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About Deerguy

  • Birthday 07/02/1970

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Dutchess County, NY

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Dutchess, Westchester and Schoharie Counties
  • Hunting Gun
    Sig 300 win mag
  • Bow
    Elite Synergy

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  1. Thanks grampy. I’m trying
  2. It’s amazing that I can’t even find a place to pay to hunt. NY is definitely not where it’s at to hunt
  3. I had an offer to see a piece of property that was for lease. He contacted me through a Craigslist ad that I placed. The owner of the property had just purchased the property several months ago. I saw the property on Saturday and loved it. Approx 150acres in Putnam/Dutchess County. I sent up another meeting for the other members of the group to see it. This afternoon he text me saying that he contacted DEP and they said there is no hunting because of a DEP easement put in place from the previous owner. Can you believe such a thing can happen. I’ve been looking for 5 years for a decent place to hunt and then this s—t. Like I have a black cloud over me when it comes to hunting.
  4. Lost my lease and it’s been real difficult and frustrating finding another deer lease. Wondering if any one know of any leases available in Dutchess Columbia or Greene county. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Skully. Keep me in mind for next years hunting lease in lagrangeville. I live in lagrangeville and would be willing to pay $25 an acre
  6. Where are you located and how can we do this?
  7. Is it sold? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Bad winters and high coyote population. I have seen a huge decrease in deer sighting over the last couple of years. DEC keeps giving out two dmps per person in the area even though our southern tier numbers are down. Don't get it
  9. Nice bucks. congrats to both of you
  10. Do you have any pics of the round knob?
  11. I have passed several bucks this year from a spike to a small eight pointer waiting on something a little better knowing I might eat tag soup. Gun season starts Saturday and I hope I can see something bigger to shoot. This is the chance we take when we trophy hunt.
  12. Congrats on your first. I would mount it. You can only have one "first"
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