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About OneShotTony913

  • Birthday 09/13/1971

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Queens, New York
  • Interests
    Bow hunting, Photography, Scuba Diving, Bow Hunting and Bow hunting

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    mid & southern new york And Long Island
  • Bow
    Hoyt Carbon defient
  • HuntingNY.com

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hello fellow bow hunters. Can someone tell me where can I find a outdoor 3D range in New York or long island ?
  2. How's the Deer hunting in stewart forest ? New bow hunter trying to get meat in the freezer. Any pointers appreciate
  3. how's it going tommy ?

    did you get one yea ?

    1. tommyc50


      hey tony nay its too warm i seen 6 opening day under my stand but i wasnt in  it yet lol but i will be up this weekend though how about you any luck

    2. OneShotTony913


      Going on Tuesday  Nov. 7 to see want happens. Have two doe tag and reg. tag for long island. Good luck

  4. Good afternoon fellow bow hunters. I have a few question about hunting in rocky point long island. 1- Do we put the parking permit on the front windshield ? 2- Can I park on any spot or do they give me a assigned spot ? 3- Do I have to report to check station before and after every hunt ? First time bow hunting at rocky point does anyone have some pointers.
  5. For sale HHA king pin 0.19 like new $260.00
  6. have one more question just got summit viper hd climber is there any way I can practice when am there. if not that's that's cool. sorry if am being a pain just trying to be ready for deer season
  7. Floyd Bennett Field in brooklyn or you mean hunt ?
  8. Where can i practice with broadhead ? Don't have a yard. does anyone know where I could use my broadhead and target in public lands to practice?
  9. Bear Crux compound bow 2016

    here my cell 347-644-3265



  10. That's great I will be attening This web page is the best looking for something like this for a while. Thanks again
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