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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by ncountry

  1. 5 hours ago, Belo said:

    I think there are levels to this.

    Billy Bob and his 870 - doesn't give a flying flock of geese about his odor. Eats and smokes what he likes, has a few go to ladder stands that have been there for 20+ years but he plays the wind. You will find Billy fueling up his f150 in his full blaze orange jump suit with his hunting boots on. Billy's truck interior is littered with cig butts and old McDonald's wrappers and his back seat is covered in dog hair (it's a shitzu btw). Billy has been hunting for 40 years and has 2 nice bucks on the wall which he uses as examples that he's a good hunter and scent control doesn't matter, but really Billy plays the wind and during gun season anything can happen. Billy is super excited about this new crossbow thing.

    Basic - uses scent free soap and detergent, careful about not getting pet odor, smoke or gas like odors on their gear, but dresses in his full gear in the morning and drives to his hunting land.

    Advanced - using scent free soaps and detergents, spraying down occasionally, stores clothes carefully but isn't obsessive about it, still drinks his morning coffee and has a snack he likes in the stand. Tries to keep his outer layers in a bag or tote and puts these on after he parks. Probably has at least one layer of scent control clothing.

    Hardcore - advanced plus uses scent free storage, being careful with food and drink in stand. His outer layers don't get washed much (to keep that outdoor scent) and they stay in scent free storage in the truck or home, often they're hung outside and only put on and off in the field. He pays attention to odor that might be on his watch and washes it with scent free or baking soda. Sprays everything down, all the time. Goes 3 or 4 hunts before he washes all base and mid layers. May use ozone for storage. Has at least 1 layer of scent control clothing, but likely 2. Most likely a facemask with scent control. 

    Extreme - hardcore plus ozone for sure and probably even in the field, dresses even his mid layers outside, changes his diet and is not drinking coffee. Pees in a bottle in the stand. Washes his bed sheets and bath towel in scent free soap. Cleans out his truck and even sprays down the interior and seats. Once bought scent free toothpaste and mouthwash. Has scent free chapstick in his bag. Other than maybe some merino wool, all his gear has some level of scent control "marketing" attached to it, even his socks. 


    PS if it isn't obvious, I'm having some fun here. Hunt how you want. Nobody here should care what another hunter washes his ass crack with. 


    Ha.  ha.  ha . Love it! I guess you can call me Billy Bob . I seem to have more in common with him, except I don't smoke and have a few more than 2 nice bucks . ;)

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Dinsdale said:

    Unless someone got away with it, and it does happen, you cant build a house with thick edge slab in NY to code. Has to have a permitter foundation wall to a footing below frost.

    Not necessarily true.

      A shallower, properly  haunched slab with both vertical and horizontal insulation works well and has been used extensively in more northerly climates than NY.

    Most code enforcement officers will not recognize this without proper architectural prints though. I believe the code says more or less , that the "foundation/ slab needs to be free from the effects of frost"

    I like/agree 100% with everything else you stated.. ;)

  3. 1 hour ago, grampy said:

    A Northern Water Snake. They can be quite feisty!

    I can't find the picture but I had one of these guys on my dock for close to an hour trying to swallow a bluegill. She looked like a cobra for a while before she got it down further..lol 

    Our lake is full of them and more times than not 1 scare one away from the dock when I go out. . One of these days one is going to end up in my boat and will be it's proud  new owner after I abandon ship and swim to shore..;)

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  4. Absolutely!! The other day, I was sitting @camp  with my feet up visiting with friends and watching the loons swim by. In the background you can hear the explosions and high caliber automatic weapon fire from practice at Fort Drum.

    Besides everything else we have to be thankful for , we are blessed that we don't worry the noise is getting closer, or have to hide when you hear the load roar of low flying jets or helicopters fly by .

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  5. 1 hour ago, Trad bow said:

    This just keeps getting crazier, by the letter of the new law guns will be illegal in the Adirondack Park. No more gun hunting in the Adirondacks!  The governor is trying to back peddle that this isn’t the “intent” but it’s written very clearly. I will be following this one from Senator Dan Stec’s office .


    Yes, and the end of gun hunting on state parks. Like my 2 week trip every year to Letchworth sp.

  6. 11 hours ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    Also the adirondack stand by -slow troll by paddling a  lake clear wobbler and a worm.......image.jpeg.fb33abdd39ede071cdaece7f939e6c14.jpeg

    Brings back some good memories. We fished a small northern ADK lake for native brookies using this method for years.  Caught a lot of fish.! ;)

    • Like 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, landtracdeerhunter said:

     I'l throw it out there;  Is the qustion Doc posed ethical hunting?

    I don't see why not. Everybody gets something different out of hunting.. Wether someone chooses to one way or the other is up to them.  I've thought at different times maybe I would pop one of my backyard does. Wouldn't be hunting for me, just a short trip to the grocery..

  8. Probably not. lol.

    I have had lots of does and small bucks in the back yard(in the middle of the woods) that I threatened to shoot during  those years that deer were hard to come by. I havn't yet , so I don't think I would.. But ,I never say never . ;)

  9. 10 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Yea you pretty much right but come on now  like i would say at least here on this site it is kinda of obvouse who you should be voting for at this point in  time anyway 6 7 dollar gas and the inflation thiese guys are serving us is the biggest problen right now pretty soon this keeps up nobody going to have any money to drive to get a   abortion or buy a gun or go hunting. 


    Jeesh! I heard you the 1st time.;)

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  10. 36 minutes ago, BowmanMike said:

    This two party system is not great. There is no way it doesn't promote tribalism. Every election is so close that a few swing states have an unproportiate say in who wins.  Everyone has to choose the lesser of two evils every time around. I don't think you will find many democrats that are really excited about Biden. I know I am not. Any of the candidates would have been a better choice than him imo.

    Look at the stalemate in congress because two democrats are not voting party line. Two senators can make or break a presidency,that seems pretty stupid to me.


    That is one good thing about the system we have , as dysfunctional as it is. In reality not a lot changes very quickly. Imagine the seasawing we would have when we went from one party having all the power and then the other.  

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    ever try to fly fish for them?   I tried it a couple of times. Not easy!  tougher than a wily brown!   


    So they would frown on bow shooting im thinking.  Did this a few times too.  

    I worked witha guy who was actively involved with some of the carp tournaments up here. He had recently moved here from the UK and was floored to learn that we shot them with bows and would throw them away.. This was 20 years ago or so and it doesn't seem like there are many (if any?) local bow shoots for carp anymore? I remember all the boats with the elevated shooting platforms. There are a lot of people with 10' rods fishing them now though..

    Funny how we viewed them as garbage and they treasured them.

    • Like 1
  12. 25 minutes ago, Pygmy said:

    I am too old and too poor to  do western hunts any more...

    However from my mid 30s to my mid 50s  I had the cash flow and the health  to do a hunt every couple of years....

    I treasure the memories , and also enjoy the photos and the videos... I wish I could do it and envy you guys who can..

    We have talked about it for 20 years, and at 50 we decided we were going last year.  Wish we had started 20 years ago. At least built up some preference points.. We will see, but am hoping to go every year for a while..


    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Chef said:

    I’m all for banning abortion after say 24-28 weeks.
    Or the point of viability. That gives enough time to make a decision as well as find out if anything is wrong with the fetus. It also does no harm to anything that could survive on its own.

    Unfortunately that is not want these states plan on doing

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Those are my thoughts as well. Even though I don't like the concept of abortions at all. I think if I was a woman I wouldn't even dream of it except possibly for under the worse conditions. Being that I'm not a woman I'll keep my opinion out of it..

    I also don't think some of the scumbag/idiots who live down the rd should own guns either, but I guess since I'm not king I'll keep my nose out of that too..

  14. 1st job off our small farm was for a local farmer @ 13 years old.

    Picking stones in the spring and haying . I remember working 60 hrs @$3/ and feeling rich..

    Had a paper route in the fall for a couple years as soon as I got my working papers. I would ride my bike the 8 miles to school so I could do it after school. 35+ yrs later I still remember the rte. lol... especially the one sorority house.. ;)


  15. 1 hour ago, ridgerunner88 said:

    Its an interesting area.. due to topography there is only one way in and out.. i found that trail… didnt find any beds or many tracks… may throw a camera looking at that trail to see if another/same buck goes back there this fall

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    Looks like everybody nailed the descriptions. I definitely would pur a camera or 2 up. Oxbow can be sweet setups. I know of a few that are prime buck bedding territory.. Carefull going in during the season,  no matter what the river looks like they will cross it in a second.  I've driven more nice bucks out of oxbows than I've ever shot. Live and learn. .lol


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  16. I see alot of great advise! If your spot is limited in size bevespecially carefully not to over- hunt a great spot.

    A great funnel is a great funnel as long as the deer feel safe using it. Especially during the rut. It doesn't matter if it's right next to the rd.

    I find more than 1/2 the battle is is patterning the people on state land. Everybody else is reading the same books.lol

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