkill 3 or 4 times in a row, then open Malwarebytes, update it and run a full scan. Remove anything it finds and you should be all set. Reboot, surf and be merry.
  11. Are you talking about one of the fake antivirus programs or just the Maroonish screen that popped up when you tried to get to the site? If thats what you mean (the security warning), then you do not have any malware, thats a Firefox message. If you did get spyware, please post what it is called (antivirus 2011, etc). That will make it easier to track down.
  12. From what I have heard, does usually dont like decoys. They are mostly effective with bucks. Havent brought myself to spend the money on one yet though.
  13. Awesome, thanks. Let us know what you find out. I looked through the regs but couldnt find it.
  14. I hope you get another chance at him Doc!
  15. You arent the only one to get the messages, but dont worry, no malware or spyware infected anyone, at least that I have heard of. The message you got was due to either a Google scan picking up something it thought was malicious, or someone reported the site as such. I notified John of it Saturday, and he has yet to find anything wrong with the site. The message only comes up in Firefox, and you can get around it by changing your security settings. I am pretty sure John has been working on getting rid of it.
  16. Yeah I know the judo points are legal, but for some reason I thought field tips were not. Ill have to look in the regulation book when I can find the darn thing lol. Bubba may actually know, he is an instructor for the classes.
  17. I thought it was illegal to carry field points while hunting deer?
  18. I had mine knocked over once, nothing like that though.
  19. Saw nothing this morning. Heard deer around me in the dark though.
  20. Sitting in my stand now. The light rain that we were supposed to get around eight came early. Been hearing waterfowlers tear it up aLl around me for a while. Heard my first yote howling in this area this morning. I'm gonna try and stick this rain out.
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