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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by NYSuperSportsman

  1. Oh and here is a pic of soon to be chestnut orchard and deer magnet!!! If you havent heard of Dunstan Chestnuts look them up!! they are awesome trees!
  2. I don't post much on here but I read the threads most of the time. I wanted to post a thread of my food plot progress this year. I have had a great turnout so far and I am really excited to see how the season goes while hunting the plots. I have 10 tillable acres but I mainly focus on the 3.5 acre field that is secluded by woods. I started by planting 10 Dunstan chestnut trees in about a 1/2 acre spot at the end of the plot. They turned out great. Then we planted 2 acres of corn in the middle of the field and also another strip of corn in the larger field by the road. Then I planted the rest in ag beans around the 1st of june. After the deer destroyed them (early august) I I lightly disced the beans and planted Frigid forage Big and Beasty Brassicas in half of the field. Around the 30th of August I planted the rest of the field (right up to my treestand) in Winter Rye. You can see it starting to come in good here. This is a view from where I will be on my first afternoon hunt! I wish everyone the best of luck this season. Be safe, wear your harness, shoot straight and be ethical! I am beyond excited!!!
  3. I bought a brand new woolrich coat on ebay lasy year for $50! It was made in the 80s but clearly never worn! I love it! I will always wear that thing on opening day of gun season!
  4. I own a 2011 Elite Hunter . Its 28" 60 lb bow. I love it! Its very acurate, smooth, and easy drawing and it has a solid back wall. You can hold it all day long! I highly reccomend them to anyone! I got mine through Traditions in Henrietta! Good luck!
  5. PA already implemented the all day hunting for the second half of the season. I have a PA license and if I dont get one earlier I plan on giving it a try at least. I don't see much of an advantage but hey more time in the woods is more time in the woods!!
  6. Bushnell trophy cams are not out of your price range. I just got one (my second) at cabelas for 169.99 with 20 dollar off coupon. They are a tough camera to beat. I also saw them on Ebay for like 140 bucks. Get the new 8mp one and it takes great pics, is small, great battery life, and has a 2 year warranty.
  7. I shoot a browning BPS 20 gauge with a nikon slughunter 3-9x40 scope. I just set this gun up this season and I have killed 2 deer myself with it so far and my grandpa killed a buck with it also. It shoots a 2-3 inch group at 100 yards. Both of the deer I shot this year were at 100 yards and it hit where I was aiming. I shoot lightfield 2- 3/4" slugs out of it and they shoot great!
  8. I have been around for a few years on other NY hunting forums and I just found this one! I am from Chautauqua county originally and now I live in the Buffalo area. My family still owns 100 acres right on the PA/NY border in Chautauqua County. I am a diehard Bow hunter, Shotgun hunter, and Muzzleloader Hunter for deer and I also enjoy hunting spring Gobblers. I hunt both in NY and PA. I enjoy managing my land by, planting trees,foodplots, and anything else that will help out the habitat. Good luck to everyone that is still hunting! I wont be out again until muzzleloader and I am already excited about it!
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