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Everything posted by WhitetailAddict11

  1. Hey fellas, hope this season is treating you well. I thought it would be fun to get others input on what it is about hunting whitetails that drives you. I'll be the first one to say that I have a problem, a real freaking problem when it comes to deer hunting. There is nothing in this world that I'm more passionate about or completely engulfed in than the sport of chasing whitetails. I'm proud to be an NY hunter, because I feel this state truly makes you either love or hate the sport, and you really have to work hard to harvest a deer, let alone a buck, let alone a good buck. I'm only 21, but since I was old enough to remember, I can recall the mornings as a real little boy when I would get up and sit mezmorized at the kitchen table as dad and his buddies made plans for morning drives and the deer or lack of deer they had been seeing. Dad's deer rifle was like the holy grail to me, and I could only dream about what it would say if that old Remington could talk. I tagged along with him for alot of years, but by the time I could drive I was in the woods alllll the time scouting, drooling at rubs, scrapes, and trails of the prior season, and absolutely itching for the next season to come. As the years have progressed from hunting dad's old spots, to finding my own, and then narrowing down even better spots year by year, it becomes so addicting when each year you were a little bit better than the year before. I went from seeing two or three does a year, to seeing a few dozen does a year and even some small and sometimes some real good looking bucks. NY bucks can be so few and far between, and I'm certainly a trophy hunter as much as I am a meat hunter. Trying to kill a respectable buck year in and year out absolutely eats at my core, and I know many of you can relate. Every thought and move you make has to be perfect or quite frankly it most likely just isnt gonna happen for ya around these parts, and so the stories of "the one that got away" commense until the next season. There's something about the elusiveness and ghost like life that the whitetail leads that feeds the fire inside me 24/7, 365. Feel free to be as lengthty or as short and sweet as you'd like guys! Good luck out their!
  2. It's looking like the temperature is really going to drop these next few days and I'm guessing it's really gonna kick things into gear as far as daytime movement is concerned. I plan to hunt all day tomorrow through monday. Scrape activity has been weak at my best farm but I know the big boys are their, and I'm sure they'll be throwing dirt and leaves everywhere this weekend. What's everyone else's game plan!?
  3. Thanks for all the replys guys! The season is still very young, good luck to all!
  4. Thanks fellas!! It seems like every time we shoot a buck on this property they head for the crick. A hunt I'll never forget none the less!
  5. A cool morning on the 21st of October brought me a healthy 9 pointer, the 4th buck of the morning!! Great bow buck in NY!
  6. I guess my biggest thing was that the fawns were a button and a little girl and she was constantly licking momma and nuzzling her nose so she was definitely tugging the strings on my heart lol. They were awfully cute, im not afraid to admit it. I agree with all though, im sure they probably would have been fine, but they looked like late births to me.
  7. I had a doe with her twins at 25 yards the other night but just couldnt bring myself to shoot her. I'm a hunter of whitetails but I'm compassionate for them as well. Shooting her during the course of her motherly duties as mother nature intended just didnt seem right to me. In fact I have always passed does with their fawns. What do you guys prefer to do.
  8. Well said Doewhacker, which reminds me, I'm sure this has been discussed before on here, but im starting a fresh topic
  9. Like most passionate hunters, me and my buddy spend a lot of late nights discussing just about anything and everything that has to do with hunting. We have talked before about how cool it would be to bow hunt elk in the ADK's seeing how the landscape seems very suitable for an elk population. Without anyone getting all upset, or making a big mess out of this post, I'm curious what my fellow NY hunters think about this. If you think it's a god awful idea then just say that, but no need to cause an uproar, we're all adults here.
  10. To say I can't wait would be an understatement fellas, I've got a few bucks on the hit list for this year and my properties are in great shape. Good luck to everyone and hunt safe!!
  11. The first two pics are blurry, but you can tell in the second pic that this buck has a tall narrow rack.The second two are of a good looking 10 pointer. P.s. Moultrie cam's take terrible pics, so I apologize in advance.
  12. #wnybuck, I understand how that may sound lazy but the way i see it getting deer on camera isn't the problem i can do that, but to attract a mtitude of deer to one location, greatly increases ur odds to see what bucks made it, it would also provide a little snack in the mean time without completely disrupting there instinctual feeding partterns during the winter, but yes it is illegal and I do not take offense to anyone with strong feelings it's understandable. I'm 110% fair chase, this is just an exciting idea to really get some good pics of big ny bucks which is never very easy like it is in the Midwest where they crawl with big deer
  13. Hey guys, with the season drawing to an end in just a month =(=(=(, I really want to get an inventory of the bucks that are on my farms that I never got a look at after the seasons over. I know in New York we are not allowed to use supplemental feeds but I have access to an old manual corn shucker that works excellent. If I shuck corn out of fields that deer could have naturally eaten anyways and put it out to get deer on camera, and help them during this rough winter we're looking to have, will I be in trouble with the law?
  14. In this situation you are more than welcome to take this buck because he was shot on your property by a trespasser and he was gut shot which is not always fatal. IM RIGHT THERE WITH YA MAN!! So sick and tired of trespassing, people shooting small bucks, over hunting good farms, New York is getting old!! Im 20 now but I cant wait to move out to the midwest in a few years and chase those corn fed bruisers on back country roads where there's not another person for miles!
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