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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. I have seen a 150 160 record size deer while hiking only once in my life . In A place that does not allow hunting I guess that explains why . In my hunting areas never
  2. Do they make specialized rifle attachments for your arm ? For hunting or do you just use what you use every day for hunting ?
  3. Look again you can see the leg is behind the tail
  4. That test is called Isotope analysis Used to tell the diet of dead animals and people Don't think FSW deer going to have the same diet as a wild one
  5. FSW I just think if they wanted to they could do a better job investigating if it's legit with DNA. Blood tests other different tests on it but what ever , it is what it is . O I will just put one more thing out there, they can take , hair , bone samples of a animal and test it to see what it's diet was when its was alive also what drugs it took in life such as antibiotics that they use on farms and put in the feed . Farm deer diet will be different then wild deers diet . That alone will tell you what it is more then likely.
  6. University's , fish and game there are government Grant's they give out to scientists to research things all the time also private corporations lots of ways to raise money . Best way would be to have a DNA database of all the farm deer prize bucks in the country. And test them that would convince me at least . Because I don't see what's to stop someone from buying huge deer from a deer farm trucking it in from a location shooting it and claiming it was record wild buck ?
  7. Its complex but They don't have to and you will get results Big Buck move establishes a home range he may have 10 20 30 50 maybe more kids half or more will be does that don't migrate far those does going to have his DNA His grandkids his great-grand kids are going to have DNA from him his genetics will be in the area as a mature buck that has been there for a while You think they had DNA of every coyote in the north east To come up with these results https://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/yes-eastern-coyotes-are-hybrids-coywolf-not-thing/
  8. WNY We overlooked something it says only bucks migrate and only once in a life time and establish a permanent range in the area does don't move far so a big buck like that should have offspring in the area that would show up on a DNA test . He is going to have kids in the area DNA will tell that , just another clue to give you a idea if it's a real wild deer . Nothing is going to be 100%
  9. Ok let's say you are right or it's just to big a study to do You could have a DNA data base of all the farm deer in the country it would be pretty easy then . Even just of the really huge ones on farms would give you a good idea of if it is or isn't . Because chance's are if its from a farm it is going to be the off spring of a farms prize buck the biggest on the farm .
  10. That depends that study says some deer go farther then others in areas so you would need a bigger DNA sample in certain areas then others to study then others Its complex but you could still get a idea if someone wanted to and had the resources to do it . That's just another tool a investigator could use to tell not going to be 100%
  11. It is complex it is hard to explain but still will give you a good idea of the background of that deer and the likelihood of that deer being wild from the area A DNA test Is going to give you a percentage it is going to say sonething like this deer is 80% from zone A and 20% from zone B . What FSW is saying about a deer going 100 miles and mating with deer in that area changing gentics is partially correct but most deer will not go 100 miles and mate with those deer most deer will be mating with deer that are in the area and stay pure . For example If a Chinese guy has kids with a girl from the uk 100 years ago does that me all people in the uk are now genetically Chinese ? And if you DNA test them they will come out all Chinese, not having unique genetic markers from the UK? No it's not going to show that a small percentage will have DNA from for away most will have localized DNA DNA test will give you a percentage of what that deer is and it will be more from that local area then not . If you test it and it shows the opposite then you know something is wrong not going to be 100 Percent but what are the chances that a deer that big manage to travel so far and not get shot on the way , and what are the chances the deer in the area are not closely related to it slim to none. Unless someone trucked it in from a deer farm then shot it .
  12. Show my the study u are just talking s the only one I saw says a seasonal migration 150 miles and its specific to only that part of the county In fact just show me one study that says what I'm telling you can't be done Or else you are basically like a flat earther I already gave you 4 articles about this . And your response Is just your full of s You are full of s is not a scientific study FSW
  13. Yes its evolution at work animals evolve to best deal with there environment
  14. Animals that migrate in a set pattern and direction that is because of genetic factors Instinct they are born with it , a scientist could study there DNA find out what specific gene those deer have that makes them migrate Because most deer don't annually migraine far . If at all the gene will be specific to that group that others will not have . It's like geese flying south for winter it's genetic there is a specific gene marker that makes them do that . Read up about FSW There are two kinds ofbehavior: innate and learned. Innate behavior comes from an animal's heredity. Ananimal's instincts are examples of its innatebehavior. For example,migrating birds use innatebehavior to know when to begin their migration and the route that they should follow.
  15. What's that say https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/genetics-basics-understanding-dna Are there any other uses for DNA? (In addition to genetic testing for specific diseases and traits, DNA testing can also be used to determine the ancestry of an animal. ) Yea sure I'm wrong lol Ok forget it
  16. FSW Why are deer in Florida smaller then deer in Minnesota? Different gentics that you could test with DNA. https://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/yes-eastern-coyotes-are-hybrids-coywolf-not-thing/ Just like testing eastern coyotes shows different make up of genetics depending on what part of the north east the coyote came from.
  17. That Deer was not shot in that part of the county and those deer that migrate that's a specific group they would have different gentics to deer from other parts of the country that don't migrate. DNA would be able to show that . If it couldn't, Doing a DNA test to find ones ancestry would not be worth the paper its printed on .
  18. I just pulled that off the internet but now that you mention it, it does look a lot like that crap but it is some other type of plant when u look closely Here is another one
  19. 2 sticks and a string And if you want to go high tech use 3 sticks and a string Cost $ 0
  20. Long tell pointy triangular ears equals house cat or feral cat body everthing looks like a Cat definitely
  21. Now your just trying to rattle my cage lol But it's ok You remind me of my father if I say right he says left lol Just to get his way
  22. https://ecosystems.psu.edu/research/projects/deer/news/2014/one-square-mile Looks like less then 5 square miles And Most only 1 square Not far enough for deer in a certain area to not have certain genetic markers unique to that area
  23. All I can tell you its not random the deer on long island are all closely related genetically, to each other more so then the deer in the in the catskills . And all of the deer in the catskills will be closely more related to each other then the deer in the Adirondacks. And so on Why Because deer only travel so far have a territory they mostly stay in . Also things like a good food source , Geographic obstacles rivers mountains roads limit their travels . You follow On farms you can sell your deer from one end of the usa to the other in a day , Animals don't move around like that in nature.
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