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Everything posted by WhitetailAddict11

  1. I don't have class till 11 on the 1st.. SCORE!! Ill be sat down and ready to rock a little before it will be light enough for them to see the fields. I could give a hoot about shooting one, I'm just ready to be hunting again. God it feels good to be a hunter! Whitetails are my favorite i.e. my username, but long beards can be very witty and really test your skills. I learn a ton every turkey season regardless of whether or not I fill my tags
  2. I hunted with a red dot for two years, as well as my father and we have both gone back to regular iron sights since. Red dots are for one a visibility nightmare because when close to your face you have to move your head quite a bit to see around them (no its not as simple as just looking through it because sometimes the bird is not directly in its line of sight without swinging your gun a bit), and turning the damn thing on and off all the time is more movement and more hassle. I thought to myself "no big deal, ill just turn it on when he get's closer", well plans dont usually go accordingly as any avid hunter knows. Another big thing is it's diffcult to 1.) shoot a moving bird because you're trying to keep the dot centered and the bird in a small frame of view, and 2.) it's damn near impossible to reach down and turn on your red dot then shoulder your gun and find the bird in the scope on a gobbler that you accidently walked up on that's in shooting range. I know im coming off very negative but take my word for it, red dot's look slicker than all hell, and make your turkey gun look bad as a mother trucker, but in the end a nice front and rear fiber optic is the turkey slaying combination. Hunt hard man!
  3. Just for the record fadetoblack the openner is not this weekend. It is May 1st which is next Wednesday.
  4. Fewf, I'm glad im not the only one suffering from a lack of birds!
  5. May 1st is so close I can smell it boys! This is your last week to figure out the who's who and the what's what of Toms in your areas. I'm not seeing nearly the number of birds on my farms that I have in past years unfortunately. In fact I have been religiously scouting the past few weeks and have only managed to track down one long beard!! He fly's down with a hen and jake every morning and makes his way to a large green field about 300 yards from the roost. I set up my blind Saturday evening in the field they fly down too, so I could get a better grasp on exactly what it is that they're doing. Got some pretty nice pics and thought I'd share one with ya.
  6. Man you guys carry alot of calls! 1 box and 1 slate is plenty of friction as far as im concerned haha. I'm a diaphram guy myself and I still only carry 2 mouthcalls on me. I believe in being really good with a few calls. I don't buy the whole chirp on everything you have in the vest until they finally bite on one. Learning a hens cadance is far more important then her sound.
  7. I'm glad to hear some NY guys have done this with success.
  8. I suggest 5's as well and maybe trying a different brand or something. My gun blows holes at 20 and closer. My patterns looks about like your 15 yards at 40 yards. Not tooting my own horn, just suggesting that you try something different for your own benefit brother.
  9. I have alot of respect for coyotes, they're fun to hunt and even more fun to listen too. It's not their intentions to be varmin, they're just another one of the many animals that inhabits the countryside we all love to hunt. I love to shoot dogs as much as the next guy, but I don't like that they get a bad rap. There's some guys around my parts that are pretty brutal to dogs they run with hounds and it really pisses me right off. None of mother nature's animals should be treated unfairly.
  10. Stoeger Model 2000 + Comp-N-Choke XXX Full + WInchester Supreme #5's 1 3/4oz =
  11. I read a very interesting article in field&stream, if my memory serves me, while hanging in the library at school not to long ago. The author talked about going out the evening before and getting into a position where you can call a tom away from his hens right before dark so he's forced to roost away from them. Once it's dark enough you quitely slip out and then come back in the morning and set up between him and his hens. Dont make a peep until he gobbles and then make a fly down cackle and he should leap off the limb about time your done making the cackle. Sounds like a very viable option to me. Definitely may give it a try.
  12. Well maybe I shouldn't fight it then and try the chisel next year. My father bought me a pack of G5 T3's last year just to try and after shooting a few arrows with them on I was not impressed at all. My arrows flew very clumsily and lost noticeable speed, not to mention they dropped about 5 inches from where I was aiming. I'll stick with RAGE's regardless of the changes they make, whether I like them or not.
  13. Belo: I guess im just a fan of the razor because I like the idea of the broad head being just one giant razor that balances nicely. The first deer I ever killed was with a 75g muzzy and it worked great, and I have a friend who shot a buck with a chisel tipped rage this year that did a nice job considering the shot was a bit forward, but I have never liked the balance of a trocar tip, they feel heavy in the front. I have shot two deer with the the razor tipped rage, the first of which that was a doe who took it right through the front shoulder, so I have good faith in the razors bone cuttin ability.
  14. I seen on DIY bowhunter that rage has added their chisel tip design to their X-treme model and I know that they offer the chisel tip in their other models as well. I personally like the razor tip and have a feeling that they may eventually stop offering the razor tip all together and make the full switch over to the chisel. Anybody else out their who's a fan of the razor over the chisel?
  15. I prefer a single hen decoy. That way there's zero intimidation for a lone gobbler, and there's plenty of competition for a nasty old hen thats got a gobbler on her tail if I need to do a little smack talking to pull her in. Dad's had great luck with an old foam hen/jake set up over the years that has led to many busted beaks.
  16. Counting down the days! I'm very fortunate to have some excellent farms for turkey hunting and one of them is buzzing with birds as it is every year. I have been keeping tabs on them for the past few weeks and set up a trailcam on video mode over-looking a field edge where they are boring holes in the earth from dusting themselves lol. Im gonna pull it tomorrow and ill post vids if there are some good ones.
  17. I prefer to breast myself so I can have nice thick slices of wild turkey cold cuts . Last year for a little spring get together my buddies father cut a few breasts into strips and marinaded them in several different sauces for a day or two and then grilled them at the party. Talk about to die for! It made great finger food and was absolutely delicious, something kids would love to eat as well.
  18. I have a long way to go but I'm coming for ya Wolly haha!!
  19. Some of you may be familiar with that trail cam pic from back in January, well I was pumped to find 'ol boy's head gear today. They were laying in the field just over the ridge from where that pic was taken, good possibility he dropped them that night. The pic of them on the ground wasn't when I first walked up to them unfortunately because I was so jacked I just ran over and snatched them up lol, but that's roughly what they looked like in that exact spot.
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