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Posts posted by ncountry

  1. 2 hours ago, Chef said:


    This idiot shouldn’t be allowed out of her house let alone in Congress





    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Heck. I might have misused those 2 words my self. I have never used Gestapo in a sentence before.

    Before this, I didn't know what Gazpacho was. lol

    AND I'M A GENIUS... ha.ha. ha. 

    Oh and BTW,  you are not doing a great job of  leading by example.;)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, BowmanMike said:


    Have you ever heard of biodynamic preparations? Some of those are crazy,I got introduced a long time ago on a farm in Oregon. I wasn't sure what kind of a place I ended up at,haha. 

    This reminds me of the time my brother , who had a roadside stand, wanted to make his own organic fertilizer. I would bring him back my fish remains . He put them into a 55 gallon drum with lid. We started this in ice fishing season and come mid spring he was done.lol. couldn't stand to get anywhere near that barrel. It still is across the rd at the end of one of the meadows ..nowhere near the house.ha.ha.ha

    • Like 1
  3. I've been lucky and never had a stand or camera  stolen. I have a few of each scattered around public land for all of deer season though. 

    Once, someone  thought I was encroaching on "his" territory. They super glued my bike lock on my treestand. In the course of trying to get it off I slipped and stabbed myself in my hand. Mad! I guess so! Lol. And I rarely will lose my cool. 

    He had wooden ladder stands all over the place in that area. Operative word is had..;). This was probably 6-8 years ago , I still don't have feelings in my pointer finger. Stupid mistake.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

    on stateland, yes. 

    All you guys that live too close that big city have a warped view...ha.ha.ha.. I'm not sure I'm a fan of this. Not that it matters. To each his own. You could sit in any of mine anytime because you're  a good guy. At least according to some of the guys on here;)

    • Haha 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, squirrelwhisperer said:

    Would it be illegal to booby-trap the cameras? Nothing that causes extreme damage to the thief, but enough to make him never want to do it again? Enough to make him warn other would be trail cam thieves. Say, something strong enough to just damage the camera and the hands holing it?

    I had my fave camera "grow feet" and walk out of the woods. Haven't used one since. Man it sure was nice to see all the deer walking around (that I never saw lol). 

    The cops never find the guy anyway....how would they know that was my camera? How would they know I rigged it? Is the crook gonna go to the cops and say, "I went to steal this camera, and it blew up when I took it off the tree."?

    I see cameras all the time, along with tree stands. I say to myself, "This area is probably at least as good as I assumed, but, someone else is here already.", and I am on my way, having never disturbed the area or other hunter's belongings.

    Must be me. I must be the one that is messed up. Oh yea...I know what it is...it's called respect! 

    I'm thinking, Metal buckles on the straps holding the camera to the tree, and a solar cattle fencer set up to look like a charging system :)

  6. 5 minutes ago, phade said:

    I have several leases and arrangements in and out of state. Wouldn't touch that scenario with a 10 ft pole.


    When I look at this, I think of different groups of guys that I know that travel down to the southern tier and spend close to that much on hotel rooms. Seems like this might be a better option, even if they just used it as a temporary camp and hunted local public lands like they do now.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

    As I sit here on this snowy day, I just want to encourage all members to follow through on their promises.  It’s no fun to be on the wrong end of the disappointment stick.    

    By way of example, one member here who I highly respected promised me one of his dirty old hunting socks so that I could match it up with a single I had lying around.  I was soooooo excited.   This particular member is known for killing two dandy’s every year.  So I assumed if I wore one of his socks, I would kill at least one nice wallhanger every year.  Reasonable logic I think.  Sadly, despite his promise, the sock never arrived.  

    I will learn to deal with the disappointment but I just hope other members can learn from this.  I will not disclose this member’s identity as it does no one any good.   He knows who he is.  But I do urge others to follow through on their promises.  

    Here is to sunnier days.  

    Great ! That aught to be illegal .You know, against the Law....

  8. Meanwhile.. Yesterday, my buddy had one of his trucks slide back down the hill and into one of his doors. Luckily it was a direct hit on the door and missed all the framing. We stomped them flat and got the door sealed up again..

    Overhead door company is there this morning replacing his bottom 3 panels... 

    Sorry to hear of your troubles..Some businesses are terrible while others are excellent. 

  9. 1st week of Oct. Or 11/5-13.  Guaranteed a deer,   if there is any..lol.

    Seriously though. It all depends on the property. There are properties where I would test my luck after that much pressure all day long during the rut. Other pieces I wouldn't even bother.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    I don’t think skull size is a tool for aging deer. Deer like people have varying head sizes just like foot sizes chest etc.

    No different than antlers, I have a 5.5yr “tooth sent out and aged” old buck from my home farm that scored 64” as a 5pt, many other areas he might have gotten a pass thinking he was a 1 or 2 year old by antler size alone. He weighed 199 on Dec 1st.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    If my age was judged on skull size I would be 200 years old . ;)

    • Like 1
  11. This thread has me wanting to do some reloading again myself.. In the past my fil and i did a fair amount of reloading for our guns. We had worked up a load for my old FN 98 mauser action in .308.

    While maybe not  everybody's cup of tee. . I really liked the .308 with 48gr IMR4064 with 125 gr sierra Spitzer bullets. -1"moa. It anchored an awful lot of deer..;) 

  12. During the hunt itself or even setting up a stand I've always preferred going alone. Even with that I don't think it would be the same without friends or family to share it with. If we have a cell signal its fun to text back and forth as things happen..I'm lucky and have a core group of friends. We will do 2-3 weeks of hunting trips every year  together and I wouldn't trade that for any deer.

    When not on vacation we will usually go our own ways. We each have our own properties, occasionally driving together to  public land that we may hunt .

    It doesn't matter if I'm 30 miles away in the ADKs and I shoot a deer miles in across a swamp,a creek, a mountain, and a mile of berry briars they will be there to help. 

    Even if it is 1:30 am when we get out. lol

    Often this will end up being  the story told and the better memory of the hunt many years later. 

    They always say they aren't going to answer my calls during hunting season , but they always do.. :)

    • Like 1
  13. Talking  about old does. I shot one opening morning of firearms one year. I had posted myself on what I thought might be an overlooked escape route. Sure enough when the shooting started she came barreling over the hill right to me. I never did weight her but she was huge. 

    How many times had she escaped on that same rt?. It was one of the times that I actually wished I could have put her back . You know, like a bass. She had lived a  long life for a deer. Its part of makes hunting different, its permanent .

    I appreciated her as much or more than many of the nice bucks I have gotten over the years.

    • Like 3
  14. On 1/26/2022 at 3:34 PM, Farflung said:

    ncountry- see that you read Elinkas book "A Deer Hunters History Book". He has 9 other books out and I have enjoyed all of them. Most are focused on the ADK's, but one is about his time in Alaska, one about tughill and one about the Southern Tier. I know a lot of the folks in these books and that makes it more interesting to me, but any deer hunter would enjoy these.

    Nice. I will have to look them up. I think I've read most of his ADK books but not the others.

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