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  1. every time i go out squirrel hunting i never see them i hunt many diffrent spots i dont like to sot so i walk with my 410 shotgun for 2 or 3 hours and never see any thing how do you hunt squirrels in the fall and winter i live in the catskills in green county n.y
  2. i am a big gun hunters i say no to shoter seasons i want meet not big racks
  3. i dont like them because they bit my friend in the leg
  4. blasted a fox with my bow last week i hate them!!!!!
  5. good looking dogs want to get my self 1 or 2 of them
  6. i shot a 4 pointer and it had a wart under its eye
  7. nice deer what were they sgot with
  8. me and my son went out rabbit hunting shot at a few with a 410 shotgun hit them but they ran far till i finaly found them
  9. i went to gander mt today all their is are diffrent typs of feeding blocks
  10. just shot one last month yots have ben eatting the carcus got 47 lbs of meet nice 3 pointer
  11. i live in the catskills we have tons of rabbits here shot 2 today with a 410 shot gun
  12. What do you guys use for a trail cam and what does it take for batteries? i use c cells
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