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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. Last year I sent the tag out to him on 12/1. I always get 2 3N DMP's just incase I see cool piebald doe or something (which I never have lol). Otherwise I haven't shot a doe in 12 years. If I dont use them, I will send out 1 of my 3N DMP permits on Monday November 26th to whichever of you wants it. Shoot me a PM around that date to remind me. It would still give you a few weeks to use it between the gun season and late ml/bow/crossbow season.
  2. 13BVET - I don't know you personally, but last season I sent you a 3N DMP free of charge/trade. I have no use for a 3G. However, if you want a 3N DMP again, contact me just after the gun season starts and I'll see what I can do for you again.
  3. So what lower caliber would you use for an Alaskan Brown Bear?
  4. http://www.nyc.gov/html/dep/html/recreation/recreation_maps.shtml
  5. Walking on steep cliffs, etc. doesn't bother me. Rattlesnakes do. Never seen one before and hope that continues. I hate all snakes.
  6. I thought about asking the guide if I can just use a dull butter knife. Then I went onto his website and saw this video that he took: http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=/watch%3Fv%3Db4UTH0YDNwI I think I'll stick with a gun.
  7. BizCT


    4B is open to them, open season 10/25-2/15. I dont hunt during archery season so I am used to being able to shoot coyote, fox, bobcat during deer season. Good thing you didnt shoot.
  8. If this was a deer hunt, of course Id be bringing my own 2 rifles. But like I said, the lion is the # 1 priority for me. I dont know of anybody who brings their own gun to shoot a treed mt. lion or bobcat.
  9. Well for the mt. lion it doesnt matter. It's just an open sight short barreled rancher type of gun, 44mag if I remember correctly. Deer-wise, as long as he tells me the yardage of the shot and how its sighted in, I'll feel confident. Being that I might not even get a chance to hunt deer, I'm not going to worry about the extra hassle and $ to bring a rifle.
  10. I agree. I expected the antelope to be long shot, and was more than happy to take one under 80 yards. I have hunted enough to know that its not always easy and anything can happen. I have been skunked on a few hunting trips. I am not opposed to taking a 50 yard shot at a standing still broadside animal on the first morning, lol.
  11. BizCT


    +1. Why didn't you shoot it? I assume you're not in an area where you are allowed to hunt them...?
  12. Agreed, but in many cases they MUST be taken if you want a specific animal. My Deer for example was across a canyon with several other deer looking right at us. If I tried to get any closer than 330 yards, they would have ran another mile away. It was shoot at 330yards or pass up this deer. We snuck from 525 to 330, but could not get any closer. In many other cases, I could have taken shots under 100 yards at deer, but they were not deer I wanted to take. It's not about "learning how to hunt". I was with an experienced guide and we made several stalks throughout the week on deer & antelope, playing the wind, etc. Sometimes you just can't get any closer without blowing it and thats why they tell you the average shot is 200 yards with rifle and 40-50yards with a bow.
  13. Cool, thanks for the tip. Being this is my 2nd time trying for a mt. lion, it is my # 1 priority to get one. No need to bring a gun. I did get lucky and draw a Coues Deer tag but I am not concerned about it unless I get a lion first. If I am lucky enough to get a lion, and my Coues Deer tag is still valid, I will borrow a rifle and try for one. Anything after the lion is just bonus.
  14. Both guns were sighted in at 2" high at 100 yards. From there we shot at 200yards and the ballistics matched. When I was in Wyoming and needed to shoot at 330 and 440, I aimed according to the ballistics and made both shots. I agree with you about the crazy long shots. However, 300-400 yard shots must be taken in many cases out west for deer & antelope.
  15. Not bringing a gun. I will use the Guide's .44mag for the lion. If I do get a chance to hunt deer, I will borrow his rifle. Not sure what it is. I have been walking in the woods, up and down hills with them. Surprisingly, they arent that stiff and pretty comfortable.
  16. We always bring 2 guns on a hunting trip incase 1 gets jarred and doesnt sight it in well or anything happens. After I shot my antelope with the 7MM we were taking pictures. The gun was resting against a bipod and a strong wind came and knocked the gun down. Instead of taking the time to go to a range, I decided to just use the .270 for my deer. We checked the 7MM later in the week and it was fine anyway. Regarding a range, we aren't "members" anywhere. We went to Blue Mountain (Westchester County) 3 times over the summer to get the guns where we wanted. Before this summer, I hadn't shot the rifles in a few years.
  17. Thanks all for making my day go by faster. I'm done responding for the night.
  18. Weatherby's dont help you get a shot on the animal. You still gotta be in shape and know what your doing to get a shot and then not get buck-fever to the point where you cant shoot accurately.
  19. Never have taken a shot past 200yards until I went out West 2-3 weeks ago. I hunt shotgun county only in NY. Only time I use the rifles is on hunting trips. I shot my Mule Deer 2 times. 330 and 440. Both hits. .270 WBY Mag. My Antelope was only 80 yards, because it came trotting towards me. I was setup to shoot at 250+ with a Weatherby 7MM Mag.
  20. I haven't eaten cougar since I met my girlfriend 3 1/2 years ago. Sometimes I miss it.
  21. Who buys a corvette and puts 87 gas in it? If you own a Weatherby, you shoot Weatherby ammo. I'm done arguing & responding. The facts are there, do your research. I could care less about the ballistics of ammo that you couldn't pay me to use.
  22. Show me the round that outperforms Weatherby ammo? I don't use mickey mouse OTC ammo.
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