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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. Yes you all make great points but with so much state land around seems reasonable that they could rotate some of them just to see what happens but may be you guys are right they would probably mess it up anyway
  2. Just wondering why they don't close some state land to hunting for let's say 1 or 2 years then reopen and do the same on a different section just randomally rotate them just to see if it improves things like the size of bucks taken in those parks . Has this been tried before? I always got the impression lots of the state land is way over hunted . Compared to private land .
  3. Non leathal will not work and That could be good long term for hunters what will happen is the population Will blow up pretty fast and some jogger will get eaten by one of these bears once they figure out they don't have to fear man anymore and they will be forced to open the season again . Thats the story with these things .
  4. So do you think if ones wants a bigger buck in N.Y. he would be better off tracking stalking or doing a drive then spending time in tree stands and ground blinds since they are not going to move in the day . With out being pushed ?
  5. What is 3 miles to a deer that can run 30 plus mph throw brush that humans can barely walk in
  6. I think you see less big bucks here because of more hunters per sq miles and more pouching. Probably seems like I always here a ton of shots before and after legal light and Season . My dad use to joke want to see the deer go look in the local farmers barns . Don't know if there is any truth to that . But probably farmers can get special nuisance permit for deer as well .
  7. Some years not at all some year maybe 3 5 shots if there on the money that is it . Where i hunt you can't see more then 75 yards anyways if I new I was hunting in a place with a chance to take 300 400 yard and farther shots I would definitely practice much more .
  8. Have read some good stuff here ,Before I decided to join up been hunting all my life but it is interesting to here how other people go about it .
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