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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. What I'm telling you is they could tell if the deer was from long island or catskills from its genetics because the genetics of all the LI deer will be of one type and the catskill deer of another type . They will have certain markers unique to the area .
  2. They needed to prove Beyond A Reasonable Doubt that the deer was shot in that exactly spot so just knowing it came from a certain area not good enough for what they wanted to prove obviously. That's a different scenario
  3. Lol all right FSW YOU WIN I feel like I'm talking to wall here read up on it though i think you are confusing farm deer with wild deer , maybe Your farm deer are being bought and sold from ranches all over the country. Wild Deer movements not going to be random like that . That's why wild deer in let's say long island going to have different gentics then deer in catskills
  4. I posted more then one article but to your point they could at least find out if he even shot that deer in the spot he said he did just with that one test alone , Plus all the other things I just mentioned with other DNA tests .
  5. The disruption of genetics of deer in a certain area will not be random , studies show , deer don't travel far stay in a area generation after generation therefore deer in a certain area will have closer genetics then the deer far away . It can be mapped Don't believe me. read up on it That's all I can tell you
  6. Did you read up on all those articles I posted ? You don't need to find the parents The way the scientist would do the test is take DNA from a random sample of deer from the area either from blood bone teeth hair urine sheds around where that deer was shot something like a 10 or 20 mile radius the deer in that area will be closer genetically to each other then deer from say even 200 miles away . If that deer was truly born wild Its gentics will fall in the range of your random sample . That is basically how they would do the test. If the deer doesn't match closer to the random sample of your sample from the area Then you know something is wrong .
  7. They can get DNA from hair bone teeth and horn urine and deer droppings not just blood . Easily found in the area around there I dougt I'm wrong that if they wanted to they could tell if that deer was from the area . https://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/02/science/02qna.html
  8. Here you go maybe I'm wrong dought it https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1995/03/02/dna-test-helps-snare-a-pair-of-deer-poachers/83175dc4-199a-45cd-a624-487fc4acc619/?utm_term=.6703d0ad173f
  9. https://www-m.cnn.com/2013/04/25/health/national-dna-day-tests/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F https://www.popsci.com/cats-conquered-world
  10. The only one that is on his list that I'm interested in getting is the 44mag lever action. Shotgun I already use and own Those other caliber not interested rather use one of my 30-06s for any longer range shooting personally .
  11. Cool , then I guess it is legit just out of curiosity anyone have a article link about the process they go through to measure examine big record deer like that .
  12. https://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/field-notes/north-carolina-poacher-charged-after-faking-record-deer-screwing-on-rack They don't even bother to call in biologists to check out some of these record deer looks like . And that rack looks a lot like one I saw online from a deer farm some place coincidence ?
  13. What's bullshit? That Whitetails don't migrate far ? https://ecosystems.psu.edu/research/projects/deer/news/2014/one-square-mile You sure about that FSW Some research for you You find some thing better let me know not because I am trying to make you look bad btw I am just interested in this stuff
  14. Those are mule deer Has that been observed ever before in the area this guy shot that whitetail deer See what I mean . DNA tests will sort that all out just like it did with the eastern coyote .
  15. FSW said Yeah Ok. You keep telling yourself that. You really think they can just draw blood from 2 different animals and tell you one is from Maryland and one is from Ohio? All they can tell you is those 2 deer are not related. So if that buck was shot in Ohio but walked in from Pa before it was killed that deer would not be legit in your book? To answer your question what are the odds that a deer especially that one walk 300 miles from Ohio to PA or Maryland ? With out getting shot along the way or spotted in those states , And that type of behavior not being observed before in other deer ? you follow .
  16. It wouldn't be the first time someone cheated in a sport to win money they have the DNA technology to tell if that deer came from that area so why not use it and silence all dought plus if the test comes out for real he will make even more money. Then if it is some inbred freaking Stein deer from a deer farm .
  17. I will give you one example they did DNA test of eastern coyotes they found they are hybrids that are part wolf and dog https://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/yes-eastern-coyotes-are-hybrids-coywolf-not-thing/ So finding out about that deer will be not a problem
  18. Bigger the sample more accurately the results some thing like dozen animals from a area will give accurate results have to read up on it but I'm telling you they can tell more then you think my cousin does genetic research for yale he was telling me last time I talked to him they make advancements like every few months in that field .
  19. In the beginning what you are saying was true but now DNA tests have advanced to the point they can tell pretty much where animals or people's roots came from . And you don't need DNA from the parents to do it .. I know what you are saying but things have Advanced since those days .
  20. Its more advanced then that just like with people they can tell what part of the world your roots are from it is know different actually easier with deer because they don't move around as much .
  21. Farm deer going to have less genetic diversity or different genetic diversity. Then a wild deer Guaranteed an expert in DNA can tell . Don't even need the parents, of that deer . Just DNA of a wild deer from the area . Compare that deer and DNA from a farm deer will also help sort it out . It's either going to be closer to the farm deer or the deer in the area genetically.
  22. Come on FSW you were not born yesterday . It's not possible for say someone like you and a few friends to pull off a hoax like that ? For that kind of money .
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